"Let's go. Hurry up! The bewitching hour is about to begin!" Dad said as he stood on the bottom of the stairs.. "Wow- Aah! Please help me! Isn't that a scary witch?" Dad asked as Dani ran down the stairs and hugged him.. "You look very scary." Mum said to her with a smile.. "Wow! Josh, you rock that suit." Dad said to him.. He of course was dressed as The Reverend Traske, as Martha had asked him to dress as.. "Gee thanks Dad.. Did you want to confess something?" Josh asked with a laugh.. "Not tonight.." Dad said laughing.. He then looked over at Max who stood on the bottom stair glaring at everyone.. He had on his baseball jacket and cap, with mirrored sunglasses.. "What about you, Max? What are you supposed to be?" Dad asked.. "A rap singer." Max replied, being smart.. "Oh. Well, your hat should be on sideways, shouldn't it?" Dad said to him as he pulled it around.. "Say " Halloween"!" Mum said as she held up the camera.. "Halloween!" They all said as they looked over at Mum smiling...
"Trick or treat! Trick or treat!" The kids called as they walked from house to house.. Dani has just been into a house with some other kids.. While Max was standing outside waiting for her.. Because Max was feeling low and unloved, he did not see Jay and Ice with their friends.. Terrorising kids and stealing their candy.. "Lighten up, Max." Dani said to him.. "Can we go home now?" Max asked with an attitude.. "No." Dani said heading down the path.. She stops when she sees Jay and Ice throwing the pumpkin display onto the road from the house Dani was just in.. "Let's just go this way." Max said, trying to lead Dani away from them.. "Why are ya scared of a few bullies, Max?" Dani asked.. "No.. But unlike you, I have a reputation to uphold.." Max said to her.. "You have to be kidding me!" Dani said to him, as she turned from him and walked right up to Jay and Ice.. "I... Oh no, Dani!" Max said.. Dani was now in front of Ice, he put up his leg so she could not pass.. "Ding-ding." Ice said.. "Ding-ding." Jay said laughing.. "Stop and pay the toll, kid. Ten chocolate bars. No licor ice." Ice said getting into her face.. "Dump out your sack." Jay said to her with a laugh.. "Drop dead. Moron." Dani said to him.. "Whoa!" Ice said to her with a smirk.. Dani then punched him in the gut with her pumpkin light.. "Ooh! Yo, twerp. How'd you like to be hung off that telephone pole?" Ice asked her.. "Yeah!" Jay said to her.. "Yeah, I'd just like to see you try, because it just so happens I've got my big brother with me." Dani said to them, she pointed to Max, who was trying to hide.. "Hollywood!" Jay said with excitement.. "Oh, no!" Ice said, pretending to shake in fear.. "So, you're doing a little trick-or-treating. Ding-dong." Jay said to Ice, pretending to push the doorbell.. Jay turns and pretends to be scared.. "Do you know them, Max?" Dani asked, watching them.. "Whoo!" Jay said laughing.. "No.." Max snapped at Dani.. "I'm just taking our little sister around." Max said to them.. "Yeah! But what are you supposed to be? A New Kid On The Block?" Ice naked him laughing.. [A boy band from the 90's]. "For your information, he's a Little Leaguer." Dani said to them.. "Whoa!" Ice said laughing.. "Ooh, tough guy! I'm a Little Leaguer!" Jay said, laughing... He then pretended to hit the ball out of the park.. While their mates all cheered them on.. "Yeah." Max said.. As they both went to walk past with Dani.. "Wait a minute. Everybody pays the toll." Ice said to them.. "Stuff it, zitface." Dani said, punching him with her pumpkin light.. "Why, you little---" Ice said, going for Dani.. Max then pushed in front of Dani.. "Hey! Ice, here. Pig out." Max said, pouring a bag of candy bars over his head.. "Nice one Max.." Dani said to him.. "Come on, Dani, let's go." Max said to her.. "Hey, Hollywood, the shoes fit great!" Ice said to him laughing as the two of them walked away...
