Ch.1 : Heartbroken Rage

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She flies across the ocean, her emotions heavy, her mind thinking about her ex-mate. Her loving mate, now turned into a heartless destroyer, was something she never would have suspected. The Earth was home, the home she had always wanted, the home her mate promised would get her... was about to be destroyed by her mate.


Never has she felt so heartbroken and so betrayed, never has she felt so confused with her own emotions. Nowadays, she wanders the earth all with her emotions, sadness, anger, and confusion. She didn't know what to do now...


In Los Angeles, a family of 3, Isaac Allenson and his parents. Isaac was an 11-year-old boy with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He was a little small for his age, being 52.2 inches tall or 4.35 feet.

He was an only child with a family who doesn't really have a good income but can afford to live in an apartment complex with a pool outside so he could go swimming whenever he wanted, although he needed to be watched to make sure he doesn't drown or get kidnapped.

He had heard about the Titans and he was fascinated by them, he always borrowed books from the library about titans and would always read about them, you could say he was a bit of a nerd. He always dreamt of meeting Godzilla, the King of The Monsters one day.

Living in the city isn't exactly pleasant since there's some smog that goes around and it is always blisteringly hot. He was born here, so he had gotten used to it and it became simple for him to live in.

Isaac loved his parents very much, even though they don't make a lot of money and always have to work, they always make time out of their busy schedules to hang out with him and make sure he stays a happy boy.

Today was a Monday, it was summer and the year was 2024. He was reading more books about titans, including one about one named "Monster Zero" a 3 headed winged titan who was Godzilla's rival to the King of the Monsters and tried to terraform the planet to his own liking. He was 6 when Monster Zero awoke and he didn't see any of the damage Monster Zero did.

It was early afternoon and the sun shined brightly into his apartment room. His apartment had 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, the cost of living here was about $32 a night. While his parents don't make that much money, they can still afford to live here.

Soon, he then started drawing a picture of Godzilla fighting a turtle-like monster named "Anguris" a titan that he made up. Soon, he heard a knock on his door and he said to come in. His dad soon came in, "Good morning buddy, how are you doing?" he said.

"Im doing good daddy, I just got done reading some more books about the titans" said Isaac. "Really? What'cha reading now?" said Isaac's dad. "It's a book Mark Russel wrote about Godzilla, how he fought Monster Zero in Boston and how he saved his daughter from Monster Zero" said Isaac.

"That's cool, hey I got a little surprise for you," said his dad, Isaac raised a brow, "We managed to save up enough money to go to a restaurant downtown so we can eat together as a family!" said his dad enthusiastically.

Isaac soon looked concerned, "What? But daddy, you sure you'll have enough money to pay for our house?" said Isaac, "Son, we don't need money. Trust me, I'd rather lose money than lose seeing you happy any day" said his dad. Isaac smiled at his sentence, "Down to go have some food with your old man and your mom? You can tell us all about Godzilla and Monster Zero!" said his dad.

Issac was excited to spend more time with his family and to spend some time out of the house.


Meanwhile... a ways away from Los Angles but on the Californian coast, Godzilla rose from the water. He had several cuts and bruises throughout his body from his fight with Mechagodzilla, a mechanized giant created by Apex to destroy Godzilla and the other titans.

When he did fight the mecha, he heard San's voice in the mecha and knew what this thing was now. It was like a metal vessel for San and the only thing this possessed robot felt... was hatred against Godzilla and he sought to seek revenge on him for his brothers.

Thankfully, Kong, his enemy came to his rescue, and with his help, he finally defeated the Mechanized Giant and finally put San to rest.

Godzilla was nowhere and he still had his injuries from his fight with both Kong and Mechagodzilla. Soon, he heard someone coming... it was Moonhidroa. Moonhiora landed and saw the injuries Godzilla has sustained, she always looked at Godzilla not only as her ally but her friend.

The middle head, Callist asked what happened with a large amount of concern in her voice. Godzilla reluctantly explained what happened with San and the Mechanized robot, also explaining that he suspects the intentions of San's reincarnation were sinister.

Hearing that the humans brought back a being that should be dead... knowing the humans had the ignorance and the gaw to awaken something that threatened their kind fueled her with fury. The humans had tempered against the laws of nature and for that, they need to be punished, she decides she will punish the humans herself.

She begins flying to the nearest city, Los Angeles.


Isaac and his family had arrived at the restaurant they picked to stop and eat at, it was about 5 blocks away from where they live. They went inside and soon got a table for them to eat on, Issac was talking about Godzilla and how he dreams about one day meeting the King of the Monsters.

Isaac had also brought books with him so he can read while he waits. "Hey Daddy, I gotta go to the bathroom, can I bring a book?" said Issac, his father said yes and pointed him in the direction of the restroom. Isaac was walking over to the restroom and he kept reading, soon he accidentally tripped over somebody!

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" said Isaac before realizing who he tripped over. "Nah, It's an okay kid," said the stranger who turned out to be Madison Russell! "Oh my god! Your Madison, right! Madison Russel?!" said Isaac, "Yyyyyes..?" said Madison.

