Lucy's POV
I arrived at the station and I was in so much pain. My body couldn't take it anymore and gave out randomly as I was walking to my seat in roll call. I fell to the floor still conscious but the wind knocked out of me.
Grey: Officer Chen!
Tim: Lucy!
Jackson: You ok Lucy?!
Lucy: I'm fine, just let me get up
I started to get up and started to fall again. Tim caught me before I hit the floor.
Lucy: I'm sorry, please don't be mad!
Tim: why would I be mad?
Lucy: never mind
Tim: ok we need to get you looked at by a doctor
Lucy: No!
Grey: We need to officer chen now Officer Bradford, can you take her to the hospital in your shop?
Tim: yes sir
Tim helped me up and helped walk me to the shop. We drove to the hospital, Shaw Memorial, where Matt worked
Lucy: please don't make me go, just tell Grey you did and drive me back
Tim: you know I can't do that
Lucy: please Bradford?
Tim: i'm sorry i just can't
I focused on the window
Tim: why don't you want to go?
Lucy: no reason, i just don't like hospitals
Tim: someone die?
Lucy: No, just... let's say the staff
Tim: if you get a dude doctor, report them
Lucy: I feel bad doing that
Tim: you have way too big of a heart
Lucy: i'm going to take that as a compliment, thank you
Tim: ok, how you feeling?
Lucy: fine honestly just probably low blood sugar, so we can go now
Tim: nope, we're almost there
We arrive at the hospital and Tim helped me walk into the hospital. Right away mark sees me
Mark: what happened? are you hurt?
Lucy: no, just probably low blood sugar
Tim: she needs to be looked at
Mark: and who are you to judge that
Tim: excuse me?..
Lucy: Stop mark, please just give me an exam so I can go
I interrupted them before so I wouldn't have to hear it at home.
Mark: come on let's go
Tim: I thought doctors couldn't take care of a patient that's considered family?
Lucy: Tim, it's fine we're not married or anything, it doesn't matter
I knew it did but if a different doctor looked at me, mark would be reported
Tim: alright
Mark: alright Officer Bradford you can wait over here away from people because of you know, your on duty weapon
Tim: thank, mark, how considerate
Tim walked away as Mark pushed me into a room and closed the blinds. I got examined in a room unlike the er beds because of my weapon. He looked over my body and sis it was because of the injuries.
Mark: i'm so sorry Lucy, how can I ever make it up to you? What about dinner on Friday?
Lucy: it's ok, you don't need to do all that, just write me off clear for duty.
Mark: are you though?
Lucy: yeah, i just need to eat something with protein
Mark: ok, i'll be right back
Mark came back a few minutes later with a protein bar and banana.
Lucy: thank you
Mark: of course.
I ate the protein bar and banana and felt a bit better. Mark signed me off and kissed my cheek. He opens the blinds and door before walking me to Tim.
Tim: everything ok?
Mark: yeah just low blood sugar like she said.
Lucy: told you
Tim: yeah yeah
Mark: ok, she's clear for duty, bye guys
Lucy: bye
Tim: bye mark, and nice to see you gain
Mark: nice to see you too
We left the hospital and I headed back to the station when Angela pulled me aside
Lucy: Hey officer lopez
Angela: Hey, was this about those bruises?
Lucy: No, just low blood sugar but I ate so I'm better now
Angela: you sure, they looked pretty bad?
Lucy: yeah, see you later
I said walking away before she could add on
Tim's POV
Tim: what was all that about
i asked approaching Angela
Angela: i don't want to alarm you or anything but yesterday i ran into her changing in the locker room, she usually changes in the stalls
Tim: and?
Angela: she was covered in bruises all over her arms and chest, including her wrists and neck.
Tim: what about her legs?
Angela: she already changed her pants so I don't know
Tim: did you ask her about it?
Angela: yeah, she said she was at a new gym training and some girl did a number on her but she said the other girl looked worse.
Tim: I wouldn't put it past her
Angela: your right It's just she collapsed today..
Tim: you thought they might be connected
Angela: exactly
Tim: well she seems fine now and got a full body exam so I'm sure Mark asked about the bruises and everything checked out
Angela: whose mark?
Tim: oh her boyfriend, he's ex marine and now works at Shaw Memorial as a doctor. He was able to get Lucy checked out quickly
Angela: oh ok
Tim: well i gotta go, bye
Angela: bye
I walked away and found lucy in the break room
Tim: hey, you ready to head out
Lucy: yeah, let's go
we walked and got into the shop after she grabbed the war bags and gear. She loaded the trunk while i inspected the car for any missed dings or scratches. We got into the shop and I began to drive.
Tim: you ok?
Lucy looks really sad and nervous, she jumped at the sound of my voice
Lucy: oh, yeah
Tim: you sure
Lucy: yes! why can't you just accept that!
Tim: your right, sorry
I never heard her yell before, I felt bad for bombarding her with the question
Lucy's POV
I felt bad for yelling at Tim, he didn't deserve it.
Lucy: Hey, i'm sorry for yelling
Tim: No, hey i'm sorry for prying
Lucy: it's ok, i was being over dramatic and sensitive, just... a rough couple of days
days? more like weeks, months, years! but I couldn't tell him that.
