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It was coming to that time for the next generation of leaf ninja to begin there career as ninja's, for some it was a exciting and nervous feeling to it others found troublesome and drool and for one it was a step closer for him to become hokage

Akira was a early riser by nature unlike her brother, she headed out of her room and in the shower and had bath. After showering she went to find her brother surprisingly up making breakfast

Akira: this is a first what's gotten into you

Naruto: hey I'm not that bad that I can't wake up by myself

Akira: hehehe sure keep telling yourself that, what you making

Naruto: pancakes

Akira: thank God it's something else other than ramen

Naruto: heeeeey Don't go dissing my ramen

Akira: I mean your becoming a ninja, you have to eat a lot healthier, I had to literally force you to eat fruits and vegetables

Naruto: jeez it's not that bad

Akira took a bite of the pancakes Naruto put in her plate before replying that it was that bad Naruto mumbled something incoherently and stroll to the bathroom

Akira: What was that Naruto

Naruto: I didn't say anything

Akira: you liar


The Uzumaki twin headed to the academy fairly early as much of the class didn't come to school yet except for shikamaru surprisingly, choji, Gohan, Sasuke and Hinata

Naruto: wow no one's really here yet we must be really early or everyone's late

Akira: I'm pretty sure we're early you just don't know how it feels to be on time

Gohan and choji chuckled at the red heads statement, which had Naruto sulking

Shikamaru: aye could you please be quiet I'm trying to sleep

Akira: then why didn't you just sleep at home!!!

Shikamaru: because my mother woke up it was such a drag

Akira screamed in annoyance at the pineapple haired boy

Akira: everything such a drag for you, your such a lazy ass

Gohan: so hey Naruto you ready

Naruto: you bet I'm going to ace this

Shikamaru: but you failed the last three times what's going to be different this time

Naruto smirked confidently

Naruto: oh shika you'll see, I've changed a lot

Choji: do you mean by your looks because I couldn't tell

Naruto: chooooji not you too, everyone is out for me today

Sasuke: (what a idiot like you could change, yeah right)

Footsteps could be heard as children could be heard bustling in to get to Thier seat

Sakura: I'll be sitting beside Sasuke you lose ino-pig

Ino: go ahead im not stopping you

The blonde replied haughtily before taking a seat beside Gohan and greeting him

Ino: good morning Gohan are you excited

Gohan: yeah you could say that

Sakura: what's going on when did you Gohan become such good friends

Ino: a couple of months ago it's not really your business

Akira: (those two seems close are they...)

Iruka: settle down everyone I know your excited to be graduating, I do have to although some of you have been a pain I'm going to miss you

Iruka looked at Naruto, Naruto smiled at him cheekily which snapped him out of his stupor as he continued. Iruka began the exams as he and mizuki a blue haired chunin handed out sheets of paper for the written exams when it got to the twins they both out let out a sigh as they expected this as mizuki was tampering with Thier equipments and giving them difficult exams so they would fail but because the twins were just playing coy they ended the genjutsu which should a blank paper

Naruto: Iruka sensei, I think mizuki gave me and Akira the wrong paper it's blank

Iruka: oh I guess he made a mistake

After handing the right sheet of the paper twins they began easily writing down the answers

Mizuki was pretty angry how did they know it didn't make sense, almost the whole year he was sabotaging Thier work and they didn't catch on he berated himself but he smirked after there was no way those demon brats would pass the other test

After an hour everyone finished the written exams Iruka began the next test which was the transformation jutsu. Everyone was called up to to perform the jutsu and was marked according to oh well they did, but when it came to Gohan because he couldn't use chakra he was given a pass. It finally came down to the final test for everyone to make a solid clone, it was Gohan's turn again

Ino: hey how are you going to do a clone you don't use chakra

Gohan: I have something for that

Iruka: Gohan you're up, you have show me something so I can make you genin if you can't you'll fail

