Episode 6

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Boy : *Gasp* Guys! I did it!

Girl : Really?!

Boy : Yeah I it took me a while but I managed to hack into the government network!

Other boy : Nice going dude!

Girl : Yeah! Now we'll see what they're hiding from us!

Three friends gather around a computer monitor to see what secrets the government have kept hidden from the prying eyes of the public.

Other boy : Man, look at this stuff!

Boy : Right? Government finances, confidential reports, and even camera sightings!

Girl : Hmm? Hey what's that?

Boy : What's what?

The girl then points to the section labeled "_Demonic_Encounters_"

Other boy : Eh? "Demonic encounters" like devils and the like?

Boy : What else would it mean?

Other boy : Yeah, but demons? Really? Does anyone besides goths and zealots believe in that stuff?

Girl : But then why have an entire folder dedicated to this?

Boy : Here lets open the folder, no point questioning it unless we look.

The boy then opens the folder.

Boy : Weird, there's all sorts of old news articles and even pictures from old books too.

Other boy : Hey look here!

The other boy points towards the picture of a massive monster laying by the seashore, behind it is a concert hall.

Other boy : Wasn't that the free concert from some months ago?

Girl : Oh I remember that! I wanted to go but was busy that day, helping you guys reconnect the router.

Boy : Yeah, but didn't they say it was canceled due to a beached whale?

Other boy : Yeah...all the news online said as much.

Boy : But the report here says that the "whale" is a demonic entity.

Boy : *Gasp*!

The boy couldn't help but to read the report, until he saw a certain set of words.

Boy : T-T-Thousands killed in the concert during the demon's attack...

The other two couldn't help but to also gasp upon hearing those words.

Girl : Th-that can't be real...

The boy sitting at the monitor then scrolled down to see a picture of the incident.

Boy : The hell?

He noticed something strange about the photo.

Zooming in and clearing the pixels revealed two groups standing beside the beached demon.

Boy : Guys, look at this.

The other boy and girl come to look at the zoomed in picture.

On one end there's a group consisting of a cowboy, a clown, and a woman with horns.

While on the other end is metal star Millie.

Boy : There's an audio file here too.

Other boy : Well we might as well see where this goes.

He clicks on the audio file, the sound in the file is sadly somewhat static.

Millie : *Bzzt* You guys are *bzzt*

Millie : I nevah in my *bzzt* think ta do that!

Demon : Yeah we *bzzt* did *bzzt* that!

Millie : Comin ta my concert *bzzt* sickin a beastie, goodness! *bzzt*

The audio then cuts from there.

Boy : It almost sounds like she's conversing with them.

Girl : Aurgh! This is just getting more messed up by the minute!

As the two then talk, a new notification appeared on the monitor.

The boy opens his notifications and sees that someone is trying to DM them.

Boy : Huh?

Without a second of hesitation he accepts and starts typing.

Boy : " Whos dis? "

Anon : Are you three having fun.

Boy : "wat do u mean? "

Anon : Looking at our database obviously.

For a moment he paused, but continued to question the anonymous user.

Boy : " How u kno dis "

Anon : Don't believe me?

Boy : " Ar u a troll??? "

Anon : If its proof you want then its proof you'll get.

The boy could only look in shock at what was written on the screen.

Anon : Your names are Cletus, Collin, and Keenie.

Anon : Am I wrong?

Cletus then called the other two to the computer.

Cletus : You two may want to see this.

Collin and Keenie then come to see their names in display.

Keenie : How do they know us?

Collin : Maybe we made a mistake in this guys...

Cletus then responded back.

Cletus : " What do you want from us? "

Anon : We will overlook your transgression, if you'll assist us.

Cletus could only stare at the screen in disbelief.

Cletus : " What? "

Anon : We'll allow you three to access one of our facilities, and make you temporary members, of our group.

Anon : All we want is hard evidence of these demons.

Keenie and Collin could only watch and panic as the words typed themselves on screen.

Cletus : " And what if we refuse? "

Anon : Then we will have no choice but to arrest you for unlawfully hijacking into government computers.

Anon : Know that we are prepared to go to court if you believe you stand a chance.

Cletus could only curse under his lips as they typed their last phrases.

Anon : If you agree then come to the building at this location and tell them that Dahlia sent you.

Anon : You have until the end of the month, so I recommend that make your choice swiftly.

In the back of an alleyway, Verosika, Striker, and Fizzarolli were exhausted from their latest hit.

