Ch.2 : Meeting Her

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His hearing was muffled, his ears were ringing, and his head, along with his whole body was sore like never before. He could not open his eyes as he was too weak to do so, at least not yet anyway.

Soon he opened his eyes and he saw the night sky above him. Has he really been out that long? Soon, with all the strength he could muster, he rose up and looked around. He was in the middle of a destroyed building and soon realized where he was... home.

When his senses came to, he said "Im alive? But how..?" but it didn't matter as he needed to find his parents or some other adult. He got up and walked away from his destroyed home, he looked at it and a tear streamed down his face.

11 years of his life... all reduced to rubble. He soon walked away from the destroyed apartment building and looked around, he saw fires everywhere and several cars left on the side of the road. Noone was around in sight, he called for help several times but no one was around to help him as it seemed he was out long enough that everyone had already evacuated.

That must mean the titan is gone now, right? Well... he was proven wrong when he heard gigantic footsteps approaching! He looked around for a place to hide and soon saw a car with a door open, he ran for it and closed the car door shut and looked outside.

He could hear the gigantic footsteps from even inside here, it was like something out of Jurassic Park. He soon saw the titan responsible for all this destruction and chaos, one of the newest titans ever discovered and Monster Zero's ex-mate... Moonhidora!

She stood at a staggering 513 feet tall, much larger in person than on a piece of paper or TV screen. She looked absolutely enormous, she neared closer to him and he ducked down so Moonhidora wouldn't see him.

She soon passed him and he still watched as Moonhidora walked away, probably to go destroy more of Los Angeles as it seems she wasn't fully satisfied with her destruction. He sat in the car and waited a few moments before continuing. He took a moment to think about how Moonhidora looked, she looked like a true goddess, if it weren't for the fact that she just destroyed his home then he'd be more mesmerized than scared.

He then took a moment to think about where his parents must be, they wouldn't leave without him, right? Surely they wouldn't just leave him here all alone... unless... Issac began to fear the worst may have happened to them.

He sat in the car and cried for a little bit... soon he decided that a good idea right now would be to find an adult so they can help him get to safety. He soon got out of the car and using his memory, he began heading to his school in the pathway that his father always takes when he drives him to school.

He followed his memorized pathway... but he soon found out... he was lost. His mind began to flood with anxiety as he doesn't know which way to go now. He walked around the city, calling out for anyone to come to help him. Still, his pleads for help would fall on death ears as no one came to help him.

Lost, alone, scared and he was seemingly good as dead now. As more and more fires consumed more of the city and it was getting kinda hard to breathe now, he soon decided he was just gonna find his way out of the city entirely because at this rate, if Moonhidora doesn't kill him, the fires will.

Issac just began walking in a straight line, knowing eventually he'd find his out of the city and maybe there'd be someone out there to help him. As he began walking, he began thinking about what to do in case Moonhidora does find him... the only thing that lit upon his mind was to run as fast and as far as he could, but could he outrun a titan?

It soon became more and more clear to him that everything he knew was gone... his family, his home, and his friends was all gone... the amount of despair and fear he was feeling was significant. He wanted to just break down crying, but he knew he needs to keep pressing forward.

Soon, he heard the gigantic footsteps of Moonhidora approaching. He looked around for any place to hide... there were no cars. He soon found a dumpster and an alleyway and he ran for it and hid behind it.

After a few moments... Moonhidora passed by. Issac didn't even look as he knew Moonhidora was there, he waited for the footsteps to fade, but he heard Moonhidora's wings flapping as she took off into the air.

Issac looked and Moonhidora was gone... he soon looked at the alleyway and thought these alleyways could be a good way to lose Moonhidora in case she ever found him and came after him. He soon walked out of the alley and continued pressing forward.


Issac had been walking for hours at this point, he was beginning to wonder if he was ever gonna make it out of this city. His mind was flooding with anxiety and he was paranoid that Moonhidora was going to find him, what she may do to him makes him shiver.

From the sky, looking down upon the destroyed cityscape was Moonhidora. She was flying above to see any more humans that need to be exterminated, but something caught her attention. She saw a small little boy walking down the city's street, he was completely alone and seemed very scared. She would have blasted this boy to oblivion by now, but something in her told her not to.

She wanted to get a closer look at the boy...

Issac kept walking down the street, his legs were aching from how much he had walked. He wanted to stop and catch his breath... but before he could make a decision... something large and leave smashed against the ground behind him and the resulting shockwave made him fall right onto his face.

Issac felt anxiety run through him like a bullet as he could already see the immense shadow looming over him. It had 3 heads... he slowly turned around and saw the 3 headed pale hydra looking down on him.

Issac was frozen in fear, the titan that had taken everything away from him was now standing right in front of him. All 3 heads looked down at him, the left head had an aggressive expression, the right head had a concerned look and the middle head looked both curious and concerned.

