[Marinette's POV]
"Princess...A-am I doing this right...? It looks like a retarded bunny. It's supposed to be a cat" he facepalmed with one hand and held a needle and thread in his other.
Marinette was trying to teach Chat how to make a stuffed animal. She was making a ladybug plushie and he was making a cat...well, he was trying to
Marinette giggled," Uhh...kitty, did you leave space for the seam? And how big are your stitches?"
"Whats a seam?" The hero asked, which made Marinette laugh, "Princess! This is hard! Your one looks so good! I'm a lost cause" Chat whined
Marinette took a second to look at the ladybug plush she held in her hand. She was currently busy sewing black felt spots onto the bug's back/wings (I dont know what you call it) "Kitty, once I'm done with mine, I'll fix yours and I'll teach you some basic moves for sewing. You can have my plush if you want! Whats Chat Noir without a ladybug?" She giggled and proceeded to sew the spots on her plush
"Thanks princess." Chat said with a warm smile. He looked toward the window and saw something blue fly by, without being able to see what it was, but suddenly he realised it was getting dark outside. "Uhhh, Mari? Do you purr-haps know what time it is? Tonight is my turn to paw-trol"
Marinette sighed and turned around to look for a clock. She saw it was currently 19:30. Since she knew about patrol and how it worked, she also knew he was suposed to leave at 8pm and come back at 10. A full 2 hours of looking for trouble in Paris.
"Oh, it's seven thirty. What time must you leave?" The girl falsely asked, already knowing the answer
"Oh I'm supposed to leave at 8. Ladybug also leaves at 8, but I've noticed she sometimes goes out earlier or stays out later.... When it's her turn to patrol, I sometimes go out too without her knowing, just to make sure she's safe. It sounds creepy, but do you know how many times I've seen her fall into such deady situations, right in front of my very own eyes! It's scary to think i could've lost the love of my life so many times. So I like to be there to protect my lady whenever I can. Heaven knows she does the same for me."
Marinette was instantly proclaimed as speechless. Had she known he cared so greatly for her, she would've showed so much more gratitude toward him. They were inseparable partners, practically best friends! He deserved so much more. Her heart was beating agains her chest with pride and....well....love..., she'd never known he felt this way about her.
"Chat?" Marinette said, calling for the Hero's attention.
"Yes princess?" Chat asked
"Ladybug is really lucky to have you. I hope you know that. She may not show you, but im sure she values you more than anything else in this world. I'm sure she couldn't live without you." Marinette said softly, avoiding eye contact. She looked up as she felt a soft, warm touch on her hand.
"I know, and I couldn't live without her" Chat said, blushing with a smile, "but...she doesn't feel the same. I've tried spilling my feelings to her more times than i can count! But...I've been rejected or chickened out just as many times." He said looking down and fiddled with his sewing needle, as his smile slowly died.
Marinette looked back up and made eye contact with the boy and soon came to regret it. Her eyes were glued and she just couldn't move them away, but it seemed as though Chat was experiencing the same problem.
They both sat in silence as a large crimson blush grew on each of their faces, eyes sparkling. Chat shook his head and quickly broke the eye contact.
"Uhh..." he said and realised it was almost 8 o'clock, "I guess I should head off, huh...". Chat stood up and made his way slowly toward the trapdoor heading to the balcony.
"Yeah... see you later Chat." Marinette said softly. She watched him jump up and out of the trapdoor and out of sight.
[Adrien's POV]
Chat was now running across the city, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, and flinging through the sky with his baton. It was truly a beautiful night to be out.
Chat decided to make his way toward the Eiffel Tower and make a quick stop before patrolling. Plagg must've been exhausted and no doubt hungry, since he hadn't detransformed in quite a bit.
After a short run, he eventually landed softly on the Eiffel Tower using his baton. He hid somewhere and detransformed.
Chat Noir was now Adrien Agreste, and his kwami, who had now appeared, was whining.
"Adrien. Cheese. Now." Plagg ordered in a moody tone. Adrien couldn't really complain, since it probably was his fault anyway for being transformed for so long without giving poor Plagg a break.
"Here, take your cheese, so we can go and......." Adrien was silenced when he saw something he had never expected.
"I-is that...an akuma?" Adrien said in disbelief at what he saw .He was right, it was an akuma, and you'd think he'd be less surprised at seeing an ordinary akuma. But this wasn't an ordinary akuma. This was what he saw outside of Marinette's window!
Plagg looked to where his holder was looking and was frozen "Kid...Transform! NOW!!" He started to panic.
Adrien looked confused but before he could even say his transformation words, Plagg had already transformed him.
Chat Noir was now worried and thought of the best and quickest thing to do, and that was Cataclysm the butterfly before it could cause any damage. Who knew what this new akuma was going to be used for or what its power was.
"CATACLYSM!!!!" He yelled, as the black, destructive magic formed around his right hand. He grabbed the butterfly and in an instant, it was turned to dust.
Plagg detransformed Chat into Adrien again and took him by the hair and dragged him around into a corner.
"Kid, that was no ordinary akuma. Did you notice how the lines on it's wings were blue?" Adrien nodded in response, and Plagg continued, "That specific akuma was sent by hawkmoth to spy. Whatever the akuma sees, he sees. He can use it to follow you, and find out what makes you tick. If that butterfly akumatizes you, not even Ladybug will be able to save you."
Adrien stared at the dust lying on the dround from the cataclysmed akuma, then at his ring. If that really was what he saw outside Marinette's window, then he was in trouble.
"I have to tell Ladybug"
[1141 words]
A/N: okayyyyyyyy, schedule seems to be failing me😅 But happy Saturday! I planned on updating yesterday, but i fell sick and didnt feel like doing anything so i couldn't really update. The sickness carried out to today, but im feeling slightly better so i decided to update. I also wanna thank my friend ShaunTheSkapie for reading all my chapters so far and giving me critique on anything that could be improved or fixed. I really appreciate all the help! Thanksss!
Love you all and see ya in the next chapter!
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