Lucy's POV
Mark rushed me to hospital. We arrived and I unbuckled daisy and carried her into the ER with me and Mark. Grace sees us and rushes us to a bed. She does the medical history and chart and checks out my eye. She said I broke blood vessel behind my eye.
Grace: How did you say this happened?
Mark swooped in smoothly and calmly before I could say anything
Mark: She slipped on Daisy here's toy and hit her eye on the corner of the kitchen island
dang, that was fast and made sense
Grace: ok, i'll be back in one minute with some things to help.
She brought me eye drops to help clear the blood from my eye. She said that a normal blood vessel pop would keep the blood on my eye and between a layer of water coating my eye so it wouldn't drip any blood just coat my eye. The bleeding stopped and everything looked ok though so with some eye drops to help subside the redness and uncomfortable feeling.
Lucy: thank you Grace
Grace: of course but I have one question
I froze thinking it could be about Mark
Grace: is that your daughter?
Lucy: umm yeah but don't tell anyone please, i don't want them to think less of me. Nobody knows except Grey
Grace: of course, she's beautiful just like her mom
Lucy: thank you have a nice night
Grace: you too
I left the hospital and Mark held my hand. I held daisy in my hip despite the pain and bruises. I buckled her seatbelt in and Mark drove us home. That night I got in bed and everything hurt. I got up to shower at around 3 hoping the hot water might feel nice, and it did, it relaxed my muscles but it hurt to move. I took about 30 minutes to shower normally. I dried my hair far away from the room so i didn't wake Daisy or Mark. I curled is loosely so i didn't have to in the morning. I got back into bed and Mark was sitting up waiting for me.
Mark: what were you doing up?
Lucy: uh i just showered
Mark: why? it's 3 A.M. for pete sake
Lucy: .. i thought..
Mark: thought what, your not very good at that
Lucy: yeah you're right i'm not...
Mark: well answer me, why'd you shower?
Lucy: i thought it might help soothe my pain a little
Mark: you know what soothe your pain?
Lucy: what?
I asked scared for his response
Mark: some fun
*Authors note: I'm just going to say fun because i don't want to make the story too inappropriate, trigger warning, rape*
Lucy: i don't know mark, i'm really tired
Mark: come on lucy
Lucy: no mark please not tonight
Mark: I said tonight so it's tonight
he grabbed my waist and started kissing me aggressively, I pushed him away but he wouldn't stop
Lucy: no mark please
I cried
Mark: come on let's have some fun
he said angrily. He continued to rape me and in between he would hit me. He said it made it more enjoyable and I believed him. He continued for another hour straight until he was done with me. He went to sleep. My body just left there like a piece of junk he only liked when it could do something for him. The last time I felt like this was the day Daisy was made, she was a rape baby, but I never told anyone that, only my mom knew. She told me to abort Daisy because every time Id look at her or my pregnant self i would think of that night, but when I look at daisy, i see hope and a bright and joyful little girl. I could never blame her for my problems. I got up and got dressed. I got back in shower and turned the water on really hot. It felt impossible to get clean. I scrubbed and scrubbed until most of my skin was raw. My was still bloody and the bruises hurt so bad. I got out and got dressed I did my hair again but this time i slept on the couch I kept a pillow and blanket in a cute bin by the tv stand so it didn't look to word but so I was prepared if so eve wanted to or had to sleep out here. I covered my numb body with the blanket and fell asleep or at messy tried to. I was so tired but scared of what would happen if I went to bed. I got maybe three hours of sleep which is better than none. I got up and woke daisy up. I got dressed in my uniform at home so all the bruises didn't show at work. I covered my back with foundation so no one could see any bruises same with my hands being all bruises. I sprayed them with setting spray so much there's no way it won't stay. I also did the same bun as yesterday to hide the back of my neck that i couldn't put foundation or concealer over. I hurt really bad to move and to pat the bruises with a beauty blender but It had to be done. I dragged my sore body to the kitchen after getting Daisy dressed in a snow white themed shirt and jeans. I made a pot of coffee for mark as it was his day off. I made him french toast and left with Daisy to go to preschool. I dropped her off and went to work. I dropped an extra pair of clothes off in my locker and made sure no marks were showing besides the obvious bruises and bloody eye. Grace said I would infect if I tried covering it up because I asked. I left it alone and everybody stared at me. My outfit and hair was put together but I was not. I looked tired, had a bruised and bloody eye, and you could tell i had been crying myself to sleep. At any slight noise I flinched and felt so stupid. I sat down in roll call because it hurt to stand or sit but sitting was better. I was 5 minutes early but it was ok because i felt safe at the station and could relax. People started waking in and staring including Tim, Angela, Jackson, and John. Jackson and John sat next to me.
