Chapter 25

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*Arias POV*
It's Monday and the boys leave on Friday. They're spending some time with their families today so I'm just staying at home. I sat on the sofa on my phone and my mom was on the other side of the room on the opposite sofa. Right now, I'm glad she's there and she's not busy cause I could really do with talking to her.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Can I speak too you?" I asked
"Of course Hun, what's up?"
I went and sat on the same sofa as her and faced her.
"Well the guys are going on tour again on Friday for 5 months which is great, don't get me wrong I'm happy for the, but I don't feel like I can physically be away from Luke for that long and keep a long distance relationship like this" I explained to her.
"I totally get where you're coming from but I can't decide what to do for you, but whatever you do decide to do, if you and Luke truly love eachother then you will always find your way back together" she told me.
I nodded.
"Thanks mom" I said hugging her.
"Anytime" she replied and I went upstairs. I called Demi and asked her too come round.
About half an hour later Demi came and we went and sat upstairs in my room and I explained everything I had said too my mom to her.

"If you genually feel like you and Luke won't be able to make it through 5 months away from eachother then don't hold onto it, if you're not going to be happy then you can't keep holding on" she told me.
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of, if we stay together and hen he goes, I won't be happy but if we break up then he goes then he won't be happy" I told her.
"Aria, just do what you think is best, I can't tell you what to do but whatever is best go for it" she said. I nodded and thanked her before she turned really pale.
"Dem, are you okay?" I asked her worried.
She didn't reply she just ran to the bathroom and threw up.
"Oh my god dem"
"I'm fine honestly I must've just eaten something bad" she replied. I nodded and got her some water and we went back to my room.
*Demi's POV*
I stayed at Arias for a couple of hours before deciding to leave. I've got a good idea as to why I threw up mysteriously but I can't tell anyone, not yet. Not until I'm sure. I went home and sat in my room. I noticed I had a text off Ashton.
From: Ash😻💙
Hey beaut, how are you? I'll see you tomorrow, I'm gonna miss you whilst we're gone.💚
No, me and Ashton aren't together. Okay, time to confess. We've hooked up a few times but we don't want to get into anything serious, not yet anyway. This is what I'm worried about. I think there's a chance I might be pregnant. I don't want to believe it but it's the only thing on my mind. I haven't told
Aria yet but I think I need too. I can't go through this alone. I'm scared.
This is another short one but I do have ideas that need time to come in so hang in💗

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