Orla's POV:
Ashley was gone.
I never knew I could feel this heartbroken. It took everything in me not to scream. Pain stole my breath, a ruthless vise squeezing my heart.
It must be a nightmare and any second now I would wake up and find Ashley, with her mature air and witty remarks, bickering with Sam and Zach and putting them into place.
Ashley was the very first person I'd met here. My roommate. My friend. And now she was gone.
I wiped my face for the hundredth time after Haley told me and tried to swallow back my tears, but they just kept flowing. Ezra's presence was the only anchor that kept me from spiraling down.
"More. The doctor said you need it to flush out the toxins," Haley said, handing me another tumbler of hot tea.
I forced the liquid through a thick throat. On the bed next to me, Ezra was already on his second one. We'd woken up fifteen minutes ago, almost at the same time, and Ezra immediately left his bed to climb into mine and pull me into a hug.
Apparently, we were in the infirmary. The room held three beds. The wooden walls and floor, the colorful quilt on the foot of my bed and the warm light from the fireplace, all made it seem less like a hospital, despite the smell of blood and disinfectant, and I was grateful for it.
My parents were in the room next door. They were safe, and they fared better than Ezra. Orton checked on me a couple of minutes ago before going back to sit with them.
"Zach?" Ezra asked, his face paler than usual.
The cuts on his chest and arms fueled my anger. A wound on his neck strayed dangerously close to his veins. Thank God we got him in time, otherwise he really would have died. The cuts had been cleaned and stitched, but some were still dripping blood, and they wouldn't completely heal until the poison was out of his system.
I drank more of the bitter tea. The sooner I got my magic back, the sooner I could heal him. I could already feel my magic stirring deep down. But it felt like there was a thick wall between us. It was like going blind and deaf after all this time of using it.
Jun stood by the door, his arms crossed and his worried gaze on Haley. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. Her eyes were bruised, her shoulders were hunched up and her lips pursed in a firm line, as if she was holding herself together by sheer power of will. I understood the sentiment.
"He's here. Sam was with him just now," Haley said. "He didn't go crazy, if that's what you're asking."
Yet. The word hung over us like a guillotine. Poor Zach.
"We didn't get Zane, did we?" Ezra asked.
Haley sighed. "He didn't come to the exchange. Whitewell also escaped, he teleported out as soon as he saw the writing on the wall."
We haven't asked the question in our minds since we woke up. I looked at Haley. She knew. She nodded.
"The humans know," she said. "Zyron, Dad and Vlad went to talk to them earlier."
My heart thundered. "Is it safe?"
"Well, they're back now. Sam went with them-"
"-And I'll tell you everything that happened," Sam said, walking through the door.
I let out a deep breath. I didn't even realize I'd been worried about him. If Sam had been hurt... I couldn't even entertain the possibility.
"Tell me first, are we at war?" Ezra asked.
"No," Sam replied. "At least, not yet."
Then he proceeded to tell us about Vlad's vampire contacts in the government and the meeting.
My eyes widened. "Uncle Terry?"
"Yep," Sam said. "You said he works for the military?"
"Yeah. At least, that's what I remember. He hasn't contacted me in a couple of years..." And I couldn't really blame him. Maybe I reminded him of his brother. He'd been close to my adoptive father.
He was one of the few people who hadn't blamed me on my adoptive father's death. He'd visited several times afterward. But my adoptive mother didn't get along well with him, and over the years, his visits grew scarce until they stopped all together. He'd still contacted me through phone, but eventually that stopped a few years ago. I thought he hadn't cared anymore. I guess not.
Ezra squeezed my hand. I gave him a thankful smile and turned to Sam. "So he's coming?"
"Zyron invited him to come over tomorrow," Sam said. "He's probably not going to come alone. I bet they'll try to take advantage of his visit here to pull off some shit."
Ezra narrowed his eyes. "Dad probably did it on purpose."
Sam held out his arms. "The ways of the great king elude a simple-minded peasant like me."
