xvi. Tris' Fault

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"But we're not ready yet." Four says getting up and walking away.

"I got this." Lexi gets up and walks after him. "Hey, what's your problem?" Lexi jogged up to Four.

"Nothing, I'm just stressed out and I don't know what to even think to do." Four comes to an abrupt stop. "I'm sorry, Lex." He pulls her into a hug and rests his head on hop of hers.

"It's okay. You've done everything you can." Lexi smiles pulling away then the two hear some commotion coming from their table. Tris has Peter under the table and a butter knife to his neck.

Four rushes over to get Tris off of Peter while Lexi and Caleb get the table off him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Johanna questions getting up from her seat. "My office. Now."

"Enjoy your meal, everyone. Enjoy your meal." Johanna assures the people of Amity.

Katie scuffs. "Yeah, everyone but us." She pouts earning a light chuckle from Lexi. Katie grabs her sisters hand and they walk to Tris.

"Hey, Tris. Calm down. Just calm down." Lexi places her hand on Tris' arm as she's visibly about to crash out but Tris pulls away giving Lexi a dirty look and starts walking to the office. Four looks at Lexi who just shrugs as they now watch Tris walk away in anger.


"Was I not clear that the terms of your sanctuary here included nonviolence?" Johanna questions the group as they all sit in her office.

"I can guarantee you nothing like this will ever happen again." Four says.

"Well, be that as it can no longer stay here with us. Your presence is just too disruptive."

"Woah, woah, woah. This was Tris's fault why are the rest taking the punishment too?" Katie questions furrowing her eyebrows as Lexi nods in agreement.

Tris gives them both a discrete dirty look before brushing them off. "The truth is our sanctuary was never gonna last very long here anyways. Was it? With you not standing up to Jeanine." Tris says.

Johanna scuffs. "You don't understand us at all."

"No, I do understand you. I understand that you think you can stay out of this. But you can't." Tris raises her voice. "One day she's gonna show up and Jeanine is gonna take whatever power you think you have away from you."

"Tris, Tris..." Lexi makes her look at her trying to get her to calm down. "Look, Johanna, we need a little more time." Lexi looks to her with pleading eyes.

"I need to find out where the rest of Dauntless are. Then we can leave." Four pipes up.

"And then what? Attack Erudite? I will not be a party to violence."

"And no one's asking you to. We just need a few more days." Lexi gives Johanna a face she could never say no to.


"One what?" Tris snaps.

"One more chance. See, to be Amity is to forgive. Other. And yourself." That's why Lexi was never good at Amity. "You're hurting, Tris. And my heart goes out to you. I know what it's like to stand helpless while you lose the ones you love." Johanna says as a couple tear fall down Tris' face but she quickly wipes them away. "But killing Jeanine is not going to bring your mother back. I know you're angry. But you're letting it consume you."

Just then a man runs you the stairs to the office frantically.

"What is it?" Johanna walked over to him as the group heard vehicles approaching.

Four quickly got up to look out the window and the rest followed. It was a bunch of truck from Dauntless.

"Stay here. And keep quiet." Johanna tells the group before leaving.

'All Amity report to the dome for mandatory testing. Please proceed to the dome for mandatory testing.'

The group was now crouched down in Johanna's office while everyone was being tested. Four walked over to the other window and watched as Eric entered to low area of the building they're in.

"Eric's here. We need to move now. Come on." Four says walking back to the group and helping Lexi up off the ground.

"What's up there?" They heard Eric speak from down stairs.

"Wait, stop." Four whispers.

"Just my office." Johanna replies.

"Go, go, go!" Four whispers again.

"There's three guards with guns." Lexi says holding Katie's hand and Four opens a window.

"We're going out the window?" Caleb questions.

"We need to split up." Four says to Peter.

"Okay, yeah. Okay. Every man for themselves." Peter agrees.

"Good." Four walks back to the window.

"Hey, they're up here! Hey!" Peter yells ratting them all out to Eric.

"Go, go, go, go!" Four says trying to get everyone out the window.

"Eric, they're up here! Come on, they're getting away!"

"Oh you little bitch." Lexi scuffs.

Four jumps down from the window and attacks the guards while Caleb and Tris go next. Katie jumps down and Caleb catches her and lastly Lexi gets down.

Four, Lexi and Tris grab the guns off of the soldiers while Caleb and Katie run behind them.

"Let's go." Four breathes out.

Soldiers from inside the dome shoot at the five and Lexi shields Katie with her body as they all duck down while still running.

"Come on, keep moving." Four says running in front of everyone.

The trucks follow them until they reach the forest where Eric and the soldiers had to take it to on foot.

I'm getting there y'all 🤭😝

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