Chapter 1

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Zayn's POV

There's some people that have this light to them that can't be put out. You look at them and can't stop looking at them, or you just see that those people need to be put on a pedestal so the world can see them. Then there's those people that are just ordinary. They don't glow when they smile or draw attention when they speak. They're just ordinary, but there's always some people that believe they're special.

I'm just ordinary. There's nothing about me that would make people look or give that glow that attracts others to me. I'm just me and that's all. But to my sisters or to my family, I guess to them I'm something special. That's kind of why I have dinner with them every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night. It's not like I go out to clubs or date someone. No one likes me more than just a one night stand, so I just stick to myself unless I really need to get some, so to say.

My car parked outside my parents house, the house I grew up in. I took a minute to look through my book bag to get the tickets for that concert I had gotten last week. I had forgotten about them actually until Nick asked me how my brothers reacted to getting the tickets. Of course, I had to correct him and tell him I had sisters and only then did I remember that I hadn't given them the tickets yet.

Once I got the envelope, I tucked it in my fake leather jacket. I got out of my car and walked up the driveway to the house. I knocked on the door before opening it. Safaa came running down the stairs and tackled me in a hug. Even if she's thirteen, she's still my little baby koala sister.

"How's it going?" I asked her once she got her skinny legs wrapped around me. All of us Malik kids are skinny little things. We don't know why, but I don't mind. Especially when my sister still thinks she's a six year old and I can carry her. I carried her into the kitchen where my mum and Doniya were cooking. My dad was at the table with Waliyah doing something.

Doniya was older than me, but she was like me in some ways that she spent time here with us more than a crazy party life that normal twenty year olds should have. Waliyah was seventeen and too cool to like me, but I knew she liked seeing me when I would come around. We were pretty close when I lived at home, so she didn't really need to smother me for me to know she kind of likes me.

"Hello, sunshine. How was your day?" My mum asked me as I went up and kissed her cheek. Call me a mama's boy, but I love mum more than a normal twenty-two year old should. She set down her big spoon and turned to give me a hug before going back to stirring whatever was in her pot. Doniya gave me a smile, then I went over to my dad. He pat my back then went back to helping Waliyah with what looked like math homework.

"Math is disgusting. Get it out of our kitchen." I told me sister as I took a seat next to her. She kicked me understand the table and looked at me with at smirk.

"You're disgusting, but we let you in the kitchen." She sassed back. That only caused me to laugh at her and mess up her long brown hair.

"That's not something you should say to someone that has four VIP tickets to see One Direction." I told her, pulling out the envelope. She dropped her pencil and looked at me like she couldn't believe what I just said. I heard Doniya drop her knife she was cutting up vegetables with and saw Safaa grab onto the counter like she was about to faint.

"Wait, are you serious?!" Waliyah screeched. I pulled out the tickets and put them on her math book then quickly got up to get out of the way so my other sisters could look at the tickets without trampling me.

The three of them screamed and said things that I can only assume to be words, but I didn't catch those really. My dad shook his head and looked at me like he needed me to explain this. He's always given me that look. Any time I would annoy the girls when I was little and make them cry or scream, he always needed an explanation before he actually judged my me. Of course, then I made them scream by putting fake bugs and stuff in their beds or just being obnoxious. I was the only boy in the family, it was my job to annoy them.

"I got them at work. Grimshaw got them to give them away on air, but instead he gave them to me. I know you definitely want to go see those boys dance and sing, right dad?" I asked him with a chuckle. He laughed and shook his head but we were cut off by the girls yelling at us.

"They don't dance, Zayn! They can't dance! Get your facts right." Safaa snapped at me with a giggle. Of course those boys don't know how to dance. I'm not a big fan, but I just kind of assumed that because they're a boy band they should dance as well. I guess good for them for not being like everyone else. In a way, I can relate to that. Also in the fact I can't dance unless it's grinding. If there were a dancing competition for grinding, I would win that five times over.

"Mum, do you want to go with the girls?" I asked my mother who now seemed really interested on this whole concert thing. She shook her head and came over to wrap her arm around my waist.

"I gave up my screaming concert days when Doniya was born. I think it's only fair for you to go, considering you got the tickets. It might be nice for you to see them live." She told me. I wanted to say that one of the girls should invite a friend for the fourth ticket, but Safaa started begging me to go so that I could finally see why they're the best boy band in the world. She gave me puppy dog eyes and with those blue eyes, there was no way I could say no to her.

