Chapter 4

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Yaris breaths out sharply through her nose as she lowers her head. Her short hair falling forward and blocking everyone's view of her eyes as she scans the area sneakily.
She bites her lip, watching the mostly empty classroom as the remaining students all sat in their own places chatting between themselves, a breath of relief leaving her lips as she leans her head fully down against the table, resting it on her arms.

Euntae . . . . . 

So . . . . Cute

FUCK ,WAIT, STOP, NO, we are here for survival, and only survival!!!

But, I must say, my man majorly warded of the majority of new bullying prospects for me, bless his absolutely gorgeous soul.

Though she hasn't been full on bullied yet, she could clearly pick up the glares Yui would shoot her occasionally, her group of girl friends, all whispering about her when she walked by. Not just that, this very morning, Yaris was scowling when she founds pins on her seat.
Alongside a shit load of razor blades in her bag, luckily she got away with a nick on her finger.

Jokes on them I LIKE the pain

Beside her, Jay stares out the window blankly as he always does, the sunlight hitting his beautiful features, filtering through his golden hair and giving him a glow she had last seen in movies. Of course, as any other normal human being would do, she mentally snapshots this image, before closing her eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.

To one side of the room, Daniel freezes, lifting the pen off of his note book before looking to the three of Zack's henchman who had approached him, his face adorning a stunned expression.

"What? A get together?" Words he never thought he'd hear before as he stared over at them dumbly.

The goons gulp, nervous as they sweat drop and exchange glances, Immediately starting to ramble.

"Yep! it's the start of a new semester." Doo says, poking his head out from behind the chubby guy, just as Elvis pokes his head out from the opposite side of the teen.
"You should join."

The guy in the middle nods, urging him desperately.
"We're having a get together. FRIENDS should get acquainted."

At the word 'friends', Daniel's ears perk, excitement immediately flooding out of him though it goes unshown. The once lonely kid shuffled in his seat as he daydreams, appearing as though he was deep in thought to the three teenagers staring expectantly.

A get together! A valuable time only for friends.

Little did Daniel know, he was about to step on some metaphorical dog shit.

How I've dreamed of this. Life with friends!!

I was so lonely!
I've been so lonely till now!!

Daniels happy thoughts clouded his mind as he hums, looking over at the boys who stand there nervously. The sweat, visibly dripping down their faces as they huddle together.

You guys!
You're good guys after all!

Alas . . .Daniel's new body doesn't make him any less naïve.

So today it is!! Maybe we can . . . Take some sticker photos too

Finally returning to reality, Daniel grins slightly, somehow still managing to look menacing to the three guys as he shrugs, placing his pen down onto the table.
"Okay, I can hang for a couple of hours."

At this, the three immediately celebrate, exchanging high-fives before Daniel loudly gasps, Doo stumbling in fear as he glances to his friends. The boys stands up abruptly slamming his hands onto the table, the noise, causing Yaris who was dozing off, to shoot upright, letting out a cough as she chokes on air.

The hell's going on???

Jay turns his head to her slightly, biting back a smile as he sees her quickly snapping her head around at the sudden noise, short hairs sticking to her cheeks because of sweat, and drool, which she was quick to wipe off.

Daniel stands, walking over to her desk and greeting her with a wide innocent smile, rubbing his neck sheepishly. Yaris stares up at him with a blank look on her face. The goons look between each other in confusion, while Zoe bites her lip in annoyance, seeing the girl's unappealing face confused on why she was getting Daniel's attention.

Daniel dear child . . . . . please don't say hi . . . . last thing I need is Zoe going for my head . . . 

She's hot, you're hot, I'm blessed, please, I know I've cursed you out god, but we're good right???

Please tell me you're here to talk to jay . . . . 

Daniel clears his throat, smiling widely. Yaris squints, flowers and beams of light blooming around the boys face as she tries to adjust her eyes, finally smiling back, after all the boy seemed to have a halo around his head, and she was near damn blinded.