Verosika : What a pain in the ass.

Striker : Ya ain't wrong there ma'am.

Fizzarolli : Seriously, I never knew a human could run that fast.

Fizzarolli : And I don't even have legs.

Verosika leans on a wall and calls Vortex on her phone.

Verosika : Okay Tex open it now.

As Vortex opens the portal, Verosika who was leaning fell right inside her office.

Vortex : Sorry, Verosika.

Verosika : Owww...

As Striker and Fizzarolli were getting close, Striker heard a noise from behind him.

Striker : Clown! Git down!

Striker then grabbed Fizzarolli and forced him to the floor.

He then shoot at the where the noise was coming from.

The gunshot echoed in the alleyway.

As the noise died down, Striker went to see what it was.

Cautiously he got close and saw that the noise came from a drone.

Striker : Tha hell is this?

Suddenly Striker got hit by something.

He pulls out whatever he got it by and gives it a good look.

Striker : Tranquilizer darts!

With what remaining strength Striker had, he called out to Fizzarolli.

Striker : We're bein ambushed!

Striker : Clown, shake a leg an git outa 'ere!

Fizzarolli gets up and tries to run to the portal, but soon gets shot in the shoulder.

Fizzarolli : Argh!

Vortex upon hearing sounds of a struggle then shuts the portal immediately.

Just then Verosika comes back after getting herself something to drink.

Only to notice that both Fizzarolli and Striker are missing.

Verosika : Hey Tex, where are those two?

Vortex : They got captured.

Verosika then spits out her drink onto Vortex's shirt.

Verosika : *Cough* What do you mean "captured"!?*coughing*

Vortex : I heard noises and closed it early.

Verosika : And leave my only employees out there?!

Verosika sighs and tries to calmly speak to Vortex.

Verosika : Tex, I need you to understand something.

Verosika : Have you any idea how hard it was finding employees? Especially good ones?

Verosika : Answer? Hard, really fucking hard!

Verosika : So you and I are going back and finding out where my only employees were taken, kay?

Vortex : B-But Verosika!

Verosika : Tex I know you want to keep me safe.

Verosika : But I need to get those idiots back, now!

Vortex : *sigh* Fine...

Verosika : Good boy!

Vortex opens the portal again in the same location where Striker and Fizzarolli were captured.

Vortex : Verosika I really don't think we should be-

Verosika : Quiet, I'm trying to see if I could find...AHA!

Verosika : Vortex come over here!

Vortex sees the scrapped drone that Striker shot at.

Verosika : Here try and sniff this.

Vortex : What...?

Verosika then looks at Vortex confused.

Verosika : You know, "sniff" as in use that noise of yours to track the scent.

Vortex : I...uh...can't.

Verosika : You can't? Why?

Vortex then looks down defeated.

Vortex : I was never taught that.

Verosika looked at Vortex in surprise.

Verosika : Oh...sorry.

Vortex : No, its okay, I should've told you.

Verosika : *sigh* But how are we going to find them then?

Seeing how distressed Verosika was, Vortex caved in and tried to use his sense of smell.

He closed his eyes and sniffed the scrapped drone.

Vortex : ( Alright Vortex focus on the scent, focus, focus...! )

As Vortex sniffed the drone he started to see something within his mind

A faint outline soon appeared inside his head, and as he opened his eyes, he saw that there was now a strange trail leading somewhere.

Vortex : Verosika, do you see that?

Verosika : What? What do you see?

Vortex : I think I see where they might've taken them!

Verosika : Really?!

Vortex : Yeah, I do actually!

Vortex got down on all fours.

Vortex : Come on! Lets go find them!

Verosika : Alright!

Vortex then begins to run after the scent trail.

Meanwhile in an unknown location, Striker was trying to recover from his stupor.

Collin : G-Guys they're starting to wake up.

Cletus : Shouldn't we do something?

Keenie : I still can't believe our plan worked though!

Collin : Neither can I...

Cletus : Well lets face the fact that it did work and that we managed the impossible.

Keenie : Th-that we captured real, in the flesh demons?

Cletus : Yeah! So long as they remain chained up we should be fine, I think?

Collin : You THINK?!

Cletus : Hey! Last I checked, we're not like demon hunters or special ops!

Collin : Well neither were we agents until you went and broke into their systems!

Keenie : Hey, we all agreed to do this together didn't we?!

Collin : Oh so your fine if they decide throw us in jail?

Keenie : That's not what I mean!

