~Chapter 6~

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[Marinette's POV]

It was early and marinette was beyond tired. She layed in bed with her eyes closed reminiscing on the last night's events with a small smile

Tikki flew up and landed on her chest. "Good morning Marinette" the kwami said in a soft voice and booped her nose

Marinette's eyes fluttered open and she gave Tikki a tired, yet warm smile, " Morning Tikki," the tired girl said mid yawn. She sat up and stretched her arms up to the roof and then got up.

She stumbled down the ladder and accidentally tripped over the last step and fell down on her face and made a loud groan. "Why! Why today of all days" Marinette whined

Tikki helped the girl up and flew to the table to grab a cookie she left there the night before. She suddenly realised there was a note lying neatly at the edge of the desk, signed with little paw prints.

"Marinette, look! Its a note from Chat Noir!" The kwami called her holder. The girl quickly rushed over and took the note from the table and started reading it.

"My Dearest princess...." Marinette slowly read the letter. "Ugghh the puns" She moaned and rolled her eyes. She looked at the chaise and saw the blue blanket she gave the hero neatly folded up on the end. She hadn't realised he left until now. Well...if she was being honest, she actually forgot he had slept over!

"Oh well. He said he went out to grab some stuff from his house so he should be back tonight." She said, and took the blanket from the chaise over to her cupboard and placed it neatly down. She grabbed a big piece of soft, black fabric,"Now I can work on this. Im sure Chat will appreciate it."

Marinette wanted to make Chat a blanket especially for him to keep as a gift.

Time skip

It was now getting late and Marinette was sitting with her sewing machine, embroidering the last details into the neon green paw print she was making in the corner of the black blanket. She couldnt wait to see Chat again and give it to him. She knew he'd love it. She knew it!

She set the piece aside and went to take a break. It was now close to the evening and she started reading a book when she heard little light taps on her window.

She put the book down and saw chat outside waiting for her. She openend the window and let him in. But for some reason, chat wasnt holding or carrying anything.

"Hi chat. Where's your stuff? I thought you were going to get some stuff from your house...?" She asked and looked up at the boy with a concerned face. He just sighed and jumped down.

"Well...." he started, " My father wouldnt let me get anything. He told me he changed his mind and didnt want to let me in. I have to survive on my own now..." He avoided her eyes and looked at the floor.

Marinette told him to sit down and she gave him a comforting hug. "How could your own father do that to you chat? First he kicks you out for whatever reason, and he won't even let you get some stuff to survive on! Even after he told you to come back?!"

"Princess...my father is...well, very strict. Even getting a small zit would piss him off. He is in control of my every movement...but when i became Chat Noir? I had a newfound freedom where my father wasn't in control of everything i did. I could be myself, without anyone judging me," Chat explained with an evergrowing sadness.

Marinette stayed quiet, thinking about what she could possibly do to help this poor boy. "I understand, Chat" She said trying to comfort him in any way she could. " You can stay here as long as you need, but my parents will be coming back soon, so when they do, they can't know you're here. They will have many questions"

Chat looked at her, "Thank you princess. But what am I going to do without my things? I dont have anything to wear or freshen up with. I cant charge my phone either and what will my kwami eat when i detransform after battle? I have nothing!"

Chat put his head in his hands and started to stress. Marinette had an idea though, "Dont worry kitty, calm down," she rubbed his back in a soothing manner, " I have some clothes for you that i designed for a friend. They look about your size, so you could wear those. He doesnt know about them yet so its okay. And you can use my charger and shower, i dont mind. And remember, this is a bakery! Im sure we have food for your little kwami" The girl smiled at him and he was taken by her beautiful smile, he couldnt help but smile back

Chat hugged her tightly, "I really dont deserve you princess, thank you."

Marinette blushed at his words and the sudden tight embrace she was now in. She hugged him back and thats when Chat started blushing.

The two teenagers let go and didnt make eye contact for a bit. They were both blushing madly.

"Umm...." Chat said, breaking the silence. "Its probably about time we...uhh..." he was too overwhelmed to finish his sentence.

"Go to sleep? Y-yeah...Its already midnight." Marinette finished.

"Goodnight princess...I dont know how else to put this, but....I love-....." he cut himself off, he really was NOT about to say that was he?? He'd only been with her for 2 days! Its impossible! "I-I love......your c-company! Th-thank you for taking me in Marinette.... i really appreciate it" he calmed himself down. He was now starting to make sense.

"Of course kitty. I l-love your company too" she giggled.

[997 words]

A/N: Welp I'd call that a horrible ending but whatever. Ive been meaning to update...hehe...and j was meant to update yesterday...oops. Im busy and i only finished this (horribly written) chapter now ○~○ sorry...please forgive me ;( Im behind in a lot of things and only just got this chapter done in the small breaks i have between my stuffies. Anywayyyy~ hope you enjoyyyeddd. Feel free to leave a comment eith any criticism or tips on how to improve the story or my writing skills! Love you all and see you in the next chapter!

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