Issac tried his best not to freak out, "Im sorry, I can't believe I'm meeting you! Your Mark Russel's daughter, right?" said Issac, "That's right, I'm assuming you know me from his book he published a few years ago, right?" said Madison. "You know about Godzilla?" she said

"Yeah... I'm a bit of a nerd, I even got the t-shirt" he said, pointing to his Godzilla t-shirt. "Cool, I'm sure you heard about the part where Godzilla saved me from Monster Zero, right?" said Madison. "Oh yeah! That must of been pretty scary, huh?" said Isaac.

"You're telling me?" chuckled Madison, "I had nightmares for AGES after that day"

"Hey, I gotta go like' real bad. Do you think you can give me an autograph please?" said Isaac with puppy eyes, "Sure kid, here" said Madison as she pulled out a pen and signed his book. Issac was jumping in excitement "Thank you so much! My dad has been made, now I gotta go like now, bye!" he said, running to the bathroom.

Madison laughed, "What a funny kid" said Madison as she left the restaurant. Isaac's parents watched Isaac meet Madison and they haven't seen him that wound up in ages, it felt good. Soon, Isaac came out of the bathroom and went back to the table. He could not stop talking about his encounter with Madison and his parents acted like they didn't see to make Isaac more excited.

Soon, their order had arrived and Issac had french fries and a sprite soda. His mom had a salad and his dad had a hamburger and some chicken tenders. They all enjoyed their meal. Issac's father soon asked Isaac "So buddy, just thinking, what do you wanna be when you grow up?"

"I told you, dad, I wanna be a professional Monarch Scientist" said Isaac. "Yeah yeah I know, but have you ever thought about something else? Like a teacher or a doctor?" Isaac's father asked. "Or a waiter?" said Isaac's mom who did work as a waitress.

"Uh... No, not really. I knew when I found out about titans that I wanted to study them, become a Monarch Doctor" said Isaac. "Well, I tell ya, being a scientist is not easy, you gotta do a lot of studying, read a lot of documents, gotta remember all these things. You know, it's very hard, not everyone can do it. You know, it's good to have something to fall back on in case things don't work out" said Isaac's dad.

"Plus, it's dangerous to work at Monarch. You gotta deal with a lot of the titans, even the big bad ones" said Isaac's mom. "I know you all are worried about me, but the most important thing is that im happy right? So if im happy with my job, that's all the matters, right?" said Isaac.

Both Isaac's parents laughed, "That's the funny son. Here we are trying to teach you about life, and you're teaching us. Your absolutely right, being happy is the most important place to be when your older" said Isaac's dad.

"Isaac, you can be anything you want in this world, anything. And you know what else, we believe in you" said Isaac's mom. "Hehe, okay, enough parent talk! Let's dig in!" said Isaac, eager to have some food. They soon resumed their feast.


Meanwhile... Moonhidora was closing in on the city, her minds where racing with rage and sorrow. She was gonna make these humans pay for what they had done.

Isaac's dad soon got a notification on his phone, thinking it was work he looked at it and it did not work. Instead, it was an alert that said with all capitals and bold letters "URGENT ALERT: TITAN THREAT INBOUND TO LOS ANGELES, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL" Isaac's dad soon told his family they need to get out of the restaurant before they could ask why the restaurant alarms went off and everyone began fleeing out of the restaurant.

Isaac's mom asked what was going on, and his dad just showed her the message. She read it over and over and understood the need for urgency, she picked up Issac and they began running out of the restaurant.

They heard the city sirens go off and already they could hear explosions. Issac soon looked up and within a split second, a large white figure zoomed by over them at such high speeds he could feel the wind from the thing ahead. He knew imminently it was a titan and they needed to get to shelter.

Moonhidora fired her different elemental breaths at several of the buildings and destroyed many of them. Many were frozen due to Eura's frost breath, some were incinerated by Io's fire breath, and many were annihilated from Callist's gravity beam.

Isaac's family got in their car and began making their way to the nearest Titan Shelter... but soon the road to the shelter was destroyed and their path was blocked. Issac was panicking, he watched outside as Los Angeles was being completely devastated.

His parents soon decided they should bunker down in their home as it is nearby and should be good shelter since their apartment is on the 2nd floor and has strong walls. They soon speeded over to the apartment complex and hurried inside. They didn't even bother to take the elevator, they ran up the stairs as fast as they could and soon reached their apartment.

Issac's mom questioned where they should shelter, Issac just ran to his room while his parents hurriedly debated on where to hide. They thought of the bathroom but it is right beside the outside wall so it wouldn't do much good in protection.

Isaac sat on his bed and had his knees pressed tight against his chest as he felt everything around him shaking. Everything was just happening too fast for him to even process what is going on, but he knew that a Titan was attacking his home, what titan? He doesn't know, all he knows is big, it's white, and can fly really fast.

Soon, he saw a bright yellow light shine in his room what was slowly getting brighter. Callist's gravity beam was about to shine in his direction and from the looks, it was about to strike his apartment.

The glow grew brighter... and brighter... and brighter... and brighter... until a large electric bream burst through his window...

Before he knew it... everything went dark and quiet all so suddenly...

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