Ezra rolled his eyes, before his gaze swung to the doorway. A minute later, Zach appeared. I almost did a double take. He was so different from the Zach I knew that it took me off guard.
He seemed years older, his eyes bleak and face expressionless. Ezra shifted slightly. I didn't need the bond to tell me what he was feeling. He felt bad for Zach, but he was also wary because Zach might blame us for what happened to Ashley.
Zach dragged a chair near Sam and sat down. He looked at Ezra.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice a hollow, rough timbre. "Sam told me everything. I'm sorry Dad has- Zane... I'm sorry for what Zane did. For both of my parents. I loved your siblings like my own."
"I know," Ezra said quietly. "I'm sorry about Ashley."
His eyes grew teary. He rubbed his face roughly, and when he lowered his hands, the sadness was gone, replaced by anger.
"It's not your fault. It's no one's fault except my parents'. Out of all the stupid things..." he shook his head. "I'm off to get my little sister from my aunt's. Mom- Eleanor," he corrected almost angrily. "Eleanor sent her to my aunt's a few weeks ago. I'm going to get her. I don't want my parents- I don't want them to get her first."
He blew a breath through his nose, as if furious with himself for still referring to them as his parents.
"The bastards they're working with have no qualms about hurting innocents, even children," Zach continued. "I don't want my sister anywhere near them."
"She'll be safe here," Ezra said.
Zach nodded. "I know."
He rose abruptly and took a shuddering breath. "I'll see you guys later."
His steps echoed away, and my tears fell freely. My heart felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. It was so heartbreaking to see him this way. Zach had always been so spirited and cheerful. The old Zach was gone.
Haley finally lost it, bursting into loud sobs. As if the dam she used to keep her composure broke, and now it all caught up to her at once.
"Haley..." Sam mumbled, reaching for her. But Jun was already there. He picked her up, her feeble argument belied by the way she held onto him tightly, and went outside.
Ezra hugged me to him, his hold almost bruising. Old and new grief melded together and tightened the bond.
I didn't even try to keep my tears in, not that I could. This was the worst. I had been so afraid to lose someone I cared about. It had come to pass, and I never thought it could hurt this much.
*** **** ***
We buried Ashley at first light.
Zach was stoic during the entire ordeal. Ashley's parents had traveled from their house at a neighboring pack last night. Her mother reminded me so much of Ashley it was difficult to even look at the woman.
No one mentioned any relation Ashley had with Zane and the rebels. Officially, she had died during the mission to save Ezra and my parents. And that was true for me. Without her, I wouldn't be here. She'd sacrificed herself to save us, and I would never forget it.
When the funeral dispersed, Ezra, Haley, Sam and I lingered near her grave while people left and the sun rose. Zach stood in front of us, his eyes on the fresh earth.
Here we were, the five with whom I'd started this new life of mine, except one was lost to death, and another was lost to grief.
My magic buzzed. It was coming back. I could feel the magic all around me now, I could even use it if I focused hard enough. The bond had snapped into place again later last night, and now I could feel Ezra's deep grief. He was reminded of his lost siblings. He wasn't the only one. Wren and Zyron had looked broken earlier as well, their eyes lost to memories of old losses.
And Zyron didn't simply lose his nephew's mate, he also lost his brother.
The sky was clear, safe for a few scattered clouds, the sun breaking out of the horizon's hold strong and warm. It felt sacrilegious that the weather should be this beautiful on such a sad day.
Zach finally turned towards us, his hands tucked in the pockets of his jacket.
"Thank you," he said quietly. Even the sun rays that fell on his face failed to bring light to his eyes. "My little sister is still a bit too young to understand all this mess, but she will one day. And I know that there will be people who will treat her as a traitor's daughter."
Ezra growled. "No one will hurt her."
Zach simply smiled. "Thanks. I know you'll protect her." He took a deep breath. "Do you guys mind giving me some time?"
We left after each of us gave him a hug. As we walked away, I glanced behind me and saw Zach's lone figure through the trees. His shadow lengthened as the sun rose above the trees, drawing golden highlights on his dark hair. His broad back was hunched over, his shoulders shaking. A burning sense of loss crawled into my guts, as if I had lost two friends today and not just one.
