Distance and Distractions

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It's been a couple months since you've stopped speaking to me. I gave up and have a boyfriend who cares about me. It feels weird not speaking to you everyday. We don't even look at each other anymore and when we do, it feels so awkward. I feel like a part of me has just been ripped away from me. Who are we anymore? Who are you? You've gotten a girlfriend and we've grown apart. She hates me like actually hates me and you do nothing to stop it. We try speaking but it never works out. I try to distract myself from you by being in love with someone else . I've been with my boyfriend for months and months and with every month my love for him grows stronger. But, then I see you passing me in the halls. Not a care in the world and definitely not a care for me and I melt. I melt every time I see you. Does this mean I love my boyfriend or is he just a distraction from what I am trying to feel from you? I do. I do love my boyfriend, he means the world to me. But then, who are you to me? Are you still just a plain old crush that I will never get over or are you just something I fantasize about and don't even want? This all is just too hard for me and I don't know how much of you I can take anymore. But today, today something happened. You spoke to me. You've been telling my boyfriend you wanted to speak to me but your girlfriend wouldn't let you. So finally you did and I finally saw that smile again. The smile in which your dimple indented your cheek so softly and all my insides flip. The smile where you can see your perfectly straight teeth show which I've always been jealous of. I finally was happy again and it was all because the simple words, "hey, I haven't spoken to you in a while. Let's catch up I miss you." I miss you... Oh those words. With that I wished you had not spoken to me because once you left those feelings were back. They were back and staying there for a long time.

A/N: sup, so uh yeah I'm back. Maybe I'll actually update now. See ya later |-/

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