Jackson: what happened
Lucy: oh nothing
John: your eye is bloody and bruised it's clearly not nothing
Lucy: oh i just slipped and fell. I hit my eye on the kitchen counter corner
Jackson: ouch
Lucy: yeah
John and Jackson: do you feel better now?
Lucy: for the most part, the bruises hurt but the he really isn't that bad, Grace gave me eye drops to help
Jackson: that's good
John: Yeah
Grey: alright everyone listen up no open cases today so everyone is on patrol. Lopez has a thing with court so Jackson you will be working the front desk. Harper and Nolan is the same along with Bradford and Chen. Alright ever your dismissed and Chen, for the second day in a row, hang back a minute.
Lucy: yes sir
Grey: your eye ok? you get in a fight? and most importantly, will it affect your work?
Lucy: Yes sir, my eye is ok, I was not in a fight and it will not affect my work, i will save time and not bite you with the story.
Grey: shirt and sweet, I like it, good to hear. Your dismissed.
Lucy: Thank you sir
I left the roll car room and grabbed the war bags. It hurt to have that weight on my shoulder but so had to play it off. When the officer went to hand me the guns I stupidly flinched. He noticed but played it off and I grabbed the guns. I put them in the trunk and shut it. I headed into the shop and it hurt so bad to bend it move my body but I tried to hide the pain the best I could. Tim got in next to me and stared and put the shop in drive. When on patrol he started asking me questions.
Tim: you ok?
Lucy: yeah why?
Tim: um maybe the bruised and bloody eye?
Lucy: oh yeah that
Tim: so, what happened?
Lucy: oh I tripped and hit my eye on the corner of my kitchen counter
Tim: why is it still bloody?
Lucy: just a popped blood vessel, that's what the doctor said.
Tim: were you at the hospital?
Lucy: yeah um, mark wanted to take me just to be sure because the blood vessel popping usually doesn't cause blood to literally drip out of your eye, it stays on it like mine is now.
Tim: oh, makes sense. Is it better now?
Lucy: yeah, hurts still but that's the bruises. I have eye drops to help with uncomfortable feeling.
Tim: that's good
Lucy: yeah
It was silent after that
Lucy: so how was Rachel's birthday? Did she like the present you picked? I thought it was nice that you picked something relating to her family and her interests
Tim: Yeah, she was at dinner with her family so i dropped it off with her before she went. She said she loved it and I think we might build it together on Friday.
Lucy: awww how sweet
Tim: Hey, right now you're still my boot and remember this shop is a personal life free zone
Lucy: right.. gotcha
Dispatch: 7-adam 19 please respond to a 133 two blocks south from your location, possible gunshots heard, sending the address now
Lucy: 7-adam 19 show us responding, code 3
Tim: What do you think happened?
Lucy: is this a tim test?
Tim: you'll see just answer
Lucy: I think that since a 133 is a possible dangerous person, the lights and sirens were good to have on so we could get there soon. I think the person could be a father or mother that got too mad at a child since the call is at a nice house in a nice neighborhood
Tim: very good officer chen
Lucy: thanks
we arrive on scene and turn off the sirens keeping the lights on. We knock on the door and no one answers.
