Framed for murder

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The scene changes to evening. A FOR SALE sign and a SOLD sign stands outside Andy's house. In his room, Andy is playing with buzz woody moxxie and Millie

Andy: take that you fiends! Pew pew pew!

Alice: Davis: Oh, all this packing makes me hungry. What would you say to dinner at, uh, oh, Pizza Planet?
Andy: Pizza Planet?! Oh, cool!

He drops the toys follows her out of the room. When they're gone, the toys unfreeze with moxxie on top of Millie who reveals a lustful grin as they proceed to french Kiss rolling around the desk

Alice: Go wash your hands and I'll get Molly ready.

Andy: Can I bring some toys?

Alice: you can bring two toys

Andy: just two?

Moxxie and Millie catch the sound of Andy

Moxxie: two toys?

Moxxie looks to woody who also hears the news and gets a magic 8 ball

Woody: Will Andy pick me?

He shakes it and a message appears, saying "Don't count on it."

Woody: Don't count on it?!
(groans in anger)

Mr Potato Head and Hamm who are playing a game of cards down below, hear Woody groaning in frustration

Woody: (yells)

He throws the ball down and it rolls over the desk and fall behind it. The thud catches millie's attention as she sees the fallen ball

Millie: hey buzz, woody, I think this guy might need help

Buzz and woody walk up to the edge with Millie as moxxie takes notice of the remote controlled RC

Moxxie walks up to RC and picks up the control

Moxxie: wonder if this thing is even on

He activated RC and unknowingly sends him toward buzz and woody full throttle

Millie: ya hear that?

All three of them see RC coming, gasps and jump out of the way just as RC hits the bulletin board. Mr Potato Head gasps as the pushpins fall down and land around Buzz and woody leaving them unharmed. Then the board falls on the globe and it roll towards Buzz and woody who run from it. Moxxie watches in horror as Buzz and woody run from the globe but trip on some colored pencils and fall. They rolled over to the windowsill out of it's way. the globe roll past him and hit a tablelamp which swung around. Millie looks to see the lamp turning straight toward buzz and woody and charges

Millie: buzz! Woody! Look out!

She lunged at the two pushing them away from the lamp but unknowingly out the window!

Hamm, Mr Potato Head, And Slinky: BUZZ!

Bo: woody!

Rex screams

Millie opens her eyes and realizes what she had done as buzz and woody plummet to the bushes below

The rest of the toys gather as moxxie and Millie make it to the bed

Slinky: I don't see them in the driveway! I think they bounced into Sid's yard!

Hamm: oh no. Curtains for them

That just makes Millie feel more guilty As the other toys turn to them

Bo: MILDRED! You deliberately pushed buzz and woody out the window!

Millie: it was an accident!

Slinky: I can't believe you did that!

Potato head: they welcomed you into the room! They treated you like family! They let Andy write his name on you! And THIS is the thanks you give them in return?!

That just makes Millie feel worse

Moxxie: hey! Leave her alone! She had no intention of hurting them potato head!

Mr Potato Head: That's Mr Potato Head to you, you back-stabbing murderer!

Jessie: I loved that space toy! How could you do this to us?!

Sarge pops out of the bucket

Sarge: Where's your honor, dirtbag? You're an absolute disgrace! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO -- HEY!!!!

Moxxie puts the lid on the bucket, muting Sarge's voice as the toys surround them on the bed

Potato head: so cutting in on their playtime was your plan all along wasn't it?! Ya didn't wanna face the fact that buzz and woody were Andy's favorite first! So ya got rid of them so you can have that title all to yourselves! Well what if Andy start playing with me more hun?! Ya gonna knock me out the window too?!

Moxxie: no!

Hamm: I don't think we should give them the chance!

Then the lid opened and Sarge and his men jump out and jump onto Both moxxie and Millie

Sarge: There they are, men! Frag them! [Soldiers yelling]

All the toys grab them as they prepare to throw them off the bed

Moxxie: put us down!

Millie: let me go you slimy assholes!

Slinky: hey!

They all look to slinky

Slinky: don't throw them off the bed!

Moxxie: oh thank you


They all holler as they proceed to do so

But as they were about to toss them out, they heard Andy and his mom's voices from outside and quickly went back to their places while the Toys ran to hide

Alice: Andy, c'mon!

Andy: Okay, Mom, be right down. I've got to get Buzz and woody

Sarge: Retreat!

The Toys hid and moxxie and Millie froze on the spot just as Andy enters his room and look for buzz and woody

Andy: mom! Have you seen buzz and woody?

Alice: No, I haven't seen him.

Mr Potato Head: Psssst!

Millie look as Etch drew a hangman's noose while Mr Potato Head pointed an accusing finger at both her and moxxie

Alice: why not take the toys I got you?

Andy: okay mom

Millie quivers but puts on her toy face as Andy walks up to the desk and grabs moxxie and Millie and walks off to the car following him unnoticed

Andy: I couldn't find Buzz or woody. I know I left them right there.

Alice: Honey, I'm sure their around. You'II find them

Buzz and woody peak out of the bushes and saw Andy holding moxxie and Millie in his hand as he went to the car. with Woody, being worried about them but buzz angered for being pushed out the window, both of them run to the car and jump on the back bumper just as it moves out of the driveway

Back at the house, A chain of red monkeys is being lower down to find Buzz by Bo Peep's
cane but it's short from the bushes

Jessie: it's too short! We needs more monkeys!

Rex: There aren't any more! That's the whole barrel.

He drops the barrel and walks to the edge of the window to look out

Rex: Buzz! Woody! The monkeys aren't working! We're formulating another plan! Stay calm! Oh, where could they be?

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