"Trick or treat!" The other kids say as they pass them.. They then scream with fear as Lucinda, Ruby and Martha run past them on their brooms.. Dani is so angry, she walks right past them without even a second thought.. "You should've punched him." Dani said to Max, as they walked.. Max did not see the girls either, he was so embarrassed by Jay and Ice.. Because again he let them taunt him.. "They would've killed us!" Max replied with the same anger.. "At least you would've died like a man." Dani said to him.. "Hey! You just humiliated us in front of half the guys at school! So collect your candy and get out of my life!" Max said to her in anger.. "I wanna go home now!" Dani said running off.. "Oh that looks like a disaster waiting to happen." Lucinda said with a laugh.. It was then that Martha remembered she had promised to meet Joshua in the cemetery.. "We have to go." Martha said to them.. "Why? We can afford to let the boys get a little bit more scared before we go to them." Lucinda said with a wicked smile.. "If you say so." Martha said with a pout.. "They will wait for us, Martha.. Lucinda put a spell on them." Ruby said with a smile.. "I know, but I like Josh." Martha said to them.. "You like boys." Lucida said to her with a chuckle.. "Come on Luci, maybe it is time we met them.." Ruby said, as she watched the smile fall from Martha's face.. "Fine, let's go to the cemetery!" Lucinda said as she zapped some poor girl dressed as Bell.. The little Bell screamed and ran up to the front porch of the nearest house, leaving her little friends behind..
Max sighed and looked around for Dani.. "Hi." Max said to her when he found her.. She was laying on a bale of hay and crying.. "Hi." Dani said through the tears.. Max sat down with her.. "Dani, I'm sorry." Max said to her.. "Why did you come for me, if you hate me so much?" Dani asked with a sniff.. "I don't hate you, Dani.. It's just that I hate this place. I miss all my friends. I wanna go home!" Max said like a spoiled brat.. "Do you think Josh and I are having fun making new friends?" Dani asked.. "Well you both seem happy." Max said to her.. "Because we are not spoiled brats!" Dani said to him.. "I am not spoiled.. I just do not like it here!" Max said.. "I bet you would like it a lot more if Alison had said yes. I bet then you would not be so crabby!" Dani said to him in jest.. "Yeah like a Crabby patty!" Max said laughing with her.. "Well, you know, Max, this is your home now, so get used to it." Dani said to him.. "Yeah I know." Max said to her.. He paused for a moment before continuing.. "Give me one more chance?" Max asked her.. "Why should I?" Dani asked with a cheeky grin.. "Because I'm your brother." Max said to her.. She smiled at him and they all hugged.. "Come on I am sure there are more houses to con out of candy." Max said.. "Yeah we have to replace the bag of candy you dropped on your friend." Dani said. "They are not my friends, Dani." Max said to her.. "You should have told me they stole your shoes Max." Dani said to him.. "Why so you and Josh could be humiliated like me?" Max asked.. As they all stood on the street for a moment.. "Whoa. Check that out." Max said.. "What?" Dani asked, looking around.. "Something just flew across the moon." Max said.. As Dani looked up at the moon.. "I think it was a witch!" Max said at Dani.. "Where I don't see her?" Dani asked, looking around.. "Yeah, I bet it is those Sanderson Sisters we heard about in school today." Max said.. "Where? I don't see them?" Dani asked. "Fooled ya." Max said, laughing... "Let's go, jerkface." Dani said to them.. "Trick or treat! Trick or treat!" The kids called as they passed them..
Thackeray and Cerci had arrived at the Sanderson house.. "Tell me Cerci why did you want to come with me tonight?" Thackeray asked her.. "Not sure, I just had a feeling that I should come tonight." Cerci said, looking away from him.. "You know I have never told you this.. But Cerci, I love you too.. I think I always have." Thackeray said to her.. Cerci smiled at him in the darkness of the house.. "I can still remember playing hide and seek when we were children." Cerci said to him.. "Did you know that the first 100 years, I spent as a cat.. I watched everything you did.." Thackeray said to her.. "Did you?" She asked with a giggle.. "Yes.. I had a lot of time to think about what you did to Reverend Traske.. So I guess now is the time to tell you I forgive you, Cerci.." Thackeray said to her.. "I am so sorry that my Mamma helped kill your sister Emily and turn you into a cat." Cerci said to him.. "Well I am so glad we are over all the mushy stuff.." Thackery said to her.. "Me too, now we can get on with scaring people away." Cerci said to him.. As they both took up spots in the old hose, that now was a closed up museum..
Lucinda, Ruby and Martha arrived at the cemetery.. They stand outside the gates, and look inside.. "We can not enter." Lucinda said to them.. "So how are we to tell the boys we are here?" Martha asked.. "We are witches, Martha.. We can still fly over it on our brooms." Lucinda said to her.. "Oh yes, what a great idea.. You are just like thy Mamma.." Ruby said to Lucinda.. "Yes, perfect like Auntie Winnie." Martha said with a giggle.. "Yes, like my Mamma, 'tis my curse." Lucinda said with a chuckle.. She then took her broom in hand.. "Broom ho.." Lucinda said.. "Broom ho!" Ruby said.. "Why do we say broom ho?" Martha asked as she climbed on her broom.. "Because we are witches!" Lucinda said laughing..