Gohan: I've got something

Gohan focused his energy has two copies of him were created

Gohan: the multi form technique

Iruka: wow I'm surprised how did you do that

Gohan: easy I basically split my energy into two

Iruka: nicely done

Iruka gave him his leaf headband which the Saiyan tied on his arm. Iruka kept going down the list as he reached Akira who did the exercise easily as she now had better chakra control same applied for Naruto which surprised everyone which had the blonde grinning widely

Sasuke: (he usually couldn't do a solid clone what's going on)

Mizuki himself was seething he didn't expect the demo brats to pass. After the exams school ended as parents came to pick Thier children up

Naruto: alright we did it let's get celebrate with ramen

Akira: I guess it's fair we did just achieve something good

Whispers went around as some of the adults whispered bad things about the twin which Naruto clenched his fist In annoyance

???: can't believe the hokage would let them become Ninja's

???: I'm surprised they even passed

???: look how low the standards have gotten if demons can become Ninja's

Gohan heard everything and was confused why people were talking about Akira and Naruto like that

Akira: don't mind them, still want to get ramen big brother

Naruto: you betcha

Akira: that's the spirit

Gohan: can I come

Shikamaru: me, choji and ino are taging along as well

Naruto: okay I get you and choji but ino are you sure

Ino: don't worry I'm not on a diet anymore, plus as ninja's we burn more calories than normal citizens so few bowls won't kill me



An hour after Naruto and the others had Thier celebratory dinner at ichiraku's Naruto was approached by mizuki who asked to speak to Naruto

Akira: I guess I'll be seeing you at home then

Naruto: yeah

After Akira left mizuki started to explain there was a way for him to become a chunin was to get the scroll of sealing from the hokage mansion

Naruto: (what a idiot how gullible does he think I am, no matter he's planning something time to play along), sure mizuki-sensei

Mizuki: good meet outside of the village in an hour

Naruto: yeah


Later the blonde could be seen walking out of the office nonchalantly, hiruzen opened door to his office to see the scroll of sealing strapped to Naruto's back

Hiruzen: Naruto what are you doing

Naruto: hey Jiji, to be truthful I think mizuki is a traitor

Hiruzen: so your trying to catch him in the act

Naruto: yeah

Hiruzen: okay then this is a B rank mission find out the reason why mizuki wants the scroll of sealing and apprahend him

Naruto: you got it


Naruto went through the scroll of sealing as mizuki wasn't gonna arrive yet

Naruto: hmmm, I already know the shadow clone jutsu thanks to kurama... Huh

Naruto spot something interesting that caught his eye

Naruto: flying ryjin, I've got to look into that later

Mizuki: good Naruto your here you've done well give me the scroll

Iruka: Naruto don't do it, I don't know what you're up to mizuki but you won't get away with it

Mizuki: you fool I wont be hold back by you guys anymore, lord orochimaru I won't fail you

Naruto: (huh orochimaru one of the legendary sannin that's bad news)

Kurama: nothing that snake plan is ever good

Naruto: (uh, huh)

Mizuki: now give me the scroll are I'll have to Kill you

Naruto: hehehe, there's no way your getting this I'm going to kick your ass for betraying the leaf

Mizuki: fool you really gonna defend the same village that hates you

Naruto: yeah because I'm going to become hokage and everyone will acknowledge me

Mizuki: hehehe, hahahaha, you'll never become hokage you wanna know why

Iruka: mizuki that's an S rank secret Don't do it

Mizuki: it's because you and your sister are the kyuubi, that's the reason why the village hates you, your the reason why Iruka's parents or dead you killed them and it's the reason why he hates you

Iruka: it's true I hated Naruto for what the kyuubi did but Naruto's different He's not the kyuubi he's NARUTO UZUMAKI!!!, he's one of my best students he always work hard no matter how many times he have been put down

Mizuki: whatever, I have had enough of this

Naruto: you done idiot, I already knew about the kyuubi, now I'm going to kick your ass

Naruto looked at mizuki with a cocky smirk

Mizuki: tch I kill you, you demon brat

Mizuki summoned a shuriken and threw at Naruto

Iruka: Naruto get out of the way

Naruto: wind style: great breakthrough

Naruto easily blew back the shuriken which mizuki barely dodged

Iruka: when Could Naruto use ninjustu

Mizuki: damn brat!!!!