Tim: LAPD anyone here, we got a call to this location
he didn't say why or else that could tick the potentially dangerous angry person off. we waited almost 3 minutes before he talked again
Tim: LAPD were coming in
he kicked the door down and we opened the door it was a horrific sight. A whole family massacred. There were 4 people that were shot all in different parts, one woman who appeared to be the mom, and three children, one boy two girls. The other was a man who was a holding a gun to his head and his brains were scattered around his body. It was horrible no words could describe it. Tim was checking pulses as I called it in.
Lucy: 7-adam 19 we need an RA to our location, possible murder suicide of a family of 5, 2 unconscious with a pulse, three unconscious not breathing, gunshot wounds to the chest in three of them, one in the lower abdomen, and one in the head.
Tim: you ok? it's a pretty hard thing to see if you need to step outside
Lucy: no I got it
Dispatch: dispatch to 7-adam 19, two RA's three minutes out from your location sending coroner and detectives.
Tim: ok, but there is no shame in needing a break, i've seen things like this before on the job and especially in the army but you're still a rookie.
Lucy: it's ok, i told you i'm fine, we should be more concerned about them.
Me and tim were helping the two kids that still had pulses, the boy and the girl. We packed the wounds and we couldn't use a tourniquet due to where the wounds were. All we could do was pray. I started to do my cross when I was interrupted
Tim: what are you doing?
Lucy: praying, it's in Gods hands now and I know he will do what's right for them
Tim: I didn't know you were that religious
Lucy: always have been, always will be
Tim: good to know, mind if I pray with you?
Lucy: sure
We did our cross together and I shut my eyes and was down on my knees already by the bodies of the children
Lucy: Dear Lord, thank you for all you have done to protect this family. Today something horrible happened to them and I need you to protect them now more than ever. Forgive them for their sins lord and help them find God. Guid them to good health please, these kids have him through enough. Thank you lord, Amen.
We both did our cross and checked the wounds of the kids, they were holding on. The RA's arrived and rushed them to the hospital we talked to the detectives and sergeant grey. We headed to the station and cleaned the blood off of us. I did the paperwork with Tim. Once the girl and boy were out of surgery, we headed to the hospital because I wanted to be the one to talk to the children first. we arrived and I walked into the daughters room first. A supervisor and detective came in behind me because i was interviewing her in a way.
Lucy: Hey i'm, officer chen but you can call me Lucy. Can you tell me your name?
Violet: my names violet.
Lucy: I love that name, and how old are you?
Violet: I'm 12
Lucy: ok Violet, can you tell me what you remember about today? Anything that was different before the gun was pulled out?
Violet: My mom and dad were fighting. He said something about how she was a bad word
Lucy: you have permission to tell me this word but please don't repeat it afterwards
Violet: ok, he called her a slut and said something about her and a guy at a bar and how this word that began with an a was a sin so she can never go to heaven
Lucy: adultery?
Violet: yeah that was it
Lucy: ok then what happened?
Violet: She told us we were going to the zoo without dad and he got mad. He hit her which he never did before. Then, I heard her scream please no please no. That's when I ran downstairs and saw the gun. He shot her and then told me he hoped i found peace and shot me. I screamed my brothers name and told him to stay upstairs but he came down and got shot too same thing happened with my little sister Emma. Then i heard another bang but no one else was in the house but them. That's when things got black.
Lucy: ok and what's your brothers name?
Violet: Henry
Lucy: ok thank you. Detective, supervisor, do you think I could talk to violet alone, not about the crime but her family situation?
Detective Wolfe: of course, come on let's go
They left the room and it was just me and Violet
Lucy: Ok violet, I have some bad news
Violet: what happened? are they ok?
Lucy: your mom and dad both passed away, and Emma too. I am so sorry for your loss
Violet started crying and I have her a big hug
Violet: where's Henry?
Lucy: he's in the next room over, I have to talk to him about the case first but do you want me or you to tell him about... everything
Violet: can you? I can't imagine having to tell my little brother our parents and little sister are dead
she said between sobs
Lucy: of course I'll be back with Henry once i tell him everything
I talked to henry and there stories were the same I told him about his parents and sister. I wheeled him in on a wheel chair to Violets room. They talked and cried together. I left them alone when I heard Violet.
Violet: Lucy can I ask you a question?
