Part 5

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Max stepped away from Alison and almost fell over.. "Oh, and be careful where you step. The floors are old." Alison said to him with a smile.. "Alison, why didn't you tell us you were going to bring a guy here?" Ethan asked her with a laugh.. "Max is taking Dani trick-or-treating." Alison said like that was all he needed to know... "Why did you bring them here?" Alison asked.. "We dared them to." Lucinda said with a smile.. It was about then that Josh and Martha came up for some air.. "Max, Dani, what are you two doing here?" Josh asked them.. "Oh, hi Alison." Josh said with a grin.. "Hi." Alison replied.. "Well now we have seen this place, I think it is time we went." Dani said.. "Don't leave on our account." Lucinda said with a smile.. "Why did you dare them to come here?" Alison asked.. "Just curious about those sisters.." Lucinda said as she stood with her hands showing she was dressed like Winifred Sanderson.. "You know, rumour has it they had daughters." Richard said looking at Ruby.. "Really?" Ruby asked.. "Yeah, you know you look just like Mary Sanderson.." Richard said to her.. "Interesting thing that." Lucinda said with a smile.. "What is this?" Max asked as he stood by the stand Book was on.. He was enclosed in glass, and had restraints on him.. "This is the spell book of Winifred Sanderson. It was given to her by the devil himself. The book is bound in human skin... and contains the recipes for her most powerful and evil spells." Alison said as she stood at the glass case it was locked into.. Lucinda scoffed.. "What?" Alison asked.. "The Devil didn't give it to her.." Lucinda said with a chuckle.. "I think I would know. Our Mum ran this museum." Alison said to her.. "Then he has her intel all wrong." Lucinda said as Ruby barked at her.. "She read Reverend Traske's diaries.." Ethan said to Lucinda defending his sister.. "Did you keep diaries?" Martha asked giggling as she stood with Josh.. "I guess I must have.. Those Sisters were evil." He replied with a chuckle.. "I get the picture." Dani said with a shiver.. "I think the Book looks kinda cool.." Ethan said as he went to it with Lucinda.. "You know I have one just like it.." Lucinda said.. "Oh so we are going with the whole Sanderson Sisters daughters thing are we?" Alison asked with annoyance.. "Aye.." Lucinda said with a wicked laugh.. "You are scary." Dani said moving away from her.. While Max had walked over to the corner of the room.. "What's that?" Max asked, pointing to a candle in the corner.. "Don't touch that!" Ethan said to him.. "Why?" Max asked, watching him.. "Oh. It's the black fame candle." Alison said to Max.. "Hmm. Black fame candle. Made from the fat of a hangman." Max said reading the description on the side of the stand the candle stood on.. "Legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead... when lit by a virgin on Halloween night." Alison said to Max.. "Not any old spirits.. But those of our Mothers." Lucinda said.. "Hang on, isn't there one of you missing?" Alison asked.. "Oh you mean Cerci, I am sure she will be around here somewhere.." Lucinda said.. "Max, I want to go home now." Dani said to him.. "No, wait.. I think one of you boys should light the candle." Lucinda said with a smile.. "Who wants to meet the old broads?" Max asked with a chuckle. He held up his lighter.. "NO!" Cerci yelled as she rushed in from outside, she flicked the lighter out of his hand.. "And there she is.." Lucinda said with sarcasm.. While Max, out of sheer determination to impress Alison.. Continued to want to light the candle.. "Will you do the honours, Richard?" Max asked him.. "No, thanks." He replied as he held on to Ruby.. "Alison, Ethan?" Max asked.. They looked at each other with a look of shock.. "No thank you." Alison said moving closer to Ethan and Lucinda.... "No dude, it's dangerous.." Ethan replied.. "Yes, Max, do not light the candle." Cerci said, pleading with him not to light it.. Even if she did want him too.. "You stay out of this Cerci!" Lucinda said holding out her hand she force pushed her up against the wall near Max.. He looked over at Lucinda.. "Well, what are you waiting for? Light the candle!" Lucinda said to him.. "Okay." Max said.. But as he flicked the lighter, he was attacked by the black cat.. Max got the cat off of himself and stood up.. "Stupid cat!" Max said.. "Thackery Binx, be gone!" Ruby said as Thackery disappeared back outside.. "Wow, how did you do that Babe?" Richard asked.. "We told you, we are witches." Ruby replied with a smile.. "Okay, Max, you've had your fun." Ethan said to him.. "It's time to go." Dani said to him. "Max, they're right. Let's go." Alison said.. "Oh, come on. It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus." Max said to them.. "Max, I'm not kidding this time. It's time to go!" Dani said in a panic.. "Be quiet child, thy brother is doing good work" Lucinda said to her.. Max of course just had to push it to the limit.. He lit the lighter and held it to the candle.. "Max, no!" Cerci yelled..

