His Master, Exhausted

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Sebastian POV

I watched my young love as he talked to the three men in front of him. What is it you want to know? Ciel asks as he sips his tea and crosses his legs. Remus hesitates for a second. What happened Ha- sorry, Ciel?

Ciel sighs, and I rub his shoulders earning a grateful smile from him before it is masked away. It started last year after I got sent back after Cedric had died. I was depressed and those people could tell. They moved me back to my original bedroom. Ciel spat those words out with such venom that is physically able to those words would have melted. The beatings and chores only got worse as time went on until I was near death. Well not near death so much as actually dying. I held back a growl at the thought of him being injured. Severuss face went very pale along with Remus, and Sirius seemed to be holding back tears. I wanted to escape and I did. Sebastian here helped me. Ciel says gesturing to me. I smile at the thought that I was the one to take him out of that place. Stepping back into the shadows, I continue my duties keeping an ear out for my little lords call.

{Time Skip}

Third POV

Ciel sat at the table enjoying his breakfast when he received a message from the queen. Reading it he sighed. What is wrong Ciel? Remus asks pausing in eating to stare at the teenager.

The Queen has asked me to deal with what is currently going on in the wizarding world. It is killing too many British citizens it seems. Rubbing his forehead in frustration, he left the table to draft a letter to the order of the fried chicken. He could just tell that by the end of this he would have a massive headache.

{A little while later}

Dumbledore POV

That stupid brat, he had ruined all of his carefully planned plans leaving his relatives' house and breaking the wards when he no longer called the place home. I should have guessed something of this nature had happened. I thought as I paced my office When he didn't appear for his fifth year. Now I have lost my puppet. Throwing stuff at the wall in rage, I tried to calm myself for the pending order meeting. Fixing everything with a flick of his wand I flo over to Grimaud Place and am surprised to see Remus, Severus, and Sirius sitting at the table waiting for the meeting to start. Clearing my throat I begin. We have found Harry Potter. It appears that he is physically fine, but his mind seems to have been tampered with as he seems to have been mentally compromised Many people gasped at the news, When suddenly the doorbell rang silencing any and all sound as Mrs. Black started screaming. Nobody should have been able to even see the house let alone ring the doorbell. Who could it be?


Me: *Waves frantically* I'm back!!! Sorry for the wait, but I have to figure out where this story is going all over again after I lost the entire planned story in the hacking incident. But rest assured I am continuing this story, and plan on finishing it. *Hears angry plot bunny hopping towards self* I'll be back soon with the next update, see you all there! *Naruto runs away*

Plot Bunny: *hops onscreen* Remember to check out her other stories, and to tell your friends. *Hops away humming creepy tune*

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