Chapter 14

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okay, here I am again with what I hope is a valid excuse. Listen, I wasn't really writing for a while because I wanted to write, I was writing because I felt obliged to write and therefore it was never really my best work and that only made me feel worse. So I decided to not write for exams and all but now it's a new year and I really wanted to write again so here I am

That's Iris' dress on the side and I hope you guys all enjoy this :)


I didn't want to ruin anyone's fun as all the girls stared lovingly at Vince, or should I say, Vince's body, so I didn't try to tell the girls who were staring and whispering to each other about what they would do to him if he allowed them to that Vince was gay. I think that's something I would let them find out at the wedding tomorrow when Vince kisses Tommy (which was definite as they were very big believers in PDA). 

Draco had invited them after I had informed him that Vince was making the cake. Draco had never really been friendly with Vince because he didn't think straight boys and gay boys should be friends. At the start of Hogwarts, before Vince even came out, though, he was just too proud of his pureblood family line to befriend some halfblood Hufflepuff. 

Astoria looked to me and began laughing, covering her mouth as she stared from me to Vince again. Vince got onto his knees and put his head next to her stomach, tapping at it lightly. 

"Hello little one? You're the only one who doesn't seem in shock here so maybe I'll just talk to you for a while. So are you excited for tomorrow? Now I don't want you making mummy's stomach any bigger because she needs to fit into that dress, but don't worry, I heard the cake is amazing!" Vince began to talk to the baby and some of the girls 'aw'ed around him. 

"For those of you who don't know, Vince here is the baker of the cake for Astoria's wedding and also, now that he's agreed, our entertainment for tonight," I tell everyone and the girls now laugh at the cake comment. Astoria just continues to look down at her stomach which Vince still has his ear pressed against. 

Astoria looked like she was ready to cry and I went to her side quickly. 

"Hey are you okay?" I asked quickly, leading her over to the couch to sit down. 

"Yeah-yeah, I just realised that I'm getting married tomorrow... and-and it's just so weird. I never thought I would get married at the same time I got pregnant, I just always thought there was an order to this all and what if I'm messing with the system? What if I shouldn't be getting married tomorrow?" Astoria begins to panic, tears flying from her eyes as she begins to hiccup. The other bridesmaids run over but I shake my head and take her arm. 

"Come on, let's go upstairs and talk and get you some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow and it's all going to be fine," I tell her and she nods her head as I begin to wipe away her tears. I turn back to all the other girls who are still looking at us. Even Vince looks confused as to what he should be doing. "Everyone else have fun with Vince but you should all head to bed at a reasonable time too... and you too Vince."

Vince gives me a cheeky wink and I laugh at him. I know Vince could attend that wedding with no sleep tomorrow but I think it'd be better if he didn't fall face first into the cake when he's delivering it to the reception tomorrow. 

Leading her up the stairs, I went to the room we were all sharing and I put her into bed and sat down next to her, looking down at her seriously. 

"Astoria every single bride to ever exist has had their doubts before the wedding. Don't feel like what you're feeling is right because it's not. Astoria, I used to love Draco. Not as a friend love. But he fell for you and I have honestly never seen him so happy than he is with you. Leaving him would be like not allowing a small puppy into your house. Heartbreaking, Astoria. And I got over my feelings because after a while of seeing you two together, I realised there have never been two people I have ever met in my life that are more made for each other than you and Draco. You both love each other with everything you have, he's your best friend and you're his. 

"This baby may have been unexpected but an unexpected baby is no different to a planned one. They are still loved equally as much by the two loving parents they are going to have and Astoria Greengrass, I know for a fact you are going to walk down that aisle tomorrow and be the most beautiful pregnant woman to ever get married ever. I have no doubt that you should be getting married tomorrow and that this baby will just bring you and Draco even closer. 

"I really hope you're listening to me here because I can't think of anyone who could do what you're doing any better. I can only hope I find a relationship like your's and Draco's one day because in my head, you both are my vision of perfect," I tell her each word honestly and she begins to cry again but this time there's a smile on her face. Talk about some crazy hormones. 

"Thank you so much Iris! I'm sorry to hear about your feelings for Draco but Draco told me about you and George and I really hope something happens there because both of you deserve to be happy after all that you've been through. I'm so happy you're my maid of honour now because I don't think anyone could have handled this situation any better."

"It's fine, now get some sleep. A pregnant bride needs her sleep more than anyone else," I tell her as I gave her a hug and jump into one of the sleeping bags on the floor. I close my eyes and all I can think of is George's face when I told him that I happen to like a ginger. 