*** **** ***
Ezra, my parents and I waited in a cabin on the edge of pack lands.
Wren didn't want any humans inside the pack village itself, so she prepared one of the cabins that patrols used for rest to receive my uncle and whoever tagged along.
The cabin looked as if it had been lived in, which was the purpose I guess. The fireplace roared. Random magnets on the fridge. Full cabinets. Unwashed dishes in the sink. Several coats hung behind the door. An old quilt thrown on the couch.
Vlad had received a very interesting phone call earlier. His contacts within the government warned him there would be some shenanigans during Uncle Terry's visit. So we were ready.
We waited on the front porch. Mom swayed on the rocking chair. They had hurt her leg, but I managed to heal some of the damage as my magic came back. I alternated between Mom, Dad and Ezra to heal the blood weapons' injuries. Thanks to my ability to feel magic, I was the only one who could deal with those blood weapons and clear up my parents' and Ezra's systems out of the poisoned blood. But if I was down as well, we would all be toast.
Wren's wolf sat in front of the porch steps. Her beautiful white blond coat glimmered under the late morning sun. Zyron thought having her here during the meeting would be a good reminder of who the humans were talking to. Wren was big even by werewolf standards, her teeth were the size of knives and gleamed just as sharply. But she was also beautiful and elegant. The latter would put the humans at ease, Zyron thought.
"Where's Orton?" I asked.
"He's with the patrol group tasked to accompany the humans here," Dad said, his red hair had lost some of its luster and hung limp over his forehead, but his eyes held enough rage and determination to make up for his weight loss and sallow skin.
Ezra nudged the thermos of tea in my hand. I looked up at him and made a face. I had had so much tea, if I never saw another tea cup of it it would be too soon.
Ezra chuckled. The cuts visible on his neck and arms were scabbing over, and the t-shirt that usually hugged his frame looked a bit loose. I forced another swallow of my drink. I had to get better for them to get better.
"The party is heading your way, my lovelies," Sam's voice filled my head. "Brace yourselves."
"I love that vampire," Mom said, taking a sip of her own tea.
"Don't love him too much," Dad grumbled.
"Ah, the curse of being handsome," Sam linked us. "The effect I have on ladies is no joke. Sorry Olin."
Sam must be nearby to have heard Dad. I scanned the woods around us but couldn't spot him. The trees around the cabin were thick enough.
Dad hid his smile behind his mug. "You're not sorry at all. Keep your claws to yourself and we won't have a problem."
Sam had been joking more than usual since earlier. It must be his way of coping.
Wren's wolf huffed, her snow white tail swishing the ground. "How many are there, Sam?"
"Orla's uncle and two other men," Sam said.
"What about what Vlad warned us about?" Dad asked.
Wren's ears flickered. "He was right. Patrols spotted an interesting convoy heading our way. They want to take advantage of us taking down the spell to let Orla's uncle enter pack lands. They definitely want to test the waters, and we'll be the most gracious hosts."
Sam snorted. "Gracious, my ass. You'll tear them apart if they do so much as touch a hair on the kids' heads."
Wren simply smiled, showing her impressive set of canines.
"Here you go," Sam mumbled, turning serious.
Footsteps crunched closer. Mom and Dad came to stand next to me. A minute later, three men broke through the line of trees accompanied by Jason and my brother. I recognized uncle Terry in the middle. Dressed in a black suit, he looked older than I remembered. More gray hairs, more lines on his face.
The humans' steps faltered when they saw Wren. Uncle Terry's hand shifted to his jacket, as if he was reaching for something.
"A gun," Ezra growled through the link.
"Don't get your panties in a bunch, Ezra. It's only natural they're armed," Sam said.
The wolf held all their attention at the moment. After a few seconds, Wren laid down, put her head on her paws and closed her eyes, looking to all the world like a sleeping puppy. If that puppy was almost six feet tall and weighed as much as a horse, if not more.