"Can I help you?"

A voice crack, and now, she wants to die again. Maybe, if she's lucky, a truck will fly through that window next to her, and hopefully avoid Jay so she can be killed and reborn as some rich person's cat instead.

But when was the last time our wishes have ever come true?

Daniel stutters slightly, before putting on a determined look. 
"YES! I mean, Would you like to hang out with us Yaris?"

From beside her, Jay tilts his head over to study the transfer student quietly, before looking to Yaris' bug eyed face. 

One thought in her mind at that very moment.


 . . . . 

I hate to admit it  . . . . I might be nuts.

Yaris thinks as she stares at the sketchy alleyway with pursed lips. Quickly stuffing her hands into her pockets. She shuffles slightly, before taking a deep breath and slowly stepping up the stairs. At the sight of sliding doors, the girl accepts her fate as her nose itches at the smell of cigarettes.

Daniel, you better be grateful, I'm doing this for you buddy. . . . .

One look at that cute ass smile and I folded, god dammit

Finally pushing the door open, the wave of smoke punches her in the nose, her eyes squinting at all the smog, before finally adjusting to view the scene in front of her. A Korean style table, everyone seated on the ground, with Zack, doo and Elvis guy on one side, While Daniel is on the other side seated by Zoe and the third goon. The poor guy desperately looking to the door to avoid eye contact with everyone else at the table as Zoe attempts to edge forward, pressing her arms bellow her boobs to accentuate them to the fearful kid. 

Daniel's eyes widen as he smiles hopefully, waving Yaris over when he spots her, a look of relief flooding his gaze.
The girl returns the gesture, awkwardly chuckling as Zoe death glares at her. Zack just stares at her dumbly, before scoffing and knocking back a shot while mumbling something about how all of the losers were infiltrating his life. The three goons look her up and down, shooting her a look of disgust, before going back to gaping and blushing at Zoe's boobs.

How sad it is that society has taught young girls that to be loved you have to sexualise yourself . . . . . . 

Maybe this girl just needs a hug, but hell, who am I to judge anyway.

Shaking off her thoughts, she nods at the boy as she approaches the area everyone was seated, raising her hand to giving him a small wave.

"Hey Daniel!" She greets, sitting herself down beside the boy, making Zoe glare and push out her boobs further while leaning over, Daniel smiles widely.

"I'm glad you came!"
The girl hums, looking over at the rest of the table. Zoe was still glaring, Yaris could tell that she was judging her a lot, especially her chest and face.

Damn . . . I hit puberty so early I had boobs before I knew it . . . They're pretty big too . . .

But in lookism, they're no-where near good enough.

Yaris for one, had been insecure about her breasts in her past life, she got them a bit earlier on, and seemed strange with her high school self. Later she discovered that she saw her body a completely different way back then, now, it is perfect the way it is. But lookism ladies are a whole new breed . . . to the point that Yaris would be considered flat chested, even though she thought that her boobs were perfectly balanced so she has no back aches.

Rolling her eyes she leans over while grabbing a set of chopsticks, eyeing a piece of stray meat that sat on the grill. Daniel gulps, nervously looking over at her, but still dazed from the overwhelming amount of illegal activities being carried out around him. After a while, Yaris finally grabs a firm hold of the meat, bringing it to her mouth and throwing it in with a satisfied hum.

Doo leans forward, taking a puff of his cigarette and letting the smoke flow out, before looking to Daniel.
"So Daniel, Where do you live?"

Flinching out of his daze, Daniel shrugs slightly.
"Oh, I live alone."

The five teens looking to him in awe, all except Zack who has a dreading face before he takes another shot. The goons rush in in excitement, stoked as they urge on.


"Can we come hang!?"

Daniel flinches, immediately shouting out a 'NO' as he waves his arms and shakes his head, desperately.
"See, I live with a friend." He further says attempting to cover for himself. 