The floor and the cottage began to shake, everything in the room glowed bright green.. "Uh-oh." Max said with a little fear.. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, all the lights in the house blew out.. Then all went silent for a moment.. Then before anyone could speak, the candles all lit up, the fireplace came to life, the fire under the cauldron came to life.. As all stood looking around, some with total fear, others with excitement.. "What happened?" Max asked with amazement.. "A virgin... lit the candle." Dani said with sarcasm.. "Oh god, hide!" Ethan said tackling Lucinda and hiding with her.. Martha and Josh hid in the broom cupboard, Alison and Dani hid behind the counter.. Ruby and Richard both hid in the corner of the room in plain sight.. While Max threw himself onto the floor.. Cerci was the only one who stood her ground near the cauldron.. She was standing there when the door's burst open.. In the doorway stood, Winifred, Mary, Sarah and Jennifer.. "We are home!" Winifred said with glee.. "Oh, what sweet revenge!" Jennifer said with a smile.. "Do you see, sisters? My curse worked perfectly!" Winifred said with glee.. "That's because thou art perfect." Mary said to her.. "Ceric?" Jennifer asked as she spotted her by the cauldron.. "Hello Mamma." Cerci said, throwing herself at her.. Alison and Dani look at each other.. 'Mamma?' they mouthed to each other.. "I knew I left this cauldron on. Didn't I tell you?" Mary said not even noticing anything else.. "We must not have been gone long.. You look the same as when we were hung." Jennifer said to her.. "That is because I have not grown any older." Cerci said to her.. "Oh, I knew it." Mary said with a smile.. While Sarah stood in the doorway and ran her hand over the door frame.. "My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!" Sarah said with excitement.. "Where is my Lucinda?" Winifred asked Cerci.. "Here Mamma." Lucinda said standing up.. "Oh My God!" Richard whispered to no one.. "My baby girl, oh how I missed you." Winifred said to her.. "I missed you so much Mamma.." Lucinda said, hugging her.. "Did you light the black flame candle?" Winifred asked her.. "Of course not Mamma.. We tried that years ago, but it would not light.. We had to wait to con some airhead into lighting it." Lucinda said to her with a smile.. "Hmm." Winifred said as she went over to her book.. She looked down on it with devotion.. Before she smashed the glass case and ran her fingers over it.. "Wake up. Wake up, sleepyhead." Winifred said in a soft voice.. "Oh, I've missed you." She said as Book opened his eye.. "Really? Mamma, hello, what about me did you miss me too?" Lucinda asked, going to stand with her.. While Cerci smiled with delight.. "Of course I did.. Did you miss me too?" Winifred asked, Book as she lovingly stroked it.. "Mamma?" Lucinda asked.. "Yes, my darling?" Winifred said looking at her.. "Are you not happy that I brought you back?" Lucinda asked.. "Why yes, of course.. Now, come on, now, we've got work to do." Winifred said, turning back to Book.. "What work?" Cerci asked, looking at Jennifer with panic.. "Winnie." Mary said as she wandered around sniffing the air.. "Yes?" Winifred asked.. "I smell children." Mary said to her with glee.. "Oh no!" Cerci said with panic.. "Cerci, what is the matter with thee? You are jumping around like you are a child again." Jennifer asked her. "Sic 'em!" Winifred said to her.. Mary began to sniff as she walked around the cottage.. "It's a little girl." Mary said.. "Mmm!" Winifred said with delight as she and Sarah followed Mary around the small cottage.. "Seven. Maybe eight.... And a half." Mary said.. "Ooh, let us play with her!" Sarah said with delight.. "Aunt Sarah, are you not curious to see thy daughter, Martha?" Cerci asked.. "Shut up. Cerci!" Lucinda yelled at her.. The Sisters were right at the counter where Dani was hiding.. "Come, little children I'll take thee away - In-" Sarah began to sing.. Just as Martha burst out of the broom closet with Joshua.. "Mamma!" She said rushing to her.. "Mamma!" Josh said in shock... "Come out, my dear. We will not harm thee. We love children!" Winifred said to her in a sweet voice.. "No, listen to them not! They love to eat children!" Cerci yelled.. "Enough!" WInifred said silencing Cerci.. "Winnie!" Jennifer yelled at her..