As Max and Dani stood looking up at the next house.. "Wow!" They all said together.. "Check out this house!" Max said.. "Ehh. Rich people." Dani said with a chuckle.. "They'd probably make us drink cider and bob for apples." Max said with a grin.. "Yeah, let's go inside." Dani said, as they approached the door.. "Trick or treat!" They all call as they enter.. Inside there is a party going on.. There are adults everywhere dressed in 1700's clothes.. It is then they see the huge cauldron in the middle of the room full of candy.. "Jackpot!" Max said with a laugh.. As he and Dani went for a piece of candy.. "Whoa! This is so cool." Dani said with a giggle.. "Max Dennison." Alison asked with a smile.. Max looked up to see her, she was dressed in the same dress as the adults.. .. She then walked down the stairs.. "Allison!" Max said with total shock and excitement at the same time.. "Ohh. Allison, hmm?" Dani asked, looking at Max.. "I thought you weren't into Halloween." Alison said to him with a smile.. "I'm not. I'm, I'm just taking my little sister Dani around." Max said to her stumbling over his words, he liked her so much.. "That's nice." Alison said.. "I... we always do it." Max said to her with a smile.. "Our parents made him." Dani said with a grin.. Alison smiled at them.. "Do you guys want some cider?" She asked.. "Sure." Max said a little too quickly.. "No.." Dani replied.. They all stood there looking around while Alison went to get herself and Max a cider.. She handed it to Max.. "Thanks." Max said, taking it and sipping it.. "So, um, how's the party?" Max asked casually.. "Boring. It's just a bunch of my parents' friends. They do this every year. I've got candy duty. While Ethan and Richard get to go out on dates." Alison said to them. She seemed to be just as nervous as Max.. "I know what you mean, Josh is out with Marth." Max said with a nervous chuckle.. Alison smiled at him.. "By the way, Dani, I love your costume." Alison said to her.. "Thank you. I really like yours too. Of course, I couldn't wear anything like that because I don't have any- What do you call 'em, Max? Yabos?" Dani asked him.. He was about to die of embarrassment.. "Max likes your Yabos. In fact, he loves 'em." Dani said with a smile.. "Dani, that is enough." Max said to her.. "She's fine.." Alison said, smiling at Dani.. You know, I'm really into witches." Alison said to her.. "Really?" Dani asked, Alison nodded.... "Me too. We just learned about those sisters in school." Dani said to her.. "Oh, you mean the Sanderson Sisters?" Alison asked her.. Dani nodded.. "I know all about them. My mom used to run the museum." Alison said to her.. "There's a museum about 'em?" Dani asked with some excitement.. "Yeah, but they shut it down because, um, a lot of spooky things happened there." Alison said.. "Well, wh-why don't we go to this old Sanderson house?" Max asked.. Alison looked at him, Dani shook her head in fear.. "Well, come on, make a believer out of me." Max said to them.. Alison looked at the two of them and smiled.. "Okay, let me get changed. They'll never miss me." Alison said walking off up the stairs.. "Max, I'm not going up there. My friends at school told me all about that place. It's weird!" Dani said to him.. "Dani, this is the girl of my dreams." Max said to her.. "So? Take her to the movies like a normal person." Dani said.. "Come on Dani, I came trick-or-treating with you." Max said to her.. "So, Mum made you." Dani said to him.. "Look, just-just do this one thing for me, and I'll do anything you say. Please? Please?" Max asked, pleading with her.. Dani looked at Max and she then smiled at him.. "Oh- Okay." Dani said.. "Okay." Max said.. "But Next year we go trick-or-treating as Wendy, Hook and Peter Pan. With tights, or it's no deal." Dani said to him.. "I'm going as Hook!" Max said with a smile.. "No! Josh can go as Hook." Dani said to him with a smile.. Max then looked up at the stairs.. "Okay, okay. Deal." Max said.. Even though he knew he was going to regret this.. "Deal." Dani said with a smile.. As Alison appeared before them..
