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Rumors swirled around about the father- son duo in the village has it was the weekend they were able to go clothes and grocery shopping as it happens times flew by and it was Monday which meant a new start for Gohan who was a bit nervous, sure he was smart but he was worried about the lessons they taught he only had a year to graduate so he could become a genin the young taught it was a good thing he went to the library thanks to the hokage and did enough research about the world he was stuck in. With that said Gohan woke up took a showered, brushed his teeth and got dressed and headed in the kitchen to make breakfast, to be honest he was really glad he watched when Chi-Chi made a few dishes he would require a cook book it seems

Goku: hey Gohan you're up ready for school

Gohan: yeah I guess, how long were you up for

Goku: about a couple of hours

Gohan: training right

Goku: hehehe, you know me

Gohan: I should probably get in some training after school myself at the training grounds

Goku: I guess you don't really have to worry you did defeat cell

Gohan: doesn't mean I'm going to slack off I want to be stronger than you

Goku: yeah that's the spirit

Gohan: I should hurry and make breakfast I have an hour until class starts


After a good enough breakfast consist of pancakes, eggs and bacon the young Saiyan headed to his new school which he was kinda in awed with, Gohan knocked on the door which was opened by his new sensei, Iruka umino

Iruka: you must be Gohan come in and introduce yourself

Gohan nodded his head and entered the class and a lot of eyes staring at me which got him really nervous

Gohan: (why I'm i nervous I faced worst than this)

Iruka: introduce yourself

Gohan: oh yeah m-m-my names Gohan I like to read, food, to train... And I guess that's it

Whispers started to go around and the class had to be silenced by Iruka

Iruka: you can take a seat beside ino the blonde girl

Gohan: um sure thanks

Ino waved her hand so Gohan couldn't miss her

Gohan sat down nervously beside her and Sakura a pink haired girl who was supposedly love rivals of one Sasuke Uchiha

Ino: Gohan right you're cute were are you from

Gohan: somewhere really far

Gohan scratched his head nervously

Sakura; Gohan I heard you said you like to read, what do you like

Gohan: well anything interesting really

Gohan kept being asked a lot of different questions until Iruka decided that was enough questions for now and they would have to do that at the lunch break


Gohan was introduced to different persons by ino such as Naruto, Akira, Hinata, shino, kiba, choji, shikamaru and when it got to Sasuke it was definitely interesting

Gohan: um hey nice to meet you the names....

Sasuke: I don't care get lost

Gohan was shocked he was trying to be nice

Naruto: hey you asshole Gohan was just trying to be nice

Sasuke: i didn't ask for him to speak with me

Naruto: why you!!!

Akira: let it go Naruto

Naruto: tch whatever let's go get ramen

Akira: yeah sure

Gohan: can I come I don't really have anything for lunch

Naruto: yeah the more the merrier, hey choji and shikamaru want to tag along

Choji: yeah I'm down

Shikamaru: *sigh* this is such a drag but fine


Gohan: hey anyone can you tell me what I said wrong to Sasuke

Akira: you didn't do anything wrong, he's just a grade A douchebag

Shikamaru: she's right it's nothing to dwell over

Naruto: they are right Sasuke just have a stick up his ass

Gohan: hehehe, thanks guys

As the genins had Thier fill of ramen which was surprising for most to see Gohan and Naruto eat so many bowels they headed back for class. At the end of the day Gohan decided to do some light training and headed to the library do some reading where he met Sakura doing some research

Sakura: you weren't kidding when you said you liked to read

Gohan: nice to see you Sakura, to be honest I'm new here so it makes sense I do some reading up about the village

Sakura: that's true

Gohan could admit Sakura was good company as they did some reading after a couple of hours Gohan went home

Gohan: hey dad how is it been

Goku: its been good how was school

Gohan: oh it was definitely interesting, made some friends and learnt a lot

Goku: that's good, I ordered takeout as you know I can't cook

Gohan: hehehe don't worry I'll get a cook book from the hokage

Gohan and Goku ate dinner as they spent time together, to be honest peaceful days with his dad was all he could ask for of course he missed everyone in his old world but they wouldn't want him be sad


Its been a month since Gohan began his study at the academy and to be honest he was enjoying the different lessons to history lessons, chakra control lessons although he didn't have chakra which explained to Iruka  to shuriken training, he even helped persons who needed the help which didn't sit well to a certain brooder who taught he was just showing off. At the end of the class Gohan went to do some additional training he was shocked to find ino do some shuriken training

Gohan: hey Ino your busy

Ino: oh Gohan I was just practicing what you taught me, your surprisingly good at this

Gohan: well I maybe young but I have got a lot of battle experience

Ino: wait really could you tell me

Gohan: hehehe sorry another time

Ino: awww

Gohan: I could help you get stronger though

Ino: really you cant be that much stronger than me

Gohan: you want to have a spar

Ino: sure

Gohan got into the turtle hermit stance his dad taught him which confused ino who didn't think much about it and just attacked. Gohan taught her attacks was sloppy and slow, the academy really didn't teach them anything he taught

Gohan: I've seen enough

Ino: huh

Gohan: to be honest....

Ino: I suck

Gohan: yeeeeahhh, sorry

Ino: *sigh* so could you teach me

Gohan: i said I would, don't worry I'll teach you the basics

And for the next couple months that's what Gohan and ino did they trained thier body and mind which Gohan was necessary he implored her and to Gohan ino was a quick learner. For ino she had to say she was enjoying spending time with Gohan training and studying, spending time with each other which actually lessened her fan girl tendicies of Sasuke after Gohan told her off the time him and his friends fought Frieza on namek, at first she taught it was a hoax until Gohan shared his memories by linking Thier minds together she was so shocked Gohan was incredible to have gone through so much at such a young age, he was definitely incredible she taught no wonder he was strong not even in one of Thier spars could she beat him

Gohan: earth to ino

Ino: hehehe oh sorry just thinking that's all

Gohan: oh what were you thinking about

Ino: you

Gohan: huh

Gohan blushed at her answer, ino realized what she said and also blushed as well and explained it wasn't what she meant, Gohan reassured that it was okay

Gohan: so want to continue your training

Ino: of course do you need to ask, we 4 months until graduation we need to make the most of the time

Gohan: your excited, alright let's go

The last couple of months in which ino spent with the Raven haired Saiyan she realized how much she had been neglecting her training plus she had become attached to him and felt it was better to like someone much, kinder, smarter and stronger than Sasuke so Sakura could have him she found someone much cooler than Sasuke.



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