As their bickering continued on, Striker had finally come back to his senses.

He looked down and saw that he was tied up in chains.

Striker then heard a familiar voice from behind him.

Fizzarolli : Ugh... Where... am I?

Striker : Yu got captured tu, eh?

Fizzarolli : Sta... Striker? Is that you?

Striker : Who else would it be?

Fizzarolli : So we've both been captured.

Striker : Sure seems that way.

Striker : Say can't ya jus use yer arms ta git out?

Fizzarolli : Nope, these chains are tight.

Striker : But yer legs aren't.

Fizzarolli : Yeah, but I don't want to ruin my heels though...

Striker : Dammit clown, this is not tha time ta worry about that!

The three people in the corner then composed themselves as they walk up to the now awoken Striker and Fizzarolli.

Cletus : So you've finally woken up.

Cletus : Tell us demons, whose your master?!

Striker : "Masta?" really?

Cletus : Yes really!

Cletus : N-now tell us, or else!

Striker could not believe he was hearing these words.

So with a twisted smirk, he gives the three of them an answer.

Striker : I'll let ya met em, afta ya'll free me from these damned chains.

Cletus : Oh no, we're not falling for that trick!

Fizzarolli : Yeah, knowing him, he'd just kill you where you stand.

Cletus yelps and quickly backs away from Striker.

Fizzarolli caught on quickly to what Sriker was doing.

Striker : Aww, ya gave away tha surprise there, Fizz.

Fizzarolli : Because, I'm the one who should be set free.

Striker : Ah, I see yer point, yu personally wanna kill em.

Striker : And knowin yu, I bet yu'll use their guts like confetti, right?

Fizzarolli : *Gasp* Striker, I would never!

Fizzarolli : After all, I would have to choke the life out of them first.

Collin and Keenie also backed away at this point.

Cletus : J-J-Jokes on you! Y-You two are ch-chained up!

Collin : Y-Y-Yeah! Th-There's no way you co-could break free!

Striker : Oh, yer sure about that?

Fizzarolli : Yeah, what if we're biding our time?

Striker : An once we're all nice an loose.

Fizzarolli : We'll come up to you... and break every bone in your fleshy bodies, HAHAHA!

After hearing Fizzarolli say that, the three then ran out screaming from the interrogation room and entered a different room once the door was shut.

Striker : Hahahaha! Nice one clown! If I didn't know ya any betta, I'd think that ya were bein serious!

Fizzarolli : Did you see the looks on their faces!

Striker : I sure did! They were scared outa their minds.

Striker and Fizzarolli continued to laugh as the three temp agents were spying on them from the other side of a one way glass.

Cletus : Grrr! Those assholes!

Keenie : What I wouldn't give to punch one of them in the face right about now.

Cletus : Collin! Unleash the truth gas.

Cletus : If they won't tell us, we'll just have to force it out of them.

Collin : Will that even work on demons?

Keenie pressed the button venting in the truth gas.

Keenie : Won't know until we try!

Collin : Yeah but what if it doesn't work?

Cletus : Let us wait and see, hehehe...

A strange green gas soon started to emanate the interrogation room.

Striker : Haha... hehe... hmm?

Fizzarolli : *Giggling* What's the matter Striker?

Striker : Don't ya smell that?

Fizzarolli : Smell what?

Striker : Tha air here has changed...

On the other side of the glass, the three of them were sitting on chairs and looking at Striker and Fizzarolli.

Collin : Nothing is happening Cletus!

Cletus : Give it time, maybe there's a delay with them.

As the gas continued to filter the room, they both started to feel off.

Fizzarolli : Striker, are you pulling my leg?

Striker : No I'm not!

Striker : Sides yu got no legs tu pull.

At that moment Striker went wide eyed at what he said.

Fizzarolli : Hey! No need to rub it in!

Striker : Sorre, but I think tha air made me say that.

Striker : Ask me sumthin that I wouldn't tell ya normally.

Fizzarolli : Okay.. uhm...

Fizzarolli : Striker, do you like guys?

Striker : Yeah.

Striker started to blush at what was asked, only to follow up by being angry.

Striker : Why tha hell did ya ask me that?!

Fizzarolli : Sorry but that was the first thing I could think of!

Fizzarolli : You try asking now.

Striker : Fine, Fizz...who was yer boyfriend?

Fizzarolli : Lord Asmodeus of lust.

If it wasn't for his pure white face and the fact that they're both tied back to back, Striker would see that Fizzarolli is deeply embarrassed at what he said.