Lucy: sure
Violet: do you think my mom's in heaven? after what my dad said..
Lucy: many people have different beliefs but I can tell you one thing, God is very forgiving so even if the bad things were true, which by the way we looked into it and they weren't, she could still go to heaven
Violet: thank you Lucy
Lucy: Of course, i wish the best for you guys, and know you two will be in my prayers
Violet: Thank you
Lucy: Goodbye Violet
Violet: bye
I left the hospital room and checked the clock, 11:11, that was my angel number. Once my dad died, the first time i looked at the clock was 11:11 pm, for my mom it was 11:11 am so whenever it's 11:11 I talk to him and sometimes make a wish afterwards. I talked to him and filled him in on recent things. That's when I remembered, CRAP 11:11, my shift ended almost 45 minutes ago, I'm so done. I met up with Tim who patiently waited even though shift ended I told him to hurry to the station and he did. With no time to talk I ran to the changing room and changed without thinking of my bruises and Lopez walked in
Angela: Oh my god Lucy what happened?
Lucy: um i fell hit my eye on the kitchen counter corner, nothing serious
Angela: and the bruises
Lucy: oh just hardcore training at this new gym, you think that's bad you should see the other girl, anyway I have to go like right now
Angela: ok.. see you tomorrow
Lucy: bye! have a nice night!
Angela: you too
I rushed out of the changing room was practically speeding home and reached there at about 11:29
just over an hour late. I braced myself for whatever was behind the door.
he said in a scared but angry tone
Lucy: i'm so sorry i got caught up at the hospital with this little girl... she was a gunshot victim
Lucy: language please... Daisy is here
i ran across the room to Daisy and held her right as she was crying because of the yelling. I put her in me and marks room and put on max and ruby. I shut the door behind me and walked by Mark.
Lucy: i'm sorry mark I really am
I was met with a kick in the stomach
Lucy: I won't.. i'm sorry
I said between winces and sobs of pain. He was right, it would have been my fault, I should've called or texted...
Mark: you can sleep on the couch tonight!
Lucy: ok...
I got up and grabbed daisy and got her ready for a bath. I set up the tub with her toys and washed her small body. I shampooed her hair and made lots of bubbles in the water. He cute giggles and small voice are what is keeping me going.
Daisy: mama sad
Lucy: never when your around my Daisy Rae
Daisy: i give kiss
she said as she leaned out of the tub and kissed me on the forehead as I do to her. I continued to rinse her long brown soft hair. She has the most beautiful hair i've ever seen on a toddler. It was internally curly, the type of curls every girl takes hours to try and perfect and she has them naturally. I conditioned it and rinsed her off. I unplugged the drain and picked her out of the tub wrapping her suck towel around her. I shimmied it up and down her front and back and said shimmy shimmy and she would move along her towel. Her sweet giggles were so cute. I put her in her monkey pajamas and blow dryer her beautiful curls. Once they were dried I put her hair in a braid to keep it from frizzing up and knotting in the morning. I tucked her into bed after reading her the tinker bell book she picked out. I turned in the star pillow pet she had and she fell asleep.
*her pajamas*

I cleaned up the house and showered. It her so bad to stand so I sat down and cried. I cried until there were no tears left to cry. It didn't help, crying, is what my mom used to always say but sometimes, it does help, to let it all out. I blow dried and curled my hair, got into my pajamas, and climbed onto the couch and grabbed my blanket and pillow. I said my usual prayer and added in Violet and Henry. I usually pray for others and not myself but tonight, i prayed not just for myself, but for Daisy, her safety. I fell asleep after an hour and went to bed. I woke up to my alarm and mark was already gone as he had an early shift. I got Daisy ready and put her in a daisy covered shirt, cute flared jeans, and pigtails. I usually dressed her in clothes that were popular when I was a child but today I got her something new. I put her curly hair in pigtails and she looked so adorable. I made her cinnamon toaster waffles and green grapes cut into fourths so she wouldn't choke. I drove her to preschool and then drove to the station. I did the same bun to hide bruises and covered up my wrists. My eye looked a bit better already after one day.