Chapter 26

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*Arias POV*
~Time skip too Friday~
I know what I have to do. I can't be without him for this long. It's not fair on either of us. This is going to be so hard but I have to do it. I need to breakup with Luke. It's the only way we can get through this properly. Me and Demi are going to the airport with them again but this time their parents aren't going. They leave at 12:30 so we'd have to leave about 11:30 to get there in time and its 10:30 now so I decided it was time to get ready. I went in the shower and when I was finished I got changed and dried my hair. I didn't bother doing my make up as I'd probably be crying, a lot.
By the time 11:30 came there was a cab outside with Ash, Mikey, Cal, Luke and Demi in. I made my way out to them and got Into the cab, I sat next to Luke. He put his hand on my knee and rubbed it with his thumb and I rested my head on his chest. I can't believe that it no longer than 30 minutes all of this will be over.
~Skip til they're at the airport~
They're flight leaves in 5 minutes and I still haven't spoken to Luke. He made his way over too me and we stood to the side on our own.
"I'm gonna miss you babe" he told me.
That's when tears welled up in my eyes.
"Baby, don't cry, we'll be back before you know it" he said putting his arms round me. I pushed him away and looked up at him with guilty eyes.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"L-Luke, I can't do this. We can't do this. I-I'm sorry" I told him bursting into tears.
"Aria, please don't tell me were breaking up" he begged.
I looked down and nodded.
"I'm so sorry Luke"
he didn't say anything he just walked away. I broke down into sons as I watched them all walk away together. I made my way over to Demi.
"Ready to go?" She asked and I nodded in response.
"You and Luke will be fine" she told me and I just shook my head a broke into sobs again. She ran to my side.
"Aria, what happened?" She questioned.
"I-I broke up w-with him" I cried.
"Oh babe" she hugged me as I cried on her shoulder.
"You're going to be fine" she told me and we made our way to the taxi.
*Lukes POV*
We were sat on the plane and the other 3 were in conversation whilst I just sat staring out of the window. I can't believe she broke up with me. I love her so much. I miss her already.
"Luke, everything okay? You haven't spoke for the past hour or so" Mikey asked. I just nodded in response, afraid if I spoke I'd just break down.
"Luke, we know you're missing aria but-"
"She broke up with me" I cut him off my eyes filling up with tears but I could not allow myself to cry.
"What?!" They all exclaimed.
"Why?" Cal asked. I shrugged in response as a few tears fell.
"Oh Luke, I'm sure she has a good reason." Ash told me and I just hoped he was right.
*Arias POV*
A few hours after I got home and I'm sat here watching to trying everything possible to take my mind off of Luke.
My phone started buzzing next to me and I checked the caller ID which showed it was Ashton. I answered it.
"Hey, aria, how are you?"
"I-I'm fine, you?"
"Cut the shit. I know you're lying cause Lukes in bits too"
I sighed.
"T-tell him I'm s-sorry"
"Aria why, I thought you were both so happy, why would you break up?"
"I couldn't do this. I can't be half way across the world without him for five months"
"I understand, look everything will be okay"
Just then I heard a loud crash.
"What was that?"
"A-aria I have to go" before I could say anything he hung up. What the fuck happened?
*Ashtons POV*
We all ran to Lukes room seeing as that's where the crash came from. When we went in everything off Lukes desk was on the floor and he was pacing around the room. Mikey and Cal began picking the stuff off the floor up and I went over to Luke. I gripped his shoulders to stop him from moving around.

"Luke, mate,calm down" I told him.
He just ignored me and carried on pacing round his room and he was running his hand through his hair.
He weren't having none of it and he let out a scream before connecting his fist too the wall. All three of us ran to him and sat him down on the bed.
"Luke,man you need to calm down"Mikey told him sternly.
"How can I? I love her and I've lost her!" He exclaimed.
"Luke, maybe it wasn't working for her" Calum tried to reason with him.
"We were working out fine! Nothing was wrong!" He exclaimed.
"Luke, listen she needs time and she was scared, she is scared you need too understand this from her perspective. I know you're hurting and believe me she is too but we will do everything we can to take your mind off of this, if you and Aria were meant to be, you will always find your way back to eachother." I told him.
He didn't argue. He didn't say anything he just looked at the ground and nodded.
"Now get some sleep" I told him patting him on the back and we all left the room and went to our own rooms. I really hope he becomes happy again.

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