Part 6

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Adeline had a great first day at Forks High School. Her sister didn't talk to her and sat at the empty Cullen table, Adeline got to see the rest of her old friends and got along with them great, it was like she never left Forks in the first place. The only thing that could bring her mood down was Bella, which is exactly what she did at the end of the day. 

"What has you in such a great mood?" Bella as she buckles her seat belt. 

Adeline shrugs as she does the same. "I don't know, it was just a good day." 

Bella scoffs and starts the car. "It's not a good day." Adeline frowns and looks at the window, not wanting to talk to her anymore before Bella completely ruins her day. "Edward hasn't been at school since the beginning of this week, and he hasn't texted or called me, how is that a good day? You need to think of others, Adeline."

Adeline rolls her eyes as she faces away from Bella. "Your right, my apologies." Adeline decides to take the easy route and apologize for her 'wrong doing.'

Bella didn't hear or she ignored her sister insincerity and smiles. "Thank you. So what should I do? I was thinking about going to his house and questioning him." 

Adeline turns her head to her sister. "No, that's not a good plan. He might just need some time alone, something might have happened to make him skip a whole week. Maybe you should wait for him to come to you, or give him like three more days to make sure he is okay." 

Bella frowns but continues to drive. "Fine." 

Adeline sighs in relief as her sister doesn't say anything more, she wasn't in the mood to deal with her. "Bella? Can you drive me to the rez?" Adeline holds her breathe as she waits for her sisters answer. 

"What for?"

Adeline rolls her eyes. "To see Jacob, he wanted to 'hangout.'" 

Bella starts driving towards the rez instead of their house. "I don't know who would want to hangout with you but sure." 

Adeline had to stop herself from rolling her eyes again. That comment was unnecessary. 


Adeline gets out of Bella truck with a small 'thank you.' Adeline walks to the front door of the Black house and knocks on the door. Adeline smiles as the door opens and she sees Billy. 

Upon seeing Adeline Billy smiles. "Hello dear, Jacob is in the garage." Billy moves out of the way to let the girl in. 

"Thank you Billy, have a nice day." Adeline smiles at him once more before going to the garage. Adeline opens the garage door and sees Jacob working on a some type of vehicle, motorcycle probably, the last time Adeline talked to Jacob he said that he was working on something called the Rabbit. 

"Hey Puppy." Adeline smiles as she shuts the garage door behind her. 

Jacob turns around at the sound of Adelines voice and smiles. He stands up, walks to her and pulls her in his arms. Once she's in his arms Jacob buries his face in her neck causing her to giggle. "It's been too long."

Adeline laughs and hugs him back. "It's been three days."

Jacob's grip on her tightens. "Exactly, too long." 

Adeline smiles and plays with his hair a little causing him to move even closer to her. "How on earth did you survive a whole year and a half without me, my poor puppy." Adeline has to stop herself from laughing as she teases him.

"Trust me, I was hanging on by a thread."

After that Adeline spent 4 hours on helping Jacob with the Rabbit, though half of the time they were talking and joking around. 

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