22.Broken Hopes

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As i sat next to Sid I looked around, I spotted Hriday, and I couldn't help but chuckle. There he was, all decked up in his best beach outfit, holding his phone up, FaceTiming Saanchi. He was showing her the view of the beach, pointing out the waves and the sunset.

"Look at the view, Saanchi. Isn't it beautiful?" Hriday said, his voice full of excitement. He turned the camera to show her the vibrant colors in the sky.

Saanchi giggled from the other end. "It's gorgeous, Hriday! I wish I was there with you."

Hriday's face softened. "Me too. I miss you so much." His voice dropped to a whisper, but the emotion was clear.

I glanced at Sid, who was watching Hriday with a smirk. "Man, Hriday's totally whipped," Sid said, shaking his head. "But it's kinda cute, though."

Hriday was head over heels for Saanchi, and it was obvious to everyone around him. As I watched Hriday, I realized just how much he had changed since meeting Saanchi. He used to be so focused on his studies and his research, barely making time for anything else. But now, he was more relaxed, more open. Saanchi had brought balance into his life, and it was good to see him so happy.

Hriday ended the call with a soft "I love you,". His eyes lit up when he talked to her, and his smile was a mile wide.

"What about you? Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked Sid.

Sid looked thoughtful for a moment. "I want a partner with whom I can grow together. Someone who can support me in my work and in life. Someone responsible and mature."

I nudged him playfully. "Why not Alia? She's very responsible and mature."

Sid laughed, shaking his head. "I would never date someone like Alia. She's not even my type. I can never think to date her, not even if she was the last woman on this planet."

Before I could respond, Aayush, who had been listening quietly, spoke up with a protective edge in his voice. "Alia's amazing. I know you too have your own differences but doesnt mean you get to talk about her like that in front of me.She's been there for all of us and she deserves respect, not your dismissive comments."

Sid looked surprised but didn't back down. "I'm just being honest about my preferences.And I know she is amazing and ofcourse I respect her all I am saying is she is not my type"

But Before I could say Just because she's not his type doesn't mean she's not valuable. She's a great person, and she deserves better than to be treated like she's not good enough.

Diya yelled my name!!Maybe My baby is suffering from hangover,I should go see her.

What the hell happened? How could I let this happen? I felt a rush of panic and regret. Was it the alcohol that made me lose my inhibitions, or was it something about her that made me act like this? I kept replaying the kiss in my mind, and each time it felt like a mistake.

I recalled Alia, her eyes sparkling with that mix of playfulness and warmth. I remember her leaning in, her lips gently brushing against mine. It was a moment I didn't expect, and as much as I tried to resist, I couldn't stop myself. I was too drunk to think clearly, and her kiss caught me off guard.

I shouldn't have let it happen. It wasn't fair to her, and it definitely wasn't fair to me. I'm confused and frustrated with myself. I need to talk to her and sort this out, but right now, I'm just trying to figure out how to handle the mess I've made as I opened my phone to see messgaes from Kabir and Mrs.Ramalingam about the office were to open in Boston and few other work related issues


I sat down working on my laptop with a headache.

When Aayush asked if Alia could be my girlfriend, I just couldn't stop laughing. The idea was so funny to me. Alia as my girlfriend? It seemed ridiculous.

Sure, Alia and I were friends, and she's a great friend, but a girlfriend? I could only imagine how messy it would be. Alia is always so bubbly and needs a lot of attention. Her clumsiness would turn my life upside down. I wouldn't get a moment of peace. Our lives would just clash too much, and I wasn't ready for that kind of drama.

After talking to Aayush, I realized something important. Even though he misunderstood what I said, it made me see how much Alia's friends care about her. They're ready to stand up for her and fight for her, no matter what. That realization gave me a strange sense of happiness. It's good to know she has such a supportive bunch of friends who would back her up.

As everyone came out dressed and ready to leave, I looked for Alia right away. When she showed up, I saw her face was swollen. It hit me hard—was she upset because of the kiss? I felt a sharp pang of guilt.

We needed to talk about it, but not here. This wasn't the right time or place. I decided we'd have the conversation once we got home.

Home. I can't believe I'm actually calling it that. This place, which I originally settled into just for shelter, has turned into my real home. It's strange how quickly things change. What started as a temporary place to stay has become somewhere I feel comfortable and settled.

I've made memories here, shared laughs, and even faced some tough times. This place has seen me through a lot, and I never thought I'd feel this way about it. It's not just four walls and a roof anymore—it's where I've felt a sense of belonging.

Now, calling it home feels right.

I have decided long back that I am going to stay here even after the completing university and anyways the officce area I chose for working is also very close by when compared to from the penthouse.

Hriday and Aayush were putting the luggage into the car while I checked us out. I kept looking at the car where Alia was sitting in the back seat. She looked like she was either asleep or pretending to sleep. She wasn't acting like her usual, talkative self.

Seeing her like this made me feel bad. We need to talk about what happened. I should have a conversation with her as soon as we get home. She shouldn't feel bad about it; it was a mistake, and we can work through it together.

I understand why she might be upset, but I want her to know we can talk about it openly. I don't want this to be a problem between us. We've always talked things through before, and I want to make sure we're okay. I just need to find the right time to clear things up and make sure she knows everything is fine.

