four :

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room : kitchen
people : yanmei
current event : late lunch


"hey, can we come here everyday?"

all of us sit on the staircase that leads to the church.

"of course we can." yanwu answers.

"will god always be there for us?"

"i sure hope so." yanmi speaks up, taking a small bite of her sandwich.


"yo, yanmei," i open my eyes and see barcelona sitting across from me. "you gonna eat that?" he points to my bag of unopened pretzels. i pick them up and hand the bag to him. barcelona happily takes the bag and immediately pulls the bag open.

"hey guys," fiji appears, pulling out a chair and sitting on it. "you need to stop eating so many snacks," he says to barcelona, who happily munches the pretzels.

barcelona shrugs his shoulders, "they're yummy."

"hey, i want something to eat," macau appears, pulling up another chair. "got anything for me?"

"shouldn't you be in pain?" i rest my arm on the back on the chair. "did your wounds heal that quickly?" he just gives me a cheeky smile so i roll my eyes at him.

fiji sits back in his chair, "is everyone else downstairs?"

i nod my head, "as far as i know. nice woke up last night, but went back to sleep within minutes. hong kong's meds finally backed off, so he isn't acting like he's in an insane asylum. and seoul is already out of bed. you guys are so impatient to leave here. i thought you guys liked me." i comment while standing up and grabbing a bag of chips from the counter.

"oh, we just have unfi-" barcelona starts to speak but fiji slaps his hand over barcelona's mouth.

"we just have some things to take care of," fiji speaks and takes his hand off of barcelona's mouth. i sit down on the chair that i was previously sitting on. barcelona glares at fiji. "stop opening your mouth."

"what kind of unfinished business?" i ask. all of them look at me. "okay. first off, i'm not new here so just tell me what's going on and second off, did you forget that there are about ten gangs that i can list off the top of my head that are around this city."

fiji sighs, "taeyong wants to go back and deal with the gang from yesterday," he answers and steals a chip from my bag.

i raise an eyebrow, "not unless all twenty-one of you want to get killed." i tilt the bag of chips towards macau as he reaches for a chip. "some of you are injured, which will hinder your abilities to fight those bastards out there."

"but we can't just not listen to him." barcelona scratches the back of his head.

i sigh, "well i'd prefer my only friends to not get killed. i'll go talk to him."

"even if he's still down there, i don't think you could convince him," fiji speaks.

isn't it common sense to follow doctor's orders? lord, i think i'll make a new list of rules and enforce the heck out them.

i stand up and start walking with my chair in hand, leaving the bag of chips on the table.

"yanmei, what are you doing?" macau asks me.

"finding seoul and hitting him many times with the chair," i calmly speak and stomp out of the room.

"isn't that against the rules?" i hear barcelona question before i head downstairs.


"can we get more food?"

the rest of us hand him part of our sandwiches.

"but you guys will be hungry."

"it's okay buddy," yantao reponds.

yanzhu pats his head, "don't worry about any of this."

"just eat up, so you'll get strong," i say and smile at him.


"three bullets, not one, certainly not two. three freaking bullets that were shot into your body," i yell at seoul, a slight accent starts to leave from my lips.

"and a slash," havana adds from behind us. "just to clarify."

"and you still want to go out there and get rid of the bastards who did this to you? honey, you are going to end up dead out there," i grasp onto the chair and raise it above my head.

"hey, yanmei, take it down a bit," berlin grabs the chair. i whip my head and give him a death glare. he lets go and steps towards the others in the hallway.

"you're not our keeper yanmei, and we need to get rid of those bastards," seoul speaks.

"give me one reason why i shouldn't hit you with this chair." i request, still holding the chair above my head, ready to hit seoul at any time.

"because you don't want to give yourself more work," seoul easily answers my question. i drop the chair in between us; a leg breaks off of it.

"you should be glad that you're right," i say and turn around to face the rest of them. "you guys are complete idiots, all twenty-one of you."

"yanmei, give us one reason why we should trust you," seoul says to me.

"excuse me?" i spin around to face seoul again. "you should be glad that i even helped you guys out in the first place. if i never gave you guys memberships, then there would probably be only three of you alive right now. maybe none of you would be alive."

"then why didn't you tell us that we killed your brother?" he asks.

he overheard us from earlier...

"that's different. i have my reasons, but my personal background shouldn't be a variable in this," i state.

"yet we've let you take care of us? we've let you into our world of violence and gangs. you could be apart of your brother's gang for all we know," seoul hypothesizes.

"well, i'm not and it hurts that you don't believe me. you guys were the ones who killed off my brother and his people, i don't understand what is the big deal about this now," i respond to him.

seoul speaks, "all i want to know is why you didn't tell us about one of your brothers, someone who is apart of our world."

i sigh, "my brother was an innocent kid, but then stuff happened, that's literally it. nothing more and nothing less."

"what stuff happened?"

i look straight into his eyes, "you don't want to know seoul and it's none of your business."

"just fucking tell me already."

"over my dead body," i respond. seoul reaches in his pocket and takes out his gun, pointing it at my head.