Tim: hey, you have every right to be upset and, i know i'm not the ideal person to talk to but if you ever need to talk, know that i'm here for you
Lucy: thanks
Tim: oh, and hey why don't you drive
Lucy: are you serious?
Tim: yeah here
we switched spots in the shop, i started driving when we got a call to a liquor store and I drove there. Someone passed a counterfeit bill so we're about to go out and look for the guy we saw in the security camera. We left the store.
Tim: you should've gloves up when you touched the counterfeit bill in case we needed to pull prints
Lucy: you're right um i spaced, i'm sorry
he was about to get in the passenger side of the shop when i stopped him
Lucy: wait, why didn't you say anything when we were inside?
Tim: no reason
Lucy: You always call me out when i screw up in front of people. First you key me drive, now this. why are you being nice to me today?
Tim: i'm not
Lucy: Did Rachel talk to you?
Rachel saw that today we both got invitations to my ex's wedding. He slept with the woman he's getting married to when we lived together. He knew my Daisy, that lat part Tim and Rachel don't know but we both got used to him and then he cheated. I waited for a response
Lucy: she did. I told her not to.
Tim: well if it makes you feel any better, i didn't want her to either
Lucy: you know, this isn't a big deal, I-i'm over him and i'm happy for him. So, i don't need any special treatment from you ok?
Tim: ok, then i'm driving
Lucy: what, but...
he as already getting in the drivers seat. We were driving for a while when i started conversation again.
Lucy: you think i'm stupid for letting that invitation bother me
Tim: You said it didn't and I was relieved we didn't have to talk about it
Lucy: why the hell would they invite me to their wedding? to further humiliate me?
Tim: maybe there trying to make amends
Lucy: amends? by making me starve myself for a month so i can fit into a drop-dead pretty dress and-
Tim: hey up ahead
Lucy: that's the counterfeit guy
we turned in the sirens to stop him from going further, we got out of the shop
Lucy: hey, hands on the hood let's go. Alright, spread your legs apart.
Our cellphones beeped and it said there was a middle alert.
Lucy: what do we do
Tim: let him go, we got to get back to the station
we drove to the station and watched the felon we had to let go run away.
*At the station*
Grey: Listen up. LAPD has not been able to verify the alert is real. However, real or not, everyone in the city is panicking right now. So i don't care if you've been off the street for twenty years. You got a badge get out there. First priority- to secure sensitive targets. Next, protect the community. Ignore petty crimes. Focus on people, not property. Look, I know you're scared, i'm scared too. But people out there are counting on us and we will help them. Okay, let's get to work.
Tim went to talk to Rachel and I headed to talk to Grey.
Lucy: Sergeant Grey?
Grey: Yes officer Chen?
Lucy: Daisy, what am I supposed to do
Grey: Do you want to go pick her up from preschool?
Lucy: yes please
Grey: Tim as your TO will have to go with you
Lucy: I understand but I can tell everyone it's my friend's kid and i'm considered an aunt right?
Grey: If you want to, yes.
Lucy: thank you sir
I went to go find Tim
Lucy: Hey officer Bradford?
Tim: yes chen?
Lucy: I need to pick someone up from preschool, Grey already signed off on it.
Tim: ok let's get in the shop.
we got in the shop and I started directing him there.
Tim: so who is this person
Lucy: my friends daughter, we're really close so i'm like an aunt to her.
Tim: and where's her mom?
Lucy: she works like 45 minutes away and she asked me to pick her up because of traffic
Tim: oh makes since
Lucy: yeah
*A few minutes later*
Lucy: and take a left up here
Tim: ok
Lucy: and now a right, and right here
he parked and I ran inside
Lucy: i'll be right back
Tim: ok
*at the preschool*
Lucy: Hi i'm here to pick up Daisy Chen, i'm her mother Lucy Chen, here's my ID
Desk worker: ok, let me bring her out, just a moment
She came back with my Daisy
Daisy: mama!
Lucy: Hi my sweet princess
Daisy: uppy!
Lucy: ok come here sweet girl
she ran into my arms and gave me the biggest hug, I picked her up and signed her out. It hurt so bad when she ran into me but it was nice to be with my baby girl.
Lucy: thank you so much
Desk Worker: of course and be safe
Lucy: you too
I walked out tickling Daisy's belly as she giggled in my arms. CRAP, i didn't grab my car seat.
Lucy: Hey, I forgot to grab a car seat so she'll just have to sit in my lap, it's a short ride anyway
Tim: ok sounds good
I played with Daisy's hair and tickled her
Daisy: mama stop it!
she said while laughing because I was tickling her
Tim: mama?
Lucy: oh, um.. her mom always tickles her so I guess out of habit she just said mama stop. I mean she's three, she can get confused easily
Tim: oh gotcha
Tim's POV
Lucy was glowing while playing with that baby. I've never seen her smile that big or look genuinely happy. She would make a great mother. I mean, three your olds make mistakes, right?
Tim: Hey, what's her name?
Lucy: Daisy Rae
Tim: I love it, is Rae her last name?