Uncle Terry and company cautiously followed Olin around the wolf. Finally, uncle Terry's gaze swung up to meet mine.
"Orla," he breathed out, giving me a small smile. That smile threw me down the memory lane into a time where I spent hours running between my uncle and my late father as they sat with fishing rods near the river. The memory felt so fresh with my uncle right in front of me.
How long had it been since I'd thought of my late father that way, without the taint of his last moments to stain his memory. Just as the person who saw an orphan little girl and gave her a home and love with no condition.
I squeezed Ezra's hand and walked down the steps into uncle Terry's hug.
He patted my back while I blinked back the unexpected tears.
"Hey, kiddo. You alright?" He asked once we pulled back, his eyes flickering to the people standing on the porch. His eyes narrowed on my parents.
"I'm fine. Thank you," I told him and turned to wave my parents and Ezra down. "Olin and Vanessa, my parents."
Uncle Terry blinked his surprise but shook Dad and Mom's hands. He then looked at Ezra.
"And this is my..." how do I introduce him? Humans didn't know about mates, and boyfriend seemed like such a flimsy word for what we had.
"Fiancé," Ezra said. Dad made a noise.
"I don't remember you asking for my daughter's hand, boy," Dad grumbled through the collective link.
Orton, Wren and Sam's laughter roared in my head.
Uncle Terry raised his brows at Ezra, but he didn't offer his hand in greeting.
"Great. Another protective male in your life to add to the mix," Ezra grumbled, though I could tell he was pleased.
I cleared my throat. "Right. This is uncle Terry and..."
"Jenkins and Dawson. My colleagues," uncle Terry said.
And I realized then, with a small sense of disappointment, that maybe my uncle wasn't here entirely to check up on me. Maybe that was part of the reason, but he might also be using me as an excuse to get past enemy lines. Were we enemies? I sure hoped not. But I would just have to make sure it never came to that.
We moved the party inside. My parents, Ezra and uncle Terry sat around the table with steaming cups of coffee. Jenkins and Dawson politely refused to sit down, preferring to stand by the windows, their eyes never missing a thing. Orton stayed outside with Wren.
"Have you heard from your mother?" Uncle Terry asked. "I called her to check on you when I first recognized you through the videos, but she didn't know anything."
"No. Mom and I are... not on the best terms. But you already know that."
It felt weird to address my adoptive mother as Mom with my real mom being right here. But old habits die hard.
"Still?" Uncle Terry sighed. "I'm sorry I haven't been in contact all these years. I got into the FBI and life has been hectic..."
I shrugged. "That's fine."
"I never knew," uncle Terry finally said after a long beat of awkward silence, "that you weren't human. You've been such a normal child."
My hackles rose. I was still quite sensitive after what happened these couple of days, the last bit of patience I could afford was slipping away very quickly.
"I am still normal," I told him. "Just because we're different doesn't mean we're freaks."
Ezra put his hand on my knee under the table.
Uncle Terry cleared his throat. "No offense. This is all very new to us..."
Right. I sighed and traced the rim of my cup. "Yeah, I understand."
"Are you a witch or...?"
"No. I'm a moon child."
"Right. Moon children. I don't even know what that means..." he said.
I smiled. Wouldn't he like to know? Zyron told us that information was on a need to know basis. For all we knew, Zane and the other spies that humans found within us had already told them all about our abilities. Probably. But we shouldn't volunteer information unless it was absolutely necessary.
The sound of a loud explosion shook the ground. My ears rang, windows rattled. I hid my smile. Here we go. Time to let the humans know just why they want to be our friends, not our enemies.
--- ---- ---
Hey guys!
The chapter is not edited, so if you notice any mistakes, let me know. And don't forget to vote and comment. I appreciate it!
Also, the story is almost done! Just a couple of loose end to tie up and then it's over *crying emoji*
So maybe one more chapter and then the epilogue.
But I'll definitely be writing some bonus chapters! Let me know what you want to read and I'll write it <3 <3 <3
Much love <3 <3 <3
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