"hyung! don't do that to her!"

"taeyong, put your gun away man."

"oh god."

"for all we know, she's working with a gang. how am i supposed to trust her when she won't fucking tell us anything?" seoul says to his friends and brings his gun closer to me.




don't do this yanmei.

you don't have to tell them.





suddenly, i feel an arm wrap around me and watch a hand put down seoul's gun. "you're scaring her," i hear nice speak.

"how else am i gonna get her to speak? got a better idea tae il?" seoul asks his friend.

"how about not pressuring her in the first place? she's fucking shaking. dude, she's probably seen so much shit in her life like us. you need to take that in as a factor too," nice requests. "she's probably has trauma that we don't know about. stop being an asshole."

"how the hell are you even out of bed tae il?" seoul angrily asks. "shouldn't you be lying down in pain?"

"i should ask you the same fucking question taeyong," nice replies.

seoul scoffs before turning around and walking out of the hotel, scanning the chip in his arm to open the doors. "whoever wants to come and come, i'm hunting for those assholes from yesterday," seoul speaks. some of the boys follow, while others stay behind.

"winwin, are you coming?" i look up and see rome looking at me while havana grabs his shoulder.

"you go, i'm staying for a few."

"okay," havana says and the doors close behind him.

"yanmei, here," nice lets go of me while morocco hands me a napkin.

"for what?" i ask morocco. he tilts his head in confusion.

"didn't you realize that you're crying?" morocco asks. i bring the napkin to my face and notice the tears clinging onto the napkin.

"thanks," i say to him. morocco nods his head and smiles.

"you got another secret to hide?" brazil asks me.

"yea, i do," i try to laugh it off while i continue wiping the tears away from my face.

"what happened yanmei?" he asks another question with a concerned tone. i swallow hard.

"my brother became a fucking asshole, that's what happened. and a lot of stuff happened between all of that time," i answer brazil, "and i don't like talking about any of it."

"i'm sorry about taeyong. he's just mad that we couldn't get rid of those guys," nice pats my head. "i'm going to scold him later."

"it's okay, i guess. nothing we can do about that," i sigh, brushing a hand through my hair. "nice, you should be bed. you're probably in serious pain right now."

nice shrugs his shoulders, "i'm alright but i'll go back." he says and walks back into his room and plumps onto the bed.

"i'm still hungry," barcelona comments. i turn my head and watch him, honolulu, and moscow head towards the elevators. morocco and rome head to the exit, leaving me by myself.

i sigh again and walk into hong kong's room, where hong kong sits and stares at his phone.

"machine two, status update," i speak. hong kong puts his phone down.

"all injuries sustained are in the eighty to eighty-five percent range of healing," the automatic voice gives its analysis.

"hey, that sounds like good news, am i right?" hong kong asks me. i nod my head and smile at him.

"you should be good to go by tomorrow but you can't push it if you go out there," i reply. he nods his head. "mind if i sit here for awhile?" i ask, pointing to the one of the chairs.

"go ahead," hong kong smiles and returns to looking at his phone screen.

i sit down on the leather seat and sit back. bringing my knees to my chest and turns sideways, i stare at the wall, recalling.


"yanguo! stop it!" yanzhu yells.

"why should i?"

i watch him

drive a knife

through yanwu's neck.


runs down

yanwu's body.

"STOP IT YOU IDIOT!" yanmi screams.

"PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!" yantao pleads.

"STOP IT YANGUO!" my screaming does nothing as he does the same to yanmi, and yanzhu, yanwei, and yantao.

he crouches in front of me, holding the blood stained knife in front of my face.

"survival of the fittest, only the strong survive. and that's us two. join me sister, and the two of us will rule this area as our new kingdom."


"why are you acting weak?" he asks me, growling.

"you just killed them....

you killed our siblings,

all of them."

"there shouldn't be any weak links in this world."

he raises the knife above his head.

my eyes close

to await

my certain death.

but instead, i hear the knife tear the rope around my wrists.

"they deserved what they had coming. and you will too, that is, if you become like them. i'm willing to give you a chance and prove yourself."

my eyes open when i hear footsteps walking away. yanguo disappears out of the hotel with the knife in his hand, blood dripping onto the floor.

and the only thing left to be heard by no one were the screams of terror from my mouth.


"yanmei?" i shake my head and look up to see rome standing in front of me. "are you okay?" he asks me. hong kong sits on the edge of his bed and looks at me with concern.

"yea, i am. i was just daydreaming," i laugh it off.

rome nods his head, "well, me and some of the guys are heading out for now. we are gonna go home to grab some stuff, but we should be back around seven." i nod my head. rome starts walking away.

"rome," i call out to him, "promise me that you idiots won't do stupid shit while you're out there."

he looks back at me, "i'll relay your message. can't guarantee anything but we'll try." he waves and leaves the room, taking a left turn to go to the entrance bay doors.

"hey, i wanna go too!" hong kong whines from his bed and attempts to stand.

i look at hong kong and sigh, "act like you're hurt please."


room : charlie
people : hong kong and yanmei
current event : a nightmare being relived


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