"Fine, I'll go! But I'm not posing for pictures with them or whatever during the meet and greet. I'm going as a legal adult for you three. We all know Doniya isn't going to be one." I told the three of them. They all laughed, probably to high off of happiness to care that I literally insulted one of them.

My mum put the tickets in a safe spot before we all sat down tor dinner. I just ate quietly and listened to Safaa go on about how hot Liam Payne is. That made both my father and I very uncomfortable hearing the baby of our family talk about boys that way. My mum asked what the one with the fluffy hair name was, which was Louis Tommy or something like that. Apparently, Doniya liked him the best. I stopped listening after a while and just ate the rest of my food.

"Zayn, after dinner I want to show you some of their music and stuff so you can at least know some of the songs they'll be singing. You're like a cave man. You only listen to rap, R&B and that weird bollywood stuff. You need to expand your horizons." Safaa told me. I nodded and sighed because I knew there was no way of getting out of this. I actually don't go into her room for the reason that there's always a bunch of eyes looking at me because of how many posters she had up.

True to her word, I was being pulled up the stairs once dinner was over. We walked into her room and I was met with posters absolutely everywhere. I plopped down on her bed and waited for her to get her One Direction study kit ready for me. That's what this feels like anyway. To her I'm sure she does this on a daily basis.

"Okay so you've probably heard Story of My Life and What Makes You Beautiful, but there's songs you need to hear that they'll probably sing at the concert. Here's some pictures to look." She told me as she pressed play on her ipod. She also handed me a magazine with those boys on it as if I couldn't see the posters surrounding us.

She played a few songs that were alright. They weren't something I really liked, but it was some good pop music. I found myself getting bored so I opened the magazine just to make my little sister happy. However, I didn't expect to see a very nice picture of one the the band members. It wasn't like he was shirtless or something, he was just playing guitar and his arms were flexed and it looked very nice.

"That one is Niall." Safaa told me. I cleared my throat and closed the magazine because I didn't need to be looking at that guy the way most teenage girls looked at him. I mean, it's no secret that I like guys, but I've made it a point not to get celebrity crushes. Especially on members of a bubble gum pop boy band. He's attractive, I'll give him that, but I'm probably his age and that's weird to be looking at pictures of some lad that's my age.

I spent a few more minutes with my sister listening to their music and listening to her tell me how sings what part. I ignored her slightly and tried to find at least one song I liked. There were maybe three I liked, but I didn't want to tell my sister that because then she would tease me about it. I really liked the one that was about morning sex or whatever just because I could relate to it and it was a mature song. I also liked that one that was about hooking up and one night stands. I think the name was Temporary Fix, but I'm not sure. Safaa said the name then went on to tell me some information I definitely didn't need to know.

"I feel like you need to learn more music, but this is a start." She told me, turning off her music player. All I did was laugh and kiss her forehead. Sometimes I don't even care what I have to do for my sisters, just as long as they're happy. And right now, I see my baby sister is beyond happy to spend some time with me doing something that didn't involve sports or things that I liked. It was something she could share with me from her life and I think that's what made it special.

"Thanks for showing me that, kiddo. I think we'll have to hang out at my flat sometime and do this. I'll even let you eat pizza in the living room." I whispered the last part to her, knowing that's the only reason why she likes coming over to my place. Sometimes with our age gap it's hard to find common ground with her or to be a close big brother to her, so I try to find stuff that makes it seem normal that I'm so much older than her. Doniya does the same, but she just teaches Safaa about make up and talks to her about boys and other girl stuff so it's easier. I have to try, but it's all worth it.

Once I left my parents house, I felt this almost empty feeling in my chest. I felt like I wanted someone to be in my life or like growing up wasn't that much fun anymore. I wished I could live in a loud house and have someone to say goodnight to me before bed. I guess I'm just a little lonely in my ordinary life.

A/N: here's the first chapter!!! So I'm not an idiot and I know the boys aren't touring right now and will be on a hiatus by the time I finish this, but in this story I'm making it as if they are touring and stuff. If there are any questions just ask me and I'll answer them for you! How do you all feel about this??!?!?!? Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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