They all go confused.
"Friend?" Doo asks, While the fat goon also questions.
"Does he go to our school?" Zoe simply grits her teeth and glares as she thinks.

A girl???

Yaris smiles at this, chewing away happily at the meat, enjoying Daniel's funny situation as the poor boy attempts to cover himself up further.

"Oh he . . . . . .He's a dropout."

Like he dropped a bomb, Zack and the goons all gape, making up a huge set of misunderstanding as Daniel further explains.
"He works at night and sleeps during the day, If I bought friends home, It might not be good."

Once again, Zack grits his teeth, knocking back another three shots as he wishes to see Mira.

Yaris smiles over at the boy, handing him a bowl with meat, which he gratefully accepts, watching her as she speaks to him.
"So you guys split the rent right?" Daniel nods happily, glad someone was normal.
The girl lets out a sigh, chewing on another peace of meat.
"DAMN! I wish I could find a roommate, rents hella hard to afford. I'm pretty sure my landlord sells drugs as a side hustle."

Daniel looks to her, almost like he has puppy ears. "do you live by yourself Yaris??"
The girl hums, pausing and wiping a speck of meat that sat on the guys cheek with a smile.
Daniel's cheeks tint slightly as the girl continues to talk. "I'm trying to find a part time job, but that's pretty tough to find right now."
Daniel goes to speak, only for him to be cut off when Zoe pounces onto his arm, pressing his boobs against his bicep in an attempt to grab the guy's attention.

"Hey Danny~ Why are your clothes so big?"
She flutters her eyelashes at him, making Yaris giggle and throw another piece of meat into her mouth.
Zoe glares at her further as she continues. "Do you like to wear oversized styles?"

Daniel pause, opening his mouth, before smiling and relaxing slightly. 
"These are my friends . . . He has a larger frame so . . ."

Once again, dread and surprise wash over the 4 other guys that sat around the table, now truly fearing Daniel, who once again put in the wrong idea. Zack just grunts again, throwing back a few more shots in spite.

Daniel lets out a tired sigh, leaning forward onto the table with his arms. From beside him, Yaris taps the guy's leg, gaining his attention, before whispering at him.
"It's okay Danny, you've got this, I'm not the fan of all this drinking and smoking either."

Baby you're young, honestly, please stay away from this shit. 

Then again I don't think that'll happen, looking at how lookism was going from the last time I read it . . . . 

Fuck, once you start drinking, smoking, vaping, whatever the fuck your doing that's just not good for your body, you may not be able to stop, and before you know it, your future's not looking like you had planned.

She pulls away as he stares at her in awe, before blushing lightly and nodding. Yaris grins, taking another bowl of meat and sliding it over to him with a wink.
"Food fixes everything, here, eat up."
Daniel nods, picking up the bowl and stuffing a piece of pork into his mouth while smiling at Yaris happily.

The group perks up when they hear an older woman's voice.

"Hey, kids. Anyone else coming?"
Doo takes a shot, before replying dully. "Nope."

Yaris looks over to the shop owner woman as she picks up a few empty cups.

"Then stay quiet okay, Just stay out of trouble."
One of the goons nod giggling as he eyes her breasts when she bends lower. "Hehe okay."

What is this world's crazy obsession with breasts???

No, scratch that, what is everyone's crazy obsession with breasts??? 50 percent of the populations has them, you see one you've seen them all, just in different fonts and scale.

Honestly, they're two bags of fat-

*Sigh* I can't say much, I may be the biggest pervert of them all.

The shop owner goes to stand upright, only freezing when she catches Daniel's face as he look to her in confusion, internally having a nosebleed as she shoots upright with a blush. Within seconds, the older woman shoves Yaris to the side slightly, squeezing herself in between the girl and Daniel.

Yaris lets out a long sigh, taking a gulp of water as she flops her head down on the table in annoyance.

Ma'am, He's a minor . . . . .

