Highschool DXD x One winged angel season 2: chapter 8 (part 1)

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Ayane's pov

I was standing on top of a nearby rooftop. The moon shine brightly in the night sky as looked down at the city below. I do this every night as some what of a hobby or that I'm out doing a mission. As I was standing there I sensed a familiar presence nearby as jumped from rooftop to rooftop until I landed in the park as I looked around.

"You can come out now I know your there." I said as I dodge a fireball coming from the trees

"Your skills are top notch Ayane even for a kunoichi like myself." The voice said as a figured emerged from the shadows.

"Mai I knew I sense your presence what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Would you believe me if I told you I was seeing the sights?" Mai asked as I just grin.

"Sadly, to say no." I replied as I pulled out my Fuma Kodachi.

"So, it's going to be like that then...so be it." Mai said as she pulls two red paper fans as the both of began fighting.

The whole place was filled with sounds of our weapons colliding with each other as I dodged one of Mai's fan that was spinning towards me on fire as I flip backwards several times to dodge flaming fans. I had to admit she was good. As we were about to collide once again I sensed that two fallen angels had enter the area.

"Well what do we have here two sexy ladies having a heated cat fight...must be out lucky day boys." Said one of the fallen angels.

"I agree with you on that so which one you want?" The second fallen angel said.

"I think I take the one in red she's my kind of women." The first angel said as I just look at him in disgust.

"Looks like we have a few birds to cook how do you like your fallen angels Mai?" I asked as Mai was standing next to me.

"I prefer mine extra crispy." Mai replied as the both of us attacked the two fallen angels.

"Why you little." The first fallen angel said as he summoned light spear and threw it at me but I dodged it and threw several kunai at him in which he tried to dodge but the kunai exploded damaging him as I followed up by giving him a round house kick to the face. (a/n: ignore the blood)

Mai was taking care of the second fallen angel with now problem as the fallen angel was badly burned from his left arm down and his wings were burnt to a crisp

"Damn it you bitch." The second fallen angel said as he summoned several light spears and threw them at us which Mai and I dodged.

"Let's get them." The first angel said as he stood next to his partner.

"Hey! were did they go?" The second angel said as the both of them didn't know where we were.

"Up here." Mai said as the both of us fell from the tress right on top of them as I Mai summoned her fire and I used mu ninjutsu to set the two fallen angels on fire as they screamed before turning into dust.

"That was fun now tell me the real reason you are here Mai." I said as I looked at her.

"Fine I tell you...I'm here because I want to join you and Kasumi in severing Y/n." Mai said as I was a taking back but I sensed she mean no harm so I took her back to the house and told her to wait outside my lords room as I knocked on the door.

"Enter." I heard Y/n said as I walked in and bow to him.

"My lord sorry to wake you but a friend of mine wants to join you as." I said.

"Oh, and who is this person?" Y/n asked as I called Mai in.

Mai's Pov

After I was called into the room by Ayane I looked at my new master and I was amazed on how handsome he looked even when he was shritless.

"So, you must be the one who wants to join my peerage correct?" Y/n said as I kneeled in front of him.

"Yes, my lord. My name is Mai Shiranui and It's an honor to join you if you have me." I said as Y/n looked at me before he pulled out a chess piece and told me to rise in which I did as he placed the chess piece into my chest. I felt a lot of power coming from inside me like I never felt before.

"Welcome to the family Mai." Y/n said as I bowed to him.

"Thank you Y/n-sama I will serve you well." I replied as Y/n-sama told me that Ayane will show me to my room and he'll introduce me to the others in the morning. I bowed and left the room with Ayane so my master can get his sleep.

"You are very lucky to have a master like him Ayane." I said as the both of us walked down the hall.

"Indeed. He's very kind and helpful and he treats us like family instead of just pieces." Ayane said as we stopped in front of a room as she opened it and I stepped inside. It was very nice and cool as I liked it.

"Thanks again Ayane." I said as I hugged her before she left the room I told her I see her tomorrow morning before closing the door. I took a quick shower and went to bed.

y/n's pov

The next morning, I got up and did my morning routine. An hour before school I introduce Mai to the rest of my peerages in which they welcomed with open arms before we sat down and had breakfast. Once breakfast was done I headed off to school. As I was halfway near the school I see a guy with short white hair leaning against the bridge. I cautiously walked a little closer.

"And who might you be?" I asked

"My name is Vali the white dragon emperor, but you can call me the vanishing dragon." Vali said

"So, you're the one I met a few days ago when I fought Kokabiel...interesting." I said as I stared him down trying to read his motives.

"Indeed, you are correct." Vali said before Kiba and Xenovia appeared out of nowhere and had their swords at his neck.

"It wouldn't be smart for us to allow you to start a fight with the red dragon emperor now would it?" Xenovia asked.

"What's going on?" Asia asked walking up behind me.

"Stay behind me Asia." I replied.

"If this really the best move if all of you still couldn't bring Kokabiel down you'll never beat me but don't take my word for it but keep going if you don't care about causing a scene." Vali said as Kiba and Xenovia lowered their weapons as they walked over to my side.

"Tell me something y/n how do you compare to those with the power in this world?" Vali asked me as I just smiled a little.

"To quote a famous Philosopher. The measure of a man is what he does with power." I replied. (a/n: points to those who know which Philosopher I'm referring to who said those words)

"On a scale of strongest to weakest I say your up in the strongest ranking." Vali said.

"Well thank for telling me this Vali but I don't need a ranking system to tell me how strong I am." I replied as I sense Rias behind me.

"Mind telling me what this is all about? If come on behalf of the fallen angels I can assure you it's a huge waste of time." Rias said.

"Were you aware that the welsh dragon and the vanishing dragon called upon the twin sky dragons? People involved with the red and white dragons never had the best of luck. I'm fascinated makes me wonder how your life would turn out." Vali said as I walked forward.

"I suggest you kindly leave Vali you made your point." I said as Vali said he didn't came to fight saying he has much more important things to do today as he walked off. To be honest that Vali rubs me the wrong way.

*time skip to the next day*

The next day was Parents day as me and my sister Angel was already at the school talking. I managed to ask Sona if my sister can enroll into the school in which she had no problem to do so. Once that was over with we were heading to class when I see some of the guy students were drooling over my sister in which she gave them a chilling look that might have frozen their very souls. Later on, that day the parents started to arrive as I had my arms folded while I was sitting at my desk near the window when I sense three familiar auras enter the school.

"There here." I said as I nodded to my sister as the both of us headed to the front of the building to met them. Several of the other parents who were there saw my father Sephiroth, my mother Zhang Chunhua and my Mirahoshi.

(a/n: ignore the wing)

mother: Zhang Chunhua

Sister: Mirahoshi

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