As I woke up, still keeping my eyes closed, I turned to the other side. Flashes of last night came back to me—decorating the hall, Hriday's hard fall on the floor, us playing truth or dare, me twirling on the beach, resting my head on Sid's shoulder, and that kiss. All these memories brought a smile to my face.


What?? I asked myself as I opened my eyes with a huge shock.

Did that really happen, or was it just a dream? I tried to piece everything together in my mind. The kiss, Sid's surprised reaction, the way I felt... It all seemed so vivid and real. I reached up to touch my lips, still feeling the tingling from that moment.

My heart raced as I tried to make sense of everything. He did kiss me back, didn't he? Maybe that means he likes me too. Why else would he kiss me? And recently, he's been so thoughtful. He saved me from those goons, protected me at the grocery store, and even got my favorite tacos. The fact that he remembers these little things has to mean something, right?

I kept thinking about our moments together. Each one felt like a piece of a puzzle coming together. The way he looked at me and cared for me seemed to fit into a bigger picture

I got off my bed excitedly and went to the washroom. I took care of business quickly. The headache or hangover didn't bother me much compared to the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

The thought that he might like me back was consuming me. I kept thinking about how quickly feelings can change from like to love. Just like how my feelings for him had grown so fast, maybe his feelings could too. The idea of finally being in a relationship with my one and only crush was thrilling.

I quickly did my makeup—just a minimal touch to freshen up—and took another look in the mirror. I hoped he would like it.

Then it hit me,he's seen me without makeup at the airport, in Aayush's shorts and t-shirt, and with messy hair. I had been my true self around him, and yet he still cared. That thought made me smile.

I opened my emails to check if I had been selected for any interviews. And oh my goodness—I got selected by my dream company! I couldn't believe it at first. It was like a dream come true. My excitement was through the roof. This was such a big opportunity for me, and it felt like everything was falling into place perfectly.

I will join the company soon,I wrote back to them accepting the offer and hurriedly called amma and nanna informed them and also thatayya(grandfather).They would be so happy.

I came out of my room with a big smile, excited to tell Aayush and Sid about my new job. They were talking, and I was about to join them when I overheard Aayush asking Sid something. Sid's answer hit me hard.

I felt a strange pain in my chest. I wasn't ready for this, and I didn't expect it. The idea that Sid might not like me back made me feel awful. It was like a punch to the stomach. I felt small and insignificant.

I know I'm not the most responsible or mature person, so why would someone like Sid, who is so responsible and mature, ever like me? I should have realized this earlier. My heart always seems to fall for people who don't feel the same way.

I was relieved I hadn't confessed my feelings yet. If I had, and he reacted like this, it would have been even worse. I could almost see him laughing at how silly I was for thinking something could happen between us.

Tears almost came as I tried to deal with everything. The happiness of getting the job didn't seem so important anymore compared to the pain of realizing Sid didn't feel the same way. I tried to stay strong and act normal, but inside, I was really sad.

I closed the door behind me and sat down, crying quietly. I wondered why he couldn't just love me back. Was I really that bad? And why was it so hard to forget him?

I felt overwhelmed by sadness and confusion. It seemed so unfair that I had such strong feelings for him, but he didn't feel the same way. I wished things could be different, but right now, all I could do was cry and try to make sense of it all.

As we were getting ready to leave, everyone came out, and so did I. I tried to act normal, but inside, I was struggling. I didn't want to get involved in any conversations. I decided to pretend to sleep in the back seat. If I stayed awake, they might notice something was wrong, and I didn't have the courage to explain it to everyone.

When we got back home, everyone was busy unloading the luggage and bringing it back to the room. Aayush and Samaira looked exhausted, and Diya and Hriday went with them to tidy up the room before they crashed. That left just Sid and me.

I felt a pang of anxiety. Why did life always put me in situations where I least wanted to be? I never expected or wanted to be alone with Sid right now, especially not after everything that happened. It was as if fate had a way of forcing me into uncomfortable spots, making everything harder than it had to be.

I grabbed a few pieces of luggage and headed to the lift before Sid could say anything. I knew he was right behind me and would get in the lift with me.

As soon as we were inside, I could tell he was about to say something. I didn't want to get hurt again by his words, so I decided not to give him the chance.

"uhmm...about what happened last night!"Sid said but before he could complete I said

" I know it should not have happened ,I was drunk and it was at the heat of the moment and Im sorry and just to be clear it means nothing to me and I think thats how it should be"I said trying to control my tears and a pain in my thraot

"So that kiss means nothing to you"Sid said with a suspicion on his face

Oh many will he make me say it!!!

"yeah!It was just a mistake, and I don't want to make things awkward."I said

"Thank god!!ts good to know that we are on the same page"He said with a relief on his face

"yeah!!Thank God!!"I said not looking at him

Hey everyone! Finally you all got Sid'd POV and Alia's POV.From on I will be only writing from the characters pov.


there are almost 8 chapters in this book and I'll drop the rest soon! Your feedback is EVERYTHING to me. So Tell me are you team Alia or team Sid? 

What do you think about their messy, complicated relationship?

Also these cute pov banners are made by my dear friend _UlfatxTales_

Is she not amazing,I totally love these banners!!What do you all think aboout them!

Also, dont forget to vote and comment guys!It will help with the reach.

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