The girl grunts lifting her head and glaring at the woman in annoyance as she elbows her in the rib, Yaris huffs, jabbing the woman back, accidentally knocking the air out of her lungs without realising.

*Sigh* It's going to be a LONG night . . . . .

 . . . . .

God . . . what have I ever done to receive this punishment? I've been good, I've been humble, I made it through high school decently. You couldn't even let me rest in peace??

At least . . . At the VERY least. You could've made me a hot Korean by lookism standards. . . . Or no never mind that, You could've made me RICH. At this point you're just trolling me.

 . . . . .At least you surround me with such cute protagonists I suppose.

Yaris coughs slightly, cupping her mouth when Zack takes a final shot, slamming his head down onto the table, now fully floored from the drinking.

"Hey Daniel park~" The teen mumbles into the table, catching Daniel's terrified gaze. Finally shooting up and making Daniel flinch and fall back slightly.

"You- You're really handsome. I'm jealous."

Zack slurs out with a smile, his face flushed as he leans onto his arm shakily. Yaris snorts, stuffing meat into her mouth to stop her laughter with no avail. Zack stands, leaning over the table at Daniel who stumbles back raising his arm in confusion and horror.
"Lets be friends!"
Daniel glancing to Yaris for help, only to see her leaning forward while clutching her stomach, laughing.

Zack was now in from of Daniel's face, flushed and clearly about to pass out, the three goons look on in horror as Zoe too does the same.
"Let's hug it out okay?"
He then presses a slobbery kiss onto Daniel's  cheek, the guy looking as though his soul left his body. Yaris cackles, lifting her phone to take a picture of the moment, before slamming her fist against the table in an attempt to control her laughter. Zoe looks on in sudden distress, strangely jealous of drunk Zack.

Zack then walks around the table, sitting himself next to Yaris and grabbing her arm while rubbing it against his cheek.
"Yaris~ You too, Be my friend, Even though you're a loser."
He smooshes his cheek up against hers with a giddy giggle, making her roll her eyes playfully.

The goons make annoyed faces while taking their shots, meanwhile, Zoe secretly spikes a glass of water with a cheeky giggle, handing it to a concerned Daniel who thanks her and pours it into his mouth. 

Now, Zoe, think about your actions, would you accept it if a man did that to you? I'm sure YOU would feel unsafe and lose their trust in that person . . . . 

How disappointing . . . . but it's to be expected from the majority of lookism characters . . .  

The goons and Zoe watch in anticipation, mischievous smiles carved into their faces as they glance between the 4 of them. Yaris just rolls her eyes for the 100th time, while patting Zack's head as he leaned onto her shoulder drunk. Immediately, the drink is spat out by the horrified boy.

The 4 of them immediately bust out laughing.


'GO TO SLEEP' Zack pouts and exclaims, cutting off their laughter only for Doo to laugh at him.

'Lol shut up!'

Zack pouts, grumpily folding his arms. 'Hey! that wasn't nice!'

Daniel stares at the empty spiked glass, Yaris chuckles at how he looked like he was screaming internally, she ignores the sounds of the goons' and Zoe's laughing while patting the boys back with a small smile. Everyone stops when a voice calls out from across the shop, from the group of 3 people who sat doing their own things at another table across to them.

"Keep it the fuck down."

The teens pause, Zoe glances over at them with a distasteful face as she tucks her hair behind her ear. It was clear to Yaris that everyone was quiet, listening into the strangers' conversation.

"Kids nowadays have no goddamn manners."
The first man says, leaning back and putting his leg onto the table loosely. His friend from across the table cockily chuckles, straightening is posture.
"We should teach them a lesson Hehe~." 

The fatter guy's girlfriend glares at Zoe, before taking a puff of her cigarette, she ignores the second girl, smiling and declaring herself as more beautiful.
"They'll hear you" She says, before releasing the cloud of cigarette smoke. 
The guys glances at her, before pressing a toothpick to his teeth and adjusting his clearly fake gold chains against his chest.
"Who cares, I mean,

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