The scene changes to Dinoco gas station where Andy's car drives up to it and parks to a gas tank
Andy: Can I pump the gas?
Alice: Sure! I'll even let you drive.
Andy: Yeah?
Alice: Yeah, when you're 16.
Andy: (sarcastic) Yuk, yuk, yuk. Funny, mom
Moxxie and Millie unfreeze as they dread what will happen when they return with Millie bursting into tears falling to her knees.
Millie: Shit! Shit, shit, shit!
Millie wails with her head and hands on the ground.
Millie: shit!
Moxxie: Millie! It'll be alright. Well find a way to convince them...i promise
Millie looks to moxxie and tackles him squeezing her tightly
Millie: I just wanna go home
Moxxie shares her pain. None of this would've happen if they hadn't have showed up. He wished they could return to hell too. No doubt blitzo was putting up lost posters with them all over them
Moxxie: me too...
Then, Buzz and woody appear on the sun roof above the two imps who see them
Millie: buzz...? Woody?!
Woody and Buzz drop in the car landing on a seat next With woody falling on his face
Woody: I told ya that wouldn't have worked for me
Moxxie: oh thank Lucifer your alive!
Millie: thank fuck! We're saved! There is justice in this world! Andy'll find you here, he'll take us back to the room, and then you can tell everyone that this was all just a big mistake. Right?
Buzz just remains silent
Woody: buzz?
Buzz just looks at moxxie
Moxxie: what...? Why ya looking at me like that?
Buzz: I just want you to know that even though your wife tried to terminate us, revenge is not an idea we promote at star command
Moxxie: uh...okay?
Buzz leans closer to his face
Buzz: but there's no such thing as star there?
Moxxie: no?
Buzz lunges at moxxie and they fall off the car to the ground. They rolled underneath the car, and moxxie repeatedly punched buzz's face, making a squeaky noise with each punch. Buzz then closes his helmet on moxxie's hand, making him cry out in pain
Moxxie: OOOWWW!!!
He then punches Buzz's button many times, making it repeat the "Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!"
phrase, until Buzz flips him over, put his foot on moxxie's back while pulling his arms back which makes moxxie yells in pain
Millie lunged at buzz back gnawing at his helmet and opens it up. Buzz tries to grab Millie but Millie flips buzz around and tosses buzz right at a gas dispenser
Millie: take that you BITCH!
Woody comes to the scene
Woody: hey! Nobody does that to my friend!
He strangled Millie but she steps on his foot making him let go
Woody: owww!!!
Millie grabs woody and tosses him into a tire
Woody: Okay. Come on! You want a piece of me?!
Millie punches Woody, making his face spin until he stops it. Woody lunges at Millie, pinning her down, only for Millie to kick him to the ground. She grabs his pull string and wraps it around his neck and proceeds to strangle him
Just as woody was losing air for breath they all hear Andy and his mother coming
Alice: Next stop..
Andy: Pizza Planet! Yeah!!!
He gets in the car and it drives off, leaving all four toys behind
Woody: (gasps) Andy!
He watch as the car drives off into the distance. Woody runs after the car but is unable to keep up and stops
Woody: Doesn't he realize that I'm not there?
Woody gasps, realizing what this means
Woody: I'm LOST! Oh, I'm a lost toy!
He sobs as he stand at the same spot for a while
Moxxie: it's fine! Well just retrace the cars steps and if we leave now, we'll be back to the house by morning
Millie: yeah, I hard can it be to walk back? Sure it'll take all night but we'll make it right?
Woody turns around angrily
Woody: YOU!
He runs towards Millie who reacts for a fist fight but then they heard a tanker truck coming towards them. Buzz and the others quickly run out of the way but they accidentally leave Millie behind. Left with no other option she toy freezes and drops to the ground
the tanker rolls over and stops, a tire just above Millie nearly flattening her. Millie unfreezes and crawls away from the tire before standing up and backing into the others
Moxxie: oh thank god your alive
Millie: yeah...another second and I would've been flatter than a-
Woody: Shut up! Just shut up, you idiots!
Moxxie: woody this is no time to panic!
Woody: This is the perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone! They're gonna move from the house in two days and it's all your fault
Moxxie: my fault?! We wouldn't be lost toys if buzz hadn't have tackled me! So it's all his fault!
Buzz: My... My fault?! If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...!
Millie: well if you weren't near the window to begin with we wouldn't even be in this mess! Neither me and moxxie were even supposed to be in this fucking place! And even if we do find a way back it'd be too late because everyone we know will be assassinated!
Woody: What?! What are you talkin' about?
Millie: right now, hell is going through an overpopulation problem. So Heaven had made it regularly for exorcists to assassinated hundreds of demons every single year! And it's almost 3 weeks until the next assassination and YOU wouldn't understand because you don't care about anyone but your owner you judge-mental pull string backed, out of fashion BITCH!!!
Woody:...YOU....ARE...TOYS!!! You aren't real imps your- ugh! Your action figures! You are a pair of child's playthings!
Moxxie: you know what?! We don't have time for this! We're leaving and finding our own way back to hell!
He grabs millies hand as they leave with moxxie flipping them off
Moxxie: goodbye fuckstains!
Woody: oh yeah?! Well good riddance ya loonies!
Moxxie and Millie make their way to one side of the truck when they see a pizza planet pull up to the station
Pizza Deliverer: Hey, Gas Dude!
Attendant: You talking to me?
Moxxie and Millie look at the Pizza Planet logo on the side of the truck
Millie: pizza planet?!
Pizza Deliverer: Yeah, man, can you help me? Do you know where Cutting Blvd. is?
Attendant: Just a moment...
Moxxie and Millie look back to woody and buzz
Millie: buzz! Woody! Over here!
Buzz: go away!
Millie: no! You gotta come over here! It's a pizza planet truck!
The doll and figure stop when hearing those words
Woody: pizza...
They both look at one another
Both: Andy!
The two rush up to the imps as they see the truck
Pizza Deliverer: Come on, man, hurry up! Um, like the pizzas are getting cold here!
Millie: we can catch a ride in that truck and you'll reunite with Andy, and me and Millie will find a way to get home
Buzz: Well then, let's climb aboard.
Buzz runs towards the truck
Woody: No, no, no, wait, Buzz, Buzz, let's get in the back. No one will see us there
Buzz: no, the imps can. It'll be safer at the passenger seat. Besides, heaps of pizza boxes will keep the delivery man from seeing us
Woody:...good point
Pizza Deliverer: so that's two lefts, and then a right, huh?
Attendant: Yeah.
Pizza Deliverer: Okay, thanks for the directions.
Buzz and woody climb up to the door window and jump behind the pizza boxes so the driver won't see them. The truck starts up so moxxie and Millie run to the back of the truck. Then they see Buzz and woody strap their seat belt on
Moxxie: "safer in the passenger seat than the back" what a dumbass!
The driver hits the accelerator and the truck speeds forward, throwing moxxie off guard and he hits the back of the cargo hold with Millie slamming into his face, thankfully no injuries hanks to his plastic physique. The truck swerves to the left and Woody hit the side of it. As the truck roll up a hill, a big box rolls towards the imps. Moxxie and Millie yell as the box smacks into them
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