I was actually supposed to come on Saturday but then I was being lazy and so I just said I would do two updates and Sunday but now it's Monday and I'm afraid you're only getting one update, apologies for that but there should be a few more this week
thank you to whoever made this amazing banner on the side, it's very appreciate :)
I think I just killed George Weasley.
He wasn't speaking, his face was unmoving, I don't think he's blinked in the past five minutes and I really don't know whether he's breathing or not. It's like he's unconscious but with his eyes open.
And the longer he doesn't speak, the more my chest begins to fill with dread because it was the stupid thing that I said that was making him act all weird. I hadn't even intended to say it, it only kind of came out without any permission on my part.
Of course, that didn't matter, because either way I'd said it and, of course, either way I meant it. I'm just not confident enough to say something like that with knowledge that I'm actually saying it.
I breathed out a sigh of relief as George finally took an obvious breath of air and begin to move his mouth but no words came out. He only ended up looking like a fish in water as he tried to think of what he should say. And I'm not sure what made me feel worse, him looking unconscious or him not actually being able to think of a reply to what I had said.
Deciding we had both been standing here awkwardly for way too long, I quickly climb off the ladder and look at my watch, acting like the time was a surprise to me.
"Well anyway, I have to go get this Hen party all planned so I guess the next time I will see you is at the wedding tomorrow, if you decide to come of course. Anyway, thanks for helping out. I'll get Draco to give me a bit more money for yourself!" I say as I basically run out of the building as quickly as I can, trying to get away from that awkward silence but the scene keeps repeating itself in my head. I don't know what to do.
I still have no clue what I'm actually supposed to do for this Hen party and now I have all these thoughts of George on my mind distracting me too. I think when my brain was trying to make things happen with George, all it really did was stop things from ever possibly happening which was just fantastic.
I got home and quickly grabbed my things for this Hen party and decided to go there before George arrived home and thankfully I actually managed to get out before he got here. I got an idea, right as I apparated into the house. I dropped my bag upstairs and apparated to one of my favourite places ever.
I look towards my great friend over the years and he looks to me with a surprised look. After a minute his look of surprise is turned into a knowing look and he begins laughing at me.
"Not a chance, Iris! That was a joke and you know it was," he tells me, covering his face with his hands as he howls out in laughter. I grab onto his arms and pull them away from his face, beginning to jump up and down like an excited bunny.
"But come on! It'll be so funny! You know it will! And you know for a fact Tommy won't mind, he's cool like that. He knows you're gay and you would never be interested in any of the girls there, but I need you to do a cake for it too. Nothing big, just a small cake," I pleaded with him, basically grasping at his arm as I fall to the ground and look up at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes I can manage. Vince laughs and I can tell he's giving in because of how desperate I am.
"I'm not agreeing, I need to ask Tommy first. And how long do I have to make the cake?" He asked, looking at me with a smirk. I began jumping up and down, knowing that Tommy would most certainly have no objections with me stealing Vince away for the night. Tommy knew Vince could go off the rails but he honestly trusted Vince with things like these and knew he would do nothing, especially with girls.
"Thank you, Vince! You're saving my butt! Okay you have exactly three hours and two minutes so run and ask Tommy, come back and tell me and then get your butt started with this cake," I tell him as I kiss his cheek. Vince ran back into his house, which was right next to the bakery and came back out with a grin on his face.
"Tommy says yes, as long as if I'm staying over I sleep in your bed," Vince laughs and so do I. I honestly loved Vince and Tommy, they were such a great couple.
"Thank you so much, I have to run and get ready but I really will give you a big thank you hug later, and maybe you can throw in a dance," I add, with a wink and laugh as I pat his shoulder before appartating away.
I change into a fresh set of robes, a pair that isn't covered in leaves from the plants and doesn't smell like roses. Although the latter isn't really a complaint, I just don't really want everyone to get the scent of the roses before the wedding, we went to a lot of effort to actually get those roses and I wasn't going to spoil it on everyone now.
"We're here!" Astoria shouts as she enters the house, just after I had set the kitchen and sitting room up. I had covered the entire sitting room in plastic, because I knew for a fact things would be getting a little messy tonight and I didn't want Draco to end up paying extra fees because of my messy Hen party.
