Highschool Dxd x One winged angel season 2 chapter 8 (part 2)

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3rd person pov

Y/n and his sister Angelus were out in front of the school to meet their parents and older sister. Y/N walked over to his father and stared him down with the coldest of stare and so did his father.

"Been awhile father." Y/n said as he kept staring his father down.

"Like wise son." Sephiroth said as he to was staring down his son. The air around the two were chilling so much that even the devils that were around were about to piss themselves due the coldest of their stares before y/n shook hands with his father and gave a smile.

"Good to see son." Sephiroth said as the air around them returned back to normal.

"Wait is that y/n? and who's that with him?" One of the girls asked.

"Apparently the other guy is his dad." Another girl replied

"Oh, wow the silver hair prince and his father are so hot together I want them to do me both." A third girl said as some of the moms of the other parents had to agree but then they were given a scary look from Y/n's mother before she turned her attention to y/n and his father

"Now you two settle down." Said Zhang Chunhua said as she and Mirahoshi Y/n and Angelus older sister walked over.

"Hello son." Zhang Chunhua hugging her son.

"Dude Y/n mom is so hot so are his sisters." Said one of the male students that was then giving a cold murderous look from Zhang Chunhua, Angel and Mirahoshi making most of the boys almost wet themselves.

"Looks like you gotten a lot stronger brother." Mirahoshi said as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You could say that sister come I show you around." Y/n said as he leads his parents and sisters inside the school showing them around.

"So, y/n tell me how you got so much power anyway?" Sephiroth asked as Y/n explained everything to his father down to the detail.

"I see looks like I trained you well." Sephiroth said.

"Thanks father." Y/n replied as they entered his classroom. The room went silent as they entered the room. Rias and Akeno were talking with each other until they saw y/n walk in.

"Hey y/n." Akeno said

"Hey there Akeno, Rias I like you to introduce you to my father Sephiroth and my mother Zhang Chunhua and my older sister Mirahoshi." Y/n said as the devils face just paled when y/n mentioned his father.

"It's so nice to met you two." Zhang said as she gave them a smile just as the bell rang for class to start as the students took their seats while the parents stood in the back of the class either watching or recording their children.

Y/n Pov

"Okay class on your desk there is a lump of clay your assignment is to create something original it can be whatever you want as long as it's meaningful to you. We all see life in situations differently it's the same with everyday conversations we may have. We use the same words but it's our expression that defines the thought." The teacher said as I was thinking on what to make. Asia was already working on hers as she was shaping hers to look like her familiar. I thought on what I wanted to make as I remember what my father told me about his old friends he trained with as I started to make the clay in shape of a giant cannon. The whole class stopped and looked at me as I continue to make it and was amazed on how it looked.

"Why Y/n I didn't know you were a crafter." The teacher said.

"I never said that I wasn't" I replied as I look to the back of the class and I say my father give a little smirk as he knew what I made. Later on, that day I was hanging out with my sisters Rias and Akeno and Asia chanting about stuff as I heard someone say something about a magical girl in the gym.

"Magic girl?" I asked as I saw Rias look surprised.

"It can't be." Rias said

"Or can it?" Akeno asked.

All of us headed to the gym were we see about half of the guys in the school taking pictures of a girl on stage in what looks like a magical girl outfit. I tried to figure out what the heck was going on until I see Saji walk up and told the guys to leave.

"Hard at work as usual I see Saji." I said as he looked at me.

"I don't have time for you." Saji said as the doors to the gym flew wide open as I see Sona standing in the doorway.

"Saji what's going on here?" Sona asked as Saji tried to explain himself to her as the girl in the magical outfit appeared from behind Saji making Sona shocking her.

"I finally found you Sona." The girl said as I had to guess she was related to Sona.

"I'm so happy to see you. What's the matter you look sad your face is all read. Are you happy to be seeing your big sister?" The girl said.

"She has a sister?" I asked

"That is the Lady Serafall Leviathan." Rias replied.

"One of the four current devil kings I'd always heard things about Sona sister, but I didn't recognize her since this is the first time we've met." Saji said as I look Serefell as she was full of energy even for a devil king.

"It's been a long-time lady Leviathan." RIs said as she walks over to the both of them.

"Yes, it has Rias how excited are you to see me?" Serefell asked.

"Very thank you for asking. Did you come here to visit Sona for open house?" Rias asked as Serefell replied saying that she had to find the information on her own and she said Sona is a meanie and didn't tell her the truth that she nearly attacked heaven out of frustration.

"Geez I'm glad I'm not like her." Angelus said to me as Serafall looked towards me.

"Hey look is that the guy who suppose to be the dragon?" Serefell asked as I walked over.

"It's a pleasure to meet the sister and one of the four devil lords my name is Y/n L/n Sephiroth." I said as Serafell's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"You're the red dragon and the son of the one-winged angel Sephiroth I can't believe it. I seen you wipe the floor with Riser and his father, and I must say your very cute." Serefell said as I just smiled and replied that she was a beautiful woman like her sister making Sona blush. I introduce my two sisters to her as well as they bowed a little.

Sona then went on saying that she was responsible for the entire student council at the school and that the uniform her sister was wearing was inappropriate school attire and told Serefell to change. And so Serefell continue to embarrass her little sister making her run off as I look at my own sister and thought good thing they don't act like that.

The six of us left the gym and headed towards the school when I see my father talking to a red headed man along with my mother.

"I been looking for you Rias." The red hair man said.

"Yes, hello father." Rias replied. As we walked over to them.

"You must be Y/n It's an honor to finally met the son of the legendary Sephiroth. I'm Rias father." The man said.

"Thank you sir and these are my sister Angelus and Mirahoshi." I said as my sister nodded there heads and said hello.

"We can talk more back at my son place if that's okay with you?" My mother said as I said it wasn't a problem as they walked off and another red hair guy was walking down the stairs laughing as I knew who it was.

"Why are you laughing?" Rias asked her brother as he replied saying that their having a family sleepover with father.

*time skip*

Back at my place My mother and my two queens were making dinner while my father was talking to Rias father while my sisters and I were having a little sparing in the training room with a hologram of a place that me and my sisters can fight in. The room was filled with the sound of ringing steel as our blades collide with one another as my sister decided to double team me. I had to admit they were strong and fast, but I read them like a book as blocked Angelis blade with my own and bend over backwards to dodge Mirahoshi blade.

"The both of you are very good but I have one more trick up my sleeve." I said as I swung my blade as several blades of light rushed towards them as they blocked the first attack they didn't see the other energy slashes right behind the fist as they were knocked back and hit the floor.

"That was a little sneaky brother." Angelus said as I just smiled helping them up.

"I agree what kind of move was that?" Mirahoshi asked.

"That was lunar eclipse a move I made to make the enemy thing there was only one attack but in fact there were several." I replied.

"I see that is a very good skill y/n." Angelus said as father entered the training room telling us that dinner was ready. As my sisters left the room my father stopped me to have a little chat.

"Y/n You have a lot of friends my son and very strong peerages you make me proud." My father said as I thanked him before the both of us headed to the kitchen for dinner.

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