Lucinda, Ruby and Martha buzzed the boys from their brooms.. "Hello, boys." Lucinda said as she hovered over them.. It looked like she was in the huge tree.. All the boys looked around with fright.. "Wow, how did you get up there?" Ethan asked with a laugh.. "I'm a witch Ethan." Lucinda replied.. "Well then if that is true, you can not set foot in the cemetery.." Ethan replied with a laugh.. "No.. But we can meet you out on the road." Lucinda said to him.. "Are you for real?" Richard asked her.. "Yes, now if you boys rush, you will see Ruby and Martha waiting for you." Lucinda said to them with a laugh.. They both walked off in the direction of the two girls.. "Want me to climb up and secure you my dear witch?" Ethan asked with a laugh.. "Of course not, I am not that kind of witch.. But I will meet you over there." Lucinda said pointing to the side of the cemetery.. "Alright then.. But only because it is Halloween." Ethan said walking away.. As Ethan arrived there, Lucinda walked up behind him.. "Got ya.." She said laughing.. He jumped and turned around and grabbed her.. She wiggled out of his embrace.. Not yet." Lucinda said to him with a wicked smile.. While Martha stood on the edge of the cemetery in the darkness kissing Joshua.. "Martha!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "Oh sorry." Martha said to Josh.. He looked at her like he had won the lottery.. "It's cool." He said.. "I thought we could play a game." Lucinda said to them.. "Oh yeah, what kind of game?" Richard asked as he stood with Ruby.. "Spin the bottle." Martha said.. "Yeah!" Richard said with a smile.. "No I think not.. I think truth or dare.." Lucinda said looking at the boys.. They all hesitated.. She watched them and she knew she was going to lose them, so she had to come up with some kind of reward for them.. It seemed that boys of this age all liked to kiss girls.. "Then we can, play spin the bottle." Lucinda said.. As all the boys then smiled.. "I want to go first." Ethan said, smiling at Lucinda.. "Why?" She asked.. "Truth or dare?" He asked her.. "Oh fine.. Dare.." Lucinda said.. "Oh.. Alright then.. I dare you to kiss me." Ethan said to her.. Lucinda smiled at him.. She then walked over to him and leaned in close to him.. He closed his eyes and waited.. Lucinda then kissed him on the cheek. "There you go." She said giggling.. "Ripped off dude." Richard said to him with a smile.. "Now it is my turn." Lucinda said to them.. "Okay, who is the dare for?" Josh asked her.. "All three of you." Lucinda said.. As the boys looked at her with curiosity.. "I dare one of you to.." Lucinda was saying.. "Wait.." Ruby said.. "What?" Lucinda asked.. Ruby then whispered into her ear.. The girls then looked at the boys.. They giggled.. While the boys stood there looking like fools.. "I dare thee to go to the Sanderson House tonight." Lucida said to them.. "No way!" Richard said.. "Why?" Ethan asked.. "I'll go." Josh said.. Martha went to him and hung off his arm.. "Oh goodie, we can run amok." Martha said to him.. "Why do you want to go there?" Ethan asked again.. "Are you scared?" Lucinda asked.. "No.." Ethan said.. "Come on brother, what harm can it do?" Richard asked.. "I don't carry the key to the house.. We will not be able to go inside." Ethan said.. "We could just go through a window.." Lucinda said.. "Or not." Ethan said.. "Then we could play, spin the bottle." Lucinda said with a smile.. "Can we go too?" Martha asked.. "You had me at the Sanderson Sisters house." Josh said with a smile.. Ethan and Richard looked at each other.. They hesitated for just a second.. "Alright then, let's go." Ethan said as they all walked away from the cemetery..
Alison is telling Max and Dani the story of the Sanderson Sisters as they walk to the cottage.. "Legend has it that the bones of a hundred children were buried within these walls." Alison said.. "Oh, great. That makes me feel so much better." Dani said with a shiver.. As they all stop at the gates and look at the cottage.. They slip inside the gate and walk up the rickety stairs.. Dani steps on some creature.. "Ecch." She said.. Alison opens the door, and they all enter into darkness.. "I can't see a thing." Dani said as she tried to use her candy cauldron light to show the way.. "Well, there's a light switch around here somewhere." Alison said feeling across the wall.. "Found a lighter." Max said, taking it from the shelf.. The cottage was old and dusty and full of cobwebs.. Max then went over to Alison, together they found the light switch.. Flooding the cottage with electric lights.. "Whoa!" Max said, looking around.. "This is so creepy." Dani said.. At the window looking in from the outside was a black cat, and a young girl.. "Here's the original cauldron. And upstairs is where they slept." Alison said.. "Hello.." Ethan called as he and the
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