Part 5

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Sadly for Adeline, she had to wait for Bella to go to school. Since Adeline didn't have a car of her own, she had to ride with Bella and her awful driving. The ride to school was silent, neither sister talking to the other. One was too in her head thinking about the next time she will see her boyfriend and the other was trying to focus on if they were going to live with the other one driving like a maniac. 

When Bella parks the truck in the school parking lot, both the sisters could not have gotten out of the truck sooner. Bella quickly leaves her sister in the parking lot hoping that for the first time in 3 days her boyfriend will be in school. Adeline on the other hand was staring at her sister back in disbelief. She just left me in the middle of the parking lot? Adeline shakes her head, disappointed, some people just don't change. 

By herself Adeline walks into the school and tries to find the front office. Yes, she once went to the school but that was a year and a half ago, so she doesn't really remember where every little thing. Adeline is able to find the front desk about 3 minutes till the second bell rings. "Hello, Miss?"

The desk lady looks up with a smile on her face. "Hello, dear, how may I help you?"

Adeline smiles at the woman. "My name is Adeline Swan, I'm new here and in need of my class schedule." 

"Oh, of course, can you repeat your grade and name, please?"

"I'm a senior, 12th grade, and my name is Adeline Swan." 

"Oh yes, here you are." The woman hands Adeline a piece of paper. "Your Isabelle Swan sister aren't you? She was new last year if I'm correct."

Adeline nods her head as she grabs the paper. "Your correct with both things, Is- Bella is my younger sister, just by 56 minutes. And she was new to the school last year."

The woman smiles. "Ok then, have a nice day dear." Adeline nods her head in goodbye and walks to her first class in what she thinks is the right direction.

 After seeing her classroom number Adeline smiles, Adeline was in fact not walking the right direction, her class was at the other end of the school. Walking into the classroom Adeline sheepishly smiles at the Teacher who smiles in return.  "Adeline Swan?" 

Adeline nods her head. "Yes, sir, sorry I'm late I was walking in the wrong direction."

The teacher chuckles and waves his hand. "It's fine, I let you go since it's your first day. Go take a seat next to... Mike Newton." The teachers eyes narrow as he looks for a open seat. "Mike!" A blonde teenager, who was talking to his friend behind him turns back the right way and looks at his teacher. "Wave your hand." 

Mike does as the Teacher says and then feels his eyes widen in surprise, as his ex-girlfriend from 6th grade but long time friend is walking towards him. "Adeline?" 

Adeline chuckles and sits down next to him. "Hi, Mikey." Adeline and Mike talk for the rest of the class, talking about all that happened in the year and a half she was gone. Mike, Jessica, Angela, Eric and Adeline were a friend group when Adeline was at Forks but her and Mike were the closest to each other. Adeline was really happy to hear that they were all still friends after she left. But she was slightly upset to hear that Bella made friends with them.

"Wait, Bella is your sister?" Mike asks Adeline as he leads her to their next class that they share together. "That makes sense now that I think about it... Both of your last names are Swan."

Adeline laughs and playfully bumps into his shoulder. "Yes, she is my twin sister."

Mike laughs awkwardly. "It's so weird, you two are like complete opposites. I mean, your you, I mean that in a good way, and Bella is..." Mike trails off, not wanting to say his next thoughts out loud to Bellas twin sister. 

"What? I promise I won't be offended, unless you offend me." 

Mike rolls his eyes at Adelines tease. "She's weird, she always thinks she's center of attention when she says she hates it. She has this weird obsession with the Cullens and she's kind a of a bitch." 

Adeline surprises Mike when she laughs out loud. "Yup, that sounds like my sister, I'm glad you met her, so I can share my misery with you."

"Yay, what joy."

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