"Astoria, calm down."

"Astoria stop doing that with your leg."

"Astoria sit still."

"Astoria you look beautiful."

"Astoria be careful eating that."

"Astoria we have plenty of time."


I feel like the girl's mother. But really her mother was next to her acting the exact same. I was trying to do her hair whilst Sadie, a friend of Astoria's, did her makeup but she just wouldn't stop fidgeting and she would get hungry every five seconds. 

Everyone that had stayed over last night was rushing around doing people's hair and makeup and getting into dresses. It was all very hectic and I don't think the stress levels of just about everyone was really helping anyone around here. Hormones were visibly flying all over the room and Astoria was worried because the chariot (an actual, flying, chariot that Draco had booked for his princess) was to arrive in two hours and no one had even started on doing my hair and makeup yet. 

I placed the last clip in her hair and was then dragged away by Tia, Astoria's cousin, who began doing my own hair and Hermione, who Astoria had allowed me to invite, began a spell to get rid of the hair on my legs. It was no less painful than muggle's waxing but honestly, putting WAX on yourself? That was just disgusting. Muggles are so strange. 

Ginny Potter who was actually a good friend of Astoria's could be heard screaming through the house as someone used the same spell on her. Ginny was never too happy with the whole fussing and makeup but obviously we had insisted on her wearing makeup and someone doing her legs as she was a bridesmaid. 

"Astoria don't put on your dress yet!" I screamed louder than necessary due to the fact Tia was pulling at my hair very sorely. Astoria rolled her eyes and helped some of her friends begin to get ready. When Hermione finished with me, she moved onto the other bridesmaids. Sadie moved over to me and began on my own makeup as I waited for everyone to stop pulling and painting me. 

When everyone had hair, legs and makeup done, I looked at the time and realised we only had an hour. 

"Okay everyone, dresses on. Makeup away quickly, no one wants that falling on their dress. No heels on until you get downstairs, we don't want any accidents today and finally, have a great day everyone!" I shouted and all the girls in the house screamed, making us sound like a wild group of fan girls. 

I began to pull on my bridesmaid's dress which was actually really nice. It was quite simple as it was a summer wedding so they decided to have it outdoors and too many layers would have been horrible for anyone, even in our not so great weather. And the day was gorgeous as hoped for anyway. The dress was white at the top and the skirt was a nice blue see through-material that dropped at the back towards the legs. Obviously it had a proper skirt around my waste so no one would see my knickers. 

Astoria had chosen to pair it with brown heels but I told her I couldn't wear proper high heels so she gave me brown wedges that looked almost like sandles towards the toe. 

"You look amazing Iris!" Ginny and Hermione gushed as I came down the stairs, my heels in hand. In all fairness, they looked stunning too. Ginny was wearing the same outfit as the rest of the bridesmaid which was a completely emerald version of my dress with the same shoes as me and Hermione had on a nice pink sundress with white proper high heels. 

"Who knows if George will be able to keep his eyes off you," Ginny said with a wink. I felt my cheeks go red as George's little sister and my friend began to laugh at my reaction to Ginny's comment. I didn't really think anyone else noticed my small crush on George, in fact I thought it was quite subtle but I guess not if Ginny could figure it out. 

As much as I wanted to tease the two back, both of them were already married so there was no real use in trying to embarrass them. They continued to giggle but everyone became quiet as Astoria began to walk down the stairs, heels in one hand and the other on the banister. 

She also wore quite a light dress but this one was so much more elegant. It was obviously completely white with floral designs all along the top and on the skirt. It was long sleeved but it was quite light so she shouldn't be too warm. At the bottom of her dress, the front came to a stop two inches below her knee but at the back it fell to the ground, giving her a train of about a metre. She hadn't wanted some dramatic big dress but the elegance and the way she wore it was astounding. 

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, I helped her put on her heels (which were quite low so she wasn't very likely to fall) and put on her veil. 

"You look gorgeous, Draco isn't going to be able to look at anyone else tonight, he's going to be so overwhelmed and happy that he actually got you," I tell her. She gives me the biggest grin and hooks her arm in mine. 

"Time to get hitched!" She yells and all the girls laugh at her, piling out of the building, some apparating, others getting into booked chariots but all the bridesmaids are directed towards the biggest chariot I have ever seen in my life. Draco really did go all out for his princess. 

And I'm completely fine that his princess was no longer me. 

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