*Arias POV*
Once I was ready I joined the boys back downstairs and we made our way to the park. I sat on the field whilst the boys played football. I laughed with them and at them. It's really funny how competitive they all get. I turned my head and saw Luke but he was with a girl, but not just any girl. Sasha Green. She is the biggest whore of the school. I watched as they began making out, they didn't even notice we were here. I felt tears prick my eyes. I couldn't sit there. Without telling the boys I just got up and started walking off. "Aria" Was shouted. "Aria where are you going" I just ignored what they were shouting. I heard footsteps coming behind me and I picked up my pace. Whoever it was ran infront of me and stopped me walking. I felt them place a finger on my chin and lifter my head up to look at them, It was Luke. "Leave me alone" I stated. "Aria please listen to me, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I love you" He told me. "Luke fuck off, your a liar you don't care about me you never did! You don't need to lie to me anymore, you don't need to pretend to love me. I'll do you a favour and stay out of your life" I told him as I turned round and began to walk away when my wrists were grabbed. He spun me round so I faced him and before I could process what was happening he smashed his lips onto mine. "What the fuck Luke?!" Was exclaimed as Sasha ran. We pulled away. "Sasha I don't like you, you were kind of just there" He told her. "Luke..." He cut her off. "I was just using you to get too her" He said and she stormed off. "Aria-" I cut him off by connecting my hand with his cheek. "Your fucking disgusting!" I spat and ran off.
*Lukes POV*
I don't know what to do anymore. She hates me and I've just gone and made it worse. I was kind of using Sasha to get to Aria but I was also using her to make me forget about her. Ashton, Calum and Mikey came over to me. "Look if your gonna go mad at me I'm sorry okay? I've fucked up really badly and I don't know how to fix it." I told them. "We came to see if you were alright, not to have a go" Mikey told me. "Luke we are still your mate but can you blame Aria for acting the way she is? She really loves you and now she thinks that you never loved her and she's been made a fool of" Calum explained. "I know but I do love her more than anything, what happened at the party was an accident and I know that's a shit excuse but its true, I didn't mean to do it, when it happened I just got carried away and I was pissed out of my mind I didn't know what I was doing" I explained. "We believe you but you need to make it up to Aria" Ash said. "I don't know how, she hates me." I told them. Calum sighed. "She does not hate you, look don't tell her I told you, she sat and told me this morning that she loved you but now shes lost you, Luke she wants to be with you but she doesn't want to be hurt. You've got history together that we know nothing about at all so we cant help with that but what you did last night was a really dickish move but trust me she loves you more than shes ever loved anyone but you just need to prove to her how much you love her" Calum told me. I nodded. "I'm gonna go home, do you wanna come back to mine for a bit?" I asked and they agreed, so we left and started to walk back to mine.
*Arias POV*
I went home and made sure I looked presentable as I had to go and pick Liam up and I didn't want questioned being asked. I walked to our grans and picked him up.
On the way home I saw Sasha and she was walking in our direction towards us. Fuck sake. I tried to keep walking and hoped she didn't bother me but that was obviously so wrong. "Luke ditch you already?" She asked. I just ignored her and continued walking. "He never loved you, he just felt sorry for you" She sniggered. "Liam go and stand over there a sec please" I asked him pointing to a big tree as we were walking across a big field. "For you information I weren't the one being used" I told her. "That's what you think" She said. "At least I haven't fucked the whole school" I spat at her. "You little bitch" She screeched as she went to slap me but I dodged it and I slapped her instead that when it all started. We were pulling at eachothers hair and throwing punches here and there. I was beyond angry, I'm fucking furious.
*Liams POV*
My sister and this girl started fighting and I didn't know what to do. That's when I noticed Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum walking across the other side of the field. I ran over to them. "Luke!" I shouted and they all turned to me. "Woahh, whats up Liam?" Ashton asked when I got to them. "Aria and some girl down there!" I exclaimed and Luke instantly began running with the rest of us following.
*Lukes POV*
I ran down to where Liam pointed and there was Aria and Sasha beating the shit out of each other. I felt sorry for Liam for having to watch this. I ran over and grabbed Arias waist and pulled her away whilst Mikey pulled Sasha away and Calum and Ashton stood with Liam. "What the fuck happened?" I asked still holding Aria back as she was raging like really badly. "I was apologising for earlier and she just attacked me, she's a fucking pyscho" Sasha said. "Your a fucking liar!" Aria exclaimed trying to get out of my grip. "Aria" I said but she just ignored me and continued trying to get out of my grip. "Aria" still nothing. "ARIA!" I finally shouted. She stopped trying to get out of my grip and looked at me. "Calm down, we believe you" I told her. She did seem to calm down slightly. "Sasha keep away from her" I told her sternly. She looked gobsmacked like she couldn't find the words to say. She screamed and pushed Mikey off her and stormed off. I turned Aria around. "You alright?" I asked her and she nodded not making eye contact with me. "Me and Liam need to get home" She mumbled and walked over to Liam. "We're walking you home" Ashton told her and she sighed and nodded and we all began to walk to Arias. When we go there she unlocked the door and Liam went in. "You can come in if you want" She told us and we all went into her house and went into the living room. "I'm going to get changed" She said and made her way upstairs. The 3 boys looked at me and gave me the 'go and talk to her' look. I sighed and made my way up to her room. I knocked and she shouted come in. "Aria, can we talk?" I asked and she nodded. We both sat on her bed. "Look Aria, I'm sorry I know that doesn't fix anything because what I did was really stupid and if I never did that none of this would've happened. I was pissed and I didn't know what I was doing and I got carried away. I love you more than words can explain and I know you don't believe me but I do and I know you hate me but-" She cut me off by smashing her lips to mine. I was shocked at first but instantly kissed back. We pulled away and stayed silent for a minute. "Wow" I mumbled and looked at her and her cheeks were bright red. "Luke I could never hate you" She told me. I smiled. "I'm sorry for being a bitch and taking it out of proportion." She told me. "No I totally understand why you reacted that way I was a dick" I told her and she giggled slightly. I couldn't stop myself I pressed my lips to hers again. She kissed back and I pulled her as close to me as possible and she had her arms wrapped around my neck. When we pulled away I had the biggest smile on my face. "Luke what are we?" She asked. "Well Aria will you be my girlfriend. I promise not to fuck it up this time, please just one more chance." I asked her. "One more chance Luke" "So is that a yes" She didn't reply she just connected our lips again. "Does that answer your question?" "It does indeed" I told her with the biggest smile spread across my face.
A/N sorry about the differ POV changes but I have got more ideas so just hang in there.
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