Striker : Dadgum clown! I didn't know ya pegged tha lord of lust himself!

Striker : Tell me, how did it feel?

Fizzarolli : Like the best sex you could never dare to dream or imagine.

Fizzarolli : Can we not mention my sex life!

Striker : Alright fine, fine.

Striker : But I do 'ave one last question.

Fizzarolli : And what's that?

Striker's voice sounded different, almost familiar.

Blitzo : Come on Fizz, are ya gonna jump? or are ya too scared to do it?

Barbie : Yeah Fizzbro come on!

Fizzarolli had to do a double take at what he was hearing, it almost sounded like the circus.

Suddenly a bright flash then appears from no where showing Fizzarolli standing on top of a platform with a swinging trapeze.

Biltzo : Come on already Fizz, if you can't do it then we'll go on without you.

Barbie : Yeah you know how pops likes to get mad if we don't preform.

As Fizzarolli extended his hand he noticed that they weren't mechanical.

He rubbed his hand and actually felt his skin touch his fingers.

Examining himself closer, he was wearing his former circus clothes.

Fizzarolli : Was I dreaming? Or am I dreaming right now?

Fizzarolli then heard Barbie and Blitzo once again calling out to him.

Blitzo : Come on Blitzo you can make it, just don't think that you're gonna fall to your death!

Barbie smacks Blitzo upside the head.

Blitzo : Hey! What was that for?!

Barbie : For scaring Fizzbro more ya big idiot!

Blitzo : What! All I told was to not think about fall-oh...

Barbie : "OH" yeah ya idiot!

Fizzarolli could hear them arguing over on the other side.

Fizzarolli : Don't worry guys I can make it easy! Just watch!

Striker on the outside could only keep calling out to Fizzarolli hoping to hear him answer.

Striker : Fizzarolli? Are ya there?

No response...

Striker could only him groaning words as he was completely knocked out from the air being filtered in.

Striker : Great, now whut am I suppose ta do?

Striker heard a familiar voice that he can't quite remember.

Voice : Get up...

Striker : Git... up...?

Voice : That's right get up, Striker!

With nothing else better to do, Striker did as the voice commanded.

Striker : Alright I'm up now!

Striker looked around and saw that he was in bed with someone overlooking him.

Girl : Hah finally you're up!

Striker could only look in disbelief at what he was seeing.

Striker : Cyl... dia?

Cyldia : Uh yeah that's my name.

Clydia : What? Don't tell me that the last mission gave you a concussion?

Striker : N-no nothin like that.

Cyldia : Then get your lazy-ass outa bed already!

Cyldia : Dad's got a new mission, and he needs you for it to work.

Striker : Old man Clyde?

Cyldia : Hey don't call him old! He still kicked your ass at arm-wrestling.

As Striker got out of bed he looked down a noticed that he was wearing his old backstreets clothes.

Striker : Whut tha hell is goin on?

Outside the truth gassed filled room, the trio could only watch and see the events unfold before them.

Collin : Hey uh guys... should we like do something?

Cletus : Like what?

Collin : I don't know, I'm just saying that cause they seem to be knocked out.

Cletus : Well at least we know now that it kinda works.

Keenie : So do we just wait?

Cletus : What else are we gonna do?

Keenie : We could get something to eat from the cafeteria downstairs.

Cletus : Yeah I mean why not?

Collin : How long do you guys think the truth gas will go for?

Keenie : Don't know and don't care, we got them their demons and that's that.

Cletus : Agreed.

Collin : Yeah, you're totally right...

The trio then leave Fizzarolli and Striker unattended, as they go get something to eat.

Fizzarolli kept preforming one acrobatic stunt after another with absolute ease.

Barbie : Damn Fizzbro, you're amazing!

Blitzo : Yeah Fizz, I've never seen you do those tricks before!

Fizzarolli : Ah its nothin really, it just comes naturally to me.

Barbie : Guys I'm gonna go tell dad that we're ready for the big show tonight.

As Barbie leaves Bltzo and Fizzarolli alone, Blitzo's face begins form into a sinister smile.

Blitzo : Tell me Fizzarolli, how can you preform when you've got no limbs?

Fizzarolli : What do you mean?

Blitzo : Don't play dumb with me, just look at those hands, and tell me how.

Fizzarolli looks down and sees that his hands are once again metallic.

Blitzo : If I didn't know any better then I'd say that your jealous of my Fizzbots, aren't

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