Just as Dani stood up.. "I thought thou would never come, sisters." Dani said to them.. Winifred smiled and raised her hand to her face.. "Greetings, little one." Winifred said looking at her.. While Mary led her out from behind the counter.. "'Twas I who brought you back." Dani said with a nervous smile. "Imagine. Such a pretty little... child." Winifred said to her sister.. "Look at her, she's so well fed, isn't she?" Mary said with a smile as she got up close and personal with Dani.. "Plump." Sarah said.. "Plump! Shis-ka-baby." Mary said with a lopsided smile.. Lucinda sighed.. "Twas not her that brought you back, Mamma." She said.. "Winnie!" Jennifer said again this time with annoyance.. "Fine." Winifred said flicking her hand she removed Cerci's spell.. She then turned to Dani who Mary and Sarah had put into a chair.. "Tell me, dumpling, what is the year?" Winifred asked.. "1993." Dani said.. "Sisters, we have been gone 30O years." Winifred said to them.. "I could have told you that if you had asked.." Lucinda said.. "Yes, I am sure you could." Winifred said to her.. Jennifer looked at Cerci.. "Grandmother Witch put an immortal spell on us." Cerci said to her.. Jennifer smiled.. "How wonderful, you will be 16 forever." Jennifer said to her.. "Well, Winnie, how time flies, huh?" Mary said with a bark.. Dani shrunk back from them.. "When you're dead!" Mary said with a laugh.. Dani stood up.. "It's been great fun, but I- I guess I'd better be going." Dani said to them.. "Yeah I have to take her home." Joshua said.. "Yeah it's past my bedtime." Dani said.. "Oh, stay for supper." Mary said.. "Yes.." Sarah said going over to Joshua.. "Mamma, this is Joshua, my boyfriend." Martha said to her.. "I'm- I'm- I'm not hungry." Dani said to them.. "Oh, but we are." Mary said to her with a lopsided smile.. "Oh well maybe we could stay for a bite. What are we having?" Joshua asked.. "Child Soup!" Sarah said giggling.. "Oh.. Martha!" Joshua said to her as he held her between himself and Sarah.. By now Cerci had moved over to Dani.. "Hey!" Max said, finally standing up.. "Another boy!" Sarah said with delight.. "Who do you belong to?" Winifred asked, glaring at him.. "No one." Lucinda said.. "Let go of my little sister." Max said to her.. "Roast him, Winnie." Mary said to her.. "No, let me. Let me play with him." Sarah said with delight.. "Run, punch Aunt Mary in the gut with your candy bucket, and run!" Cerci said to Dani.. As Winifred used her green lightning to throw Max up against the wall.. "You. There." Winifred said to him.. "Max!" Joshua yelled.. "He will be fine." Martha said with a giggle.. "I haven't lost my touch, sisters. See?" Winifred said to them with delight.. "Of course you have not, Winnie.. Because thou art perfect." Jennifer said, smiling at her.. Just then Ethan and Richard stood up, they were not going to let those three ancient hags Dani or Max.. Not now he and Alison were together.. "Hello Winifred, Mary, Sarah, Jennifer.." Ethan said, standing up to them.. "Boys.." Sarah said with delight, losing interest in Max who was held up against the wall.. "Oh can I play with these?" Sarah asked with a giggle.. "Aunt Sarah, step away from thy boyfriend!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "Boyfriend!?" Winifred asked, dropping Max from the wall.. "Mamma, this is thy beau, Ethan." Lucinda said to her.. "This be Richard, Mamma. He is my beau." Ruby said to Mary.. "Richrd, huh?" Mary asked with a bark and a lopsided grin.. As the two witches checked them over.. "So what is thy intensions with thy daughters?" Winifred asked them.. "What are you talking about you crazy Witch?" Ethan yelled at her.. "Ethan, take that back, or I will zap thee!" Lucinda yelled at him as she pushed Winifred out of the way.. "You are as crazy as those four!" Ethan yelled at her.. By now Max, Josh, Dani and Alison had all made their way to the door.. "Oh wait, where is thy going child?" Mary asked, going to grab her.. Dani then hit her in the gut with her candy cauldron just like Cerci told her to do.. "Oh, Winnie, Winnie.." Mary said as she went down.. "Max! Dani!" Josh yelled as he ran out the door with Alison.. "Run!" Cerci yelled to Dani shoving Sarah away from her.. "Cerci!" Jennifer yelled at her.. "Sorry Aunt Sarah." Cerci said, helping her to her feet.. "Get him!" Winifred yelled to her Sisters.. As Thackery Binx came out of nowhere and jumped on Winifred's head.. "Get this ani- Get this beast off me!" Winifred yelled as she danced around the room.. "Get off thy Mamma, Thackery Binx!" Lucinda yelled at him.. "Max, come on." Josh yelled to him.. "Yeah, Dude, let's go!" Ethan yelled to him.. "Where is thy going Ethan?" Lucinda asked with panic.. "Get out! Go, go, go!" Max yelled at them.. "Fool!" Lucinda yelled at Ethan as he ran out of the cottage.. "Sorry, Lucinda my love.. This is just too much!" Ehtan said, rushing out the door with the others.. "I will come and find thee, late." Lucinda said to him.. "Bye Bye.. I will find thee later." Martha said, waving to Josh.. "I wish I had gotten a chance to kiss you." Ruby said to Richard.. "Me too, Ruby.. Come find me later." Richard said to her, blowing her a kiss.. "Get it off." Winifred yelled as she struggled with Thackery in her hair.. "Ahh-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Jennifer said when the cat was out of her hair.. "There we are Perfect again Winnie." Jennifer said to her as she brushed her down.. Winifred then smiled at her.. While Lucinda snuggled back beside her.. Winifred then smiled at her..