Issac soon snapped out of his frozen trance and started to run like hell into an alleyway. While Isaac scrambled through the alleyway, running for his life. Moonhidora was watching him run away, all 3 heads were leaning over to see him running through the alleyway.

Isaac soon got out of the alleyway and into another street. He looked around and there was nowhere else to hide, and it's not like it would save him at this point, Moonhidora was watching him like a hawk.

Isaac looked around and soon saw a courthouse, he decided he could hide in there as this place is sturdy and has tons of inside places he could hide. He couldn't hide in a car or inside one of the buildings on the side of the road, he'd be a sitting duck in those places, the courthouse seemed like the best place to get away.

He looked back and Moonhidora was walking over the buildings, destroying some of them and the ground quaked under each thunderous footsteps caused by her moving. She crushed some cars while coming for him.

Isaac panicked and soon began running up the stairs on all 4's and soon made it up to the doors, he tried to open them, but they were locked! "No No! Open Dang it! Open!" said Isaac as he shook the doors frantically. When he realized they wouldn't open, he looked back and saw the giant hydra coming, her 3 heads lowering down and coming closer.

Isaac had his back against the doors and he slid down to the ground, "No... No! Please No!" he sobbed as she came closer. He soon closed his eyes, raised his arms to his head, and braced himself for his demise. He waited... and waited... and waited... nothing happened.

He soon felt a warm wind blow on him, he looked and she was there. The middle head was right in his face, he looked into her absolutely mesmerizing eyes. He didn't know what to do, but he knew this was his final moment.

"What is she waiting for?" thought Isaac, "Why won't she finish me off? At least I'll be with my parents again, as they were the only ones I had"

They both sit there for about a minute before Isaac had a sudden urge to go over and touch her on the snout, to see what it feels like to touch a titan. Still, he knew she'd probably bite his hand off, or better yet, bite him in half if he does... but at least he can die knowing he made physical contact with a titan.

Isaac soon slowly stood up and he could see her eyes slightly narrow out into slits as it seems his movement caught her off guard. Isaac stood there for a minute, composing himself and accepting the fact that he's gonna die. He slowly took a step forward, and looked into her eyes one last time before looking away with his eyes closed. He soon slowly placed his hand on her snout, he flinched right when he felt his hand make contact with her scales... but instead of killing him on the spot as he expected... she just stood there, letting it happen. In fact, when he turned around and looked at her, her pupils blew wide and he felt his hand vibrating from what seemed like a purr.

This was diffidently the last reaction he would have expected, but at least he wasn't being bitten in half. He soon took a moment to feel her scales, they were soft and warm, yet not really that smooth. He rubbed his hand against her snout and he could feel the vibrating grow slightly more intense and he could hear her purring, it kinda sounded like a cat, just on a really big scale.

Moonhidora liked this, in fact, she's hasn't gotten affection like this since her breakup with King Ghidorah and her "Wellcome Home" moment with Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra, and that was 5 years ago! To have affection like this was hitting her hard, it made her practically fall in love with this human.

Isaac didn't know it but he was forming a bond between him and Moonhidora, as he barely knew of her and only knew she was a member of the Ghidorah species, nothing else. Isaac soon slowly pulled his hand away from Moonhidora's snout and looked into her eyes for a bit, the middle head of Moonhidora soon brought her snout over to Isaac and gently nuzzled him, her purring grew louder.

Isaac was taken aback by this, but he slowly and shakily petted her with both hands. Her cat-like behavior alleviated some of his fear but nevertheless, he was still fearful. Isaac doesn't know why she's acting this way where just 3 minutes ago she tried to make this city look like a warzone.

She soon pulled away from him and instead of flying away, she sat down on her haunches and all 3 heads looking at him. Isaac just stood there and looked at her, part of him wanted to run when he had the chance but he knew she's faster than him and could catch him easily.

Isaac tilted his head to his right side, to get a sideways view of her. To his surprise though, the middle head also tilted her head parallel to his. What was she doing? He then tilted his head to the other side and he got the same result. "Uhh... what are you doing?" he said.

Predictably she didn't answer. He stopped tilting his head and... she did the same. Isaac chuckled softly while giving out a soft grin, to his surprise. The middle head tried to mimic his soft grin, and Isaac began to piece it all together. She was playing with him.

What was going on here? This thing had killed everyone he loves and she's now playing with him of all people? He never would have imagined a day like this would come. He soon noticed the fire's around them both was getting more and more severe by the second.

Soon, she lifted up her left-wing hand and brought it over to Isaac, and she gestured for him to get on. Isaac started at her hand in hesitation... what should he do? Should he go with her or not? She destroyed his home, and acted as a friend to him... should he go with her?

Isaac knew if he stays out here, he's gonna die. So he walks over to her wing hand climbs into the center of her palm. Moonhidora lift's her wing hand up and sets Isaac on top of the middle head in between her 2 big longhorns that kinda looked like deer antlers.

She spread her wings and took flight, she was flying away from the destroyed city with her new human companion who she will now have to look after.

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