Lucy: No, middle
Tim: and who did you say was her mom again?
Lucy: oh, i never told you, you wouldn't know her
Tim: oh ok
something was up but i don't know why. To me, that baby looked like lucy. Also, why couldn't the dad pick her up? was he not in the picture? We arrived at the station and walked in. Angela shot me a funny look.
Angela: Hey who's the kid?
Lucy: Oh, my really close friends, she couldn't make it and didn't want her left alone at preschool.
Angel: i see, whats her name?
Lucy: Daisy Rae-
Tim: and Rae is not the last name, it's the middle
Lucy laughed at me mocking her
Angela: who's her mom?
Lucy: oh, you wouldn't know her she works like 45 minutes away and lives about 20 minutes over on the other side
Angela: then why put her in preschool out here?
Lucy: she said it was the best school that was close to them
Angela: makes sense, hey Tim can i talk to you for a second?
Tim: Sure
We walked away from lucy and daisy
Angela: something's up
Tim: that's what I was thinking, is it just me or does that baby look like Lucy
Angela: now that you mention it, she does. And why couldn't the dad pick her up?
Tim: I thought about that but maybe he's not in the picture or also works far away.
Angela: True, well it's chaos out there, we should get back to work
Tim: yeah see you later
Angela: see you
I walked back over to Lucy and Daisy.
Lucy: everything alright?
Tim: yeah she just wanted to know If i'd seen wesley
Lucy: ohhh
Just then, Jackson, John, and Nyla walked up to us
Lucy's POV
Great more people seeing me with Daisy
John: who's the kid?
Jackson: she's so adorable
he said while saying hi
Nyla: and most importantly, why is she here?
Lucy: well poor tim here has heard this story like eight million times
Tim: never gets old
Lucy: haha very funny. But, basically, her mom is my closest friend and she works 45 minutes away and she asked me to pick her up because of traffic, she didn't want her stuck in preschool. She is three and her name is Daisy Rae.
Tim: Rae is her middle name not her last, and you wouldn't know her mom so don't bother asking
Lucy: you stole my favorite part
Tim: oops my bad
he said jokingly we both laughed
Jackson: well she is adorable but alex is probably searching for me
John: and Harper here is probably already losing patience
Nyla: yes i am so we all better get going
Lucy: ok bye guys
Tim: bye
John, Jackson, and Nyla: Bye see you guys later
Lucy: that story is already boring
Tim: like i did never gets old.
Just then smitty walks by
Smitty: who's the kid Chen?
before I could answer Tim cut in
Tim: Her name is Daisy Rae and she is three years old, Rae is not the last name and no, you don't know her mother. Lucy is her mom's closest friend so she asked Lucy to pick up her daughter because she works 45 minutes away and traffic was bad. Oh and, she was picked up from preschool
Smitty: Jeez, I didn't ask for a whole biography
Lucy: Hey, you did great don't let Smitty lower your self esteem
so said laughing
Tim: oh I wouldn't.
Lucy: mhmm, well we better do something work related before we get fired
Tim: true let's go
Lucy: um, i forgot something
Tim: what
Lucy: who's going to watch Daisy?
Tim: give me one second, i saw harper with a kid maybe someone is watching her. Oh over there, it's Rachel. Rachel!
Rachel walked over to us
Lucy: Hey could you watch my friends kid for me?
Rachel: Of course, i'm stuck here anyway
Lucy: ok, thank you so much.
I handed rachel Daisy with her small preschool backpack
Lucy: there should be a snack in there, sliced strawberries and grapes and some goldfish. For lunch, i have her an uncrustable.
Rachel: ok let's go in the roll car room Daisy, with my other friend Lila
Daisy: Yay! friends!
Lucy: oh and she is potty trained but has occasional accidents so there is a pink minnie mouse pull up in her front pouch and a change of pants
Rachel: dang, you really know all about this girl, do you babysit often
Lucy: on most weekends and some fridays
Rachel: ok well bye!
Tim and Lucy: Bye
We headed to the shop and started driving we talked about the missle. After some crazy calls and Wesley got stabbed, shift finally ended. I grabbed Daisy and headed to the locker room. I took her into the stall with me as I changed.
Daisy: mommy has lots of booboos
Lucy: Yeah well, they'll heal
Daisy: Mark give mommy booboos
I know people are in here and definitely heard that.
Lucy: No sweetie i'm not mommy and Mark doesn't hurt me, you know my eye was an accident
Daisy: then why is he always yelling
Lucy: he yelled once when you over and but at me, come on let's go
I said while leaving the stall fully changed. Sure enough, Lopez and Harper were in the changing room.
Lucy: Hey Angela, How's Wesley?
Angela: doing better for being stabbed but I just stopped by to grab my things and change, he's still at the hospital and illl be going back there.
Lucy: well I hope he feels better soon, your family will be in my prayers tonight
Lopez: thank you, have a nice night, and you too Daisy
Daisy: bye bye
she shouted while giggling
Lucy: bye you guys
I feel bad for gaslighting my three year old but I can't risk this getting out. It will ruin Marks career and he'll be so disappointed in me and I can't do that to him. We got in my car and headed home.