A bunch of girl fled in after Astoria and I smiled and greeted them all, taking their bags and leaving them upstairs in the few bedrooms we had. It was fair enough to say that a lot of people would be sleeping on the ground tonight but I made sure there was enough beds for the wedding party (except for myself) and everyone got a comfortable enough mattress to sleep on.
"So I thought since we have a special arrival on the way," I gesture to Astoria as we all sit in the sitting room and 'aw' at Astoria, "we wouldn't have the typical Hen party with firewhiskey and alcohol because no pregnant woman wants that. So sorry to spoil anyone's fun if they thought they were getting drunk tonight but I have a bunch of ingredients for us to make cookies and I also have a fresh portion of Face Zappers for us all so we can feel like a punch of giggling Hogwarts school girls again."
I don't mention Vince. He's the surprise of the night, for all the girls who will be disappointed that they're not getting drunk or doing anything girls normally do at Hen parties.
Face Zappers were the best thing to get at Hogwarts, we used to stock up on them on our trips to Hogsmeade so we could all sit in our rooms, our different coloured Face Zappers on and gossip about who we seen in Hogsmeade together or who was snogging who in the restricted section of the library.
And for the next few hours, that was what we did. We all changed into our pyjamas and ran around the kitchen and the sitting room, our Face Zappers on, cookies in the oven (all of which were VERY different to one another) and giggling and gossiping about who's with who.
"So, Iris, I've never heard anything about you and a man since the whole Blaise fiasco, please do fill us all in," Astoria says as Georgie Howard finishes telling us about the house she's currently working on for Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. It's supposed to be massive.
"Nothing to tell, or else I'm pretty sure you would have heard it by now through Draco or something," I say with a laugh. Blaise was probably the closest I've ever been to actually having a proper relationship and that's pretty sad in itself. I obviously haven't liked anyone though because I was too busy being madly in love with my idiot best friend who never noticed.
"Well, there actually has been a few things that Draco has told me, Iris, but I'd rather you share them with us rather than me spilling all the details. I heard you and your roommate George Weasley were on the verge of kissing one time when he walked into the apartment," Astoria says as she grins and all the other girls begin to to 'ooh' and some pound on my back, awaiting some details. I just laugh them off and shake my head.
"I will admit that happened but we didn't kiss, of course, because Draco walked in and even if we had of kissed, it would only really have been something that happened because we were caught up in the moment. George and I are honestly only friends, I don't think of him as anything more and I'm sure the same applies to him with me," I tell them all, having to bite my tongue from telling them the truth. Something about sitting in a circle with a room full of girls seemed so tempting to spill everything but I was determined not to because I would surely regret it.
"Fine, fine then. But if you think I'm not watching the two of you during the wedding, you're damn wrong," Katie Bell laughs as she grabs a crisp from the massive bowl in front of us.
I just laughed and began a contest to see who could swallow 100 Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans the quickest which was quite disgusting to watch as Abbie McKinnon and Padma Patil almost threw up their beans multiple times. I can't say it looked like the most enjoyable competition to be in but I will tell you that it was damn funny to watch them trying to eat it.
I heard my timer go off and I jump up, running to get the cookies out of the oven. I get the oven cloves and pull them out, looking at the dough to see if they're fully cooked. After biting into one (sneakily choosing the biggest to test it out) I bring them into the sitting room where all the girls begin to devour them.
"Thank you so much, Iris, although this is nowhere near as mad as I've always imagined my Hen party being, tonight was absolutely perfect," Astoria tells me, wrapping her arm around my neck and pulling me in for a hug as she ate a cookie. I hugged her back, for once genuinely feeling like her friend and not just Draco's best friend to her. For once we actually did something that didn't involve Draco and I have to say that I really enjoyed it.
"Well, I know what I had planned wasn't really mad but I do think there's something that could make up for it and just add a little dash of madness to your night," I say with a smirk as I look at the clock behind her. Vince is never a minute late and if I'm correct he should be apparating her in two minutes exactly.
"What is it?" Astoria asks, surprised.
"It, is me, darling," Vince says with a proud smirk as he walks into the room, wearing nothing but a mankini.
I think it's safe to say that every girl in the room were left stunned at the rare sight.
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