Naruto: it's over multi shadow clone jutsu

Over a 1000 clones appeared in the forest which scared mizuki

Iruka: amazing he can make so much clones, (he can really become hokage,no the strongest of all the hokage's)

Naruto:Naruto Uzumaki barrage

Naruto's clones all attacked mizuki and pummeled him until he was a bloody mess

Naruto: damn I went overboard

Iruka: you think

Naruto: hehehe

Iruka smirked at his student before ruffling his hair

Iruka: good work

Naruto: thanks Iruka sensei


Mizuki was apprahended and taken to the T and I department ran by a man known as ibiki morino for questioning on the whereabouts of orochimaru, Naruto received his mission payment and went home to be greeted by Akira who was up reading

Akira: how did it go

Naruto: I kicked his ass what did you expect

Akira: I would be surprised if you didn't

Naruto: yeah, okay I'm going to bed night sis

Akira: good night Naruto


The next day everyone eagerly waited as this was day they would be put on a team. Team 7 consisted of Naruto who was glad until he heard he was stuck with Sasuke, Sakura was the final member, the pink haired girl tried to rub the idea that she was on the same team with Sasuke to her love rival, ino just ignored her, Akira surprisingly as well was put on the team as there was extra persons, team 8 was a tracker team with kiba a boy from the inuzuka clan, shino who uses insect who hailed from the Aburame clan and the Hyuga princess Hinata Hyuga was the final member, team 10 consisted of ino, shikamaru and choji which would carry on the famous ino-shika-cho combination

Iruka: okay that's everyone

Gohan: hey Iruka what about me

Iruka: oh yeah the hokage request to see you

Gohan: I see, alright then I won't keep him waiting


Gohan entered the hokage's office, hiruzen himself was busy with paperwork

Hiruzen: oh Gohan, I was expecting you

Gohan: yeah why I wasn't I put on a team

Hiruzen: well it's because I couldn't figure out which team would you fit in well with

Gohan: hmmm, team 7 is out of it, team 8 is a tracker team but I'm not sure I'm suitable so it would have to be team 10

Hiruzen; I was thinking the same but are you sure, you posses the strength but you would have to be good tactically as well

Gohan: I may be boasting but I'm pretty smart

Hiruzen: hmmm, okay then if you pass the test that Asuma has for prepared then you'll be part of team 10

Gohan: a test huh don't worry I'm up for it

Hiruzen: then don't keep them waiting I'll speak to Asuma after the exercise

Gohan left the room as hiruzen took a smoke of his pipe he called out Goku who was listening on perched on his window

Goku: what did I say

Hiruzen: you were right on the money, I shouldn't have doubted you he's your son after all, I really wish you reconsider taking on a team

Goku: even if I wanted to all the teams already have capable jonin sensei's

Hiruzen: that's true, now I'm going to get down to business i called you here because I have a mission for you I need you to investigate a couple of hideouts of orochimaru's were discovered, Anko a kunoichi who I already sent to do some investigation will be taging along this is S rank mission be careful

Goku: you got it

Goku paused at the door and began explaining

Goku: I heard you gave orochimaru a chance after you found out this sick experiments by letting him go, it's not a weakness to be forgiving so don't beat yourself up, but because he didn't take the chance you gave him to change it's up to you decide what to do seriously I've been in your position before with a evil space tyrant

Hiruzen: what did you do, what happened

Goku: I'll tell you after I return back

Hiruzen: fair enough again good luck Goku

Goku: don't worry

Goku exited as he prepared for the mission

Hiruzen sighed wearily something tells him things are going to get interesting



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