It was about that time that the Sisters all tuned on Max.. "Hey!" Max yelled as he jumped up and onto the sleeping platform.. "What are you doing, airhead?" Lucinda asked, looking up at him.. "Hmm?" Winifred asked as she turned to look up at him.. "What is he doing, Cerci?" Jennifer asked.. "She has gone with the others." Lucinda said with a little annoyance.. "Oh.." Jennifer replied looking at Winifred.. "She always was a disobedient child." Winifred said to her, as Lucinda laughed.. "You've messed with the great and powerful Max... and now must suffer the consequences." Max said to them.. "Great and powerful Max?" Lucinda asked with an odd look.. "I summon the burning rain of death." Max said as he held the lighter up to the indoor sprinkler system.. "Burning what?" Jennifer, Sarah and Mary asked, looking at Winifred.. "Burning rain of death?" Lucinda asked.. "Burning rain of death." Martha said giggling.. "Look, Sisters, he makes fire in his hand." Winifred said with interest.. "He has a lighter Mamma." Lucinda said to her.. "Ohh!" Mary and Sarah said.. "A lighter?" Winifred replied looking at Jennifer.. She shrugged.. "Ohh! Ohh!" Mary and Sarah said.. As Max set off the sprinklers.. "The burning rain of death!" Winifred and Jennifer yelled as they both danced about.. "Ohh! Ohh!" Mary and Sarah said as they danced about under the sprinkler.. While Lucinda, Ruby and Martha went to stand under the sleeping platform that Max stood on.. "Come on, you idiots!" Winifred yelled at them.. "Mamma!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "Not now Lucinda!" Winifred yelled back at her.. "Get under shelter! Before thy burn!" Jennifer yelled at them.. "Aunt Jennifer..." Ruby was saying.. "Not now dear.. We have to save thy sisters from the burning rain of death." Jennifer said to her as she shoved her under the sleeping platform with the others.. "Come on, you fools!" Winifred yelled at them.. "Mamma!" Lucinda yelled at her again.. "Nice going, Max!" Thackeray said to him.. "Mamma, they are getting away.." Martha said with a smile.. "Shh.." Sarah replied with a giggle.. "This is all your fault!" Thackeray said to Max.. "You can talk." Max said with amazement and shock as he looked at the cat.. "Yeah, no kidding. Now, get the spell book." Thackeray said to Max.. He then scooped it up and they ran out the door together..

"Mamma!" Lucinda yelled at her for the last time.. "What?" Winifred yelled back at her.. "'Tis not the burning rain of death!" Lucinda said, stepping out from under the platform.. "You fool! Get back under here before you burn!" Jennifer yelled at her.. "I am not the fool.. That would be you Auntie!" Lucinda yelled at her.. Winifred slapped her across the face.. "Mamma, N- N-No, it's not! It's the burning rain of death!" Lucinda said to her with hurt.. "What?" Winifred and Jennifer both asked.. "'Tis but water.." Lucinda said to them.. "Sic 'em!" Winifred yelled.. "Auntie, it is too late." Ruby said with a smile.. "Aah! Confound it! My book! He's got my Book!" Winifred yelled as she watched Max and Thackery disappear.. "Oh dear he got away." Mary said.. As Winifred punched her in the gut.. "Oh. I have not missed that.." Mary said.. "Don't!" Ruby said to Winifred.. "He's got My Book!" Winifred screamed.. As she turned to Jennifer to cry on her shoulder.. While Lucinda and Ruby stood watching them with smiles on their faces.. "I forgot how dramatic they are.." Lucinda said to her.. "I know, isn't it great to have them back?" Ruby asked her.. "Yes." Lucinda said with a light in her eyes.. "I missed

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