Chapter 4

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what are they gonna do?"

Yaris licks her lips distastefully, adjusting her tank top because of the heat. Side eyeing the group across from them, she looks over the two guys. At the same time, Daniel gulps, sweat dropping in fear as he looks over at the goons. The three guys have veins popping from their foreheads, as they were clearly seething.

The woman speaks up almost in an attempt for the other group to hear as she snickers and rolls the cigarette against her tongue. "*hehe* Girl's with ugly faces, walk around with their boobs out. They think they're voluptuous"
Daniel gapes at this, staring in confusion as the woman was doing the same, while Yaris looks down to her chest to check for cleavage, only to find that her tank top covered her fairly well. She glances over to Zoe, who was gritting her teeth, the girl could almost see the shot glass begin to crack in her palm.

Yaris grins at this, almost wanting to take a shot, but holding herself back as she leans against Daniel to see shit go down. The boy turns slightly red, but moves his arm to make her more comfortable as he nervously looks between the group and Zoe, who was about to go off on them.

Zoe brings her shot to her lips, acting innocently while raising her voice to the other group.
"Why to flat chested girl's walk around in bra's, to stay warm?" She glances to the group and smirks, setting down the glass.

"And with two apes to drag around."

Yaris snorts, leaning over and stealing meat from Daniel's discarded bowl, chewing it excitedly as her eyes flick to the group who goes dead silent. A second or two pass by, before the older woman snaps her head to the group, eyebrows furrowed in anger.
"What'd you say?"

Zoe gasps, fluttering her eyes innocently whilst looking to the three.
"Who me?"
Yaris exchanges smirks with Doo as the both watch on with great excitement.
The woman jumps to a stand, slamming her arms down on the table accusingly.
"Look at her pretending to be so innocent."

"What did I do??" Zoe asks, false innocence and sarcasm lacing her voice.
The woman's boyfriend snaps his head spitting out to her, while subtly checking Zoe's cleavage out. "Come here."
Zoe gasps, tilting her head with a pout. "Why?"
The woman hisses angrily, face contorting. "You slut."

Daniel is shuffling in his seat nervously as he watches on, glancing to Yaris who just smirks.
"What? Slut?" Once again Zoe pushes, grinning.
"You heard me." by now, both the 2 apes are glaring at the guys profusely, while the goons watch on expressionlessly. Yaris zones out of the 'argument' just as she spots Daniel dozing off, poorly attempting to stay awake. He wipes his sleeve against his flushed face as he sweats, Yaris pats his back encouragingly while passing him water, he drinks it gratefully but still remains hammered.

You need bread to sober you up sweetheart, maybe I could slip away and ask for some . . . . 

The girl glance to the goons who were now standing up, the skinnier guy with the beanie standing in front with the second guy behind him, they both were questioning the goons who glances at Daniel, a sudden burst of confidence as they see the boy's menacing face which was him trying to stay sober.

Yaris sighs, cutting in and speaking towards the two guys.
"Umm, Sorry but can we just come to a compromise, my friends are drunk, please be the bigger person here." Secretly, she prays that they don't comply so she can beat them up, or better yet, enjoy watching them fear Daniel.  The guys look to her, running their eyes up and down, before looking between themselves with a cocky snort.
"*Heh* ugly bitch." The guy ignores her, proceeding to grab doo's hair and pull him up, Doo lets out a shout while the guy takes a puff of his cigarette with his other hand.

"Who do you think you are?" The man asks, looking down on them.

He proceeds to shake the teen back and forth as he lets out yells.
Yaris feels a vein pop, finally thanking the gods for giving her a reason to punch the guy. Holding back on her urges, Instead, the girl grabs the guy's wrist with one hand, tightening her grip on it while she glares at him. The man grunts, sweating as he looks over at her with a clenched jaw.
"Let go and back up." She spits out, using the other hand to comb back her short hair.
The ape's hand begins to turn purple and red, Yaris unaware of this as she glares at him. The goons exchange relieved glances as they praise the girl internally, Doo grunting as the ape loosens his hand on the teen's hair.

The guy grunts, feeling her grip tighten further, before desperately raising his other hand to hit her with a yell. "Bitch-!"

  he freezes as he hears a yell.


Daniel's voice, another saving grace.

 . . . . .

Everyone was currently huddled around Daniel, Zoe sneakily attempting to slide a hand up his shirt, only for Yaris to shoot her a glare making her gulp and pull her hand back.
The goons were now slapping the unconscious dude in attempts to wake him.

"Danny!" Zoe yells joining in as Doo grunts, cradling his arm from the constant slapping.
"Wake up!"
Zoe giggles, cupping the dudes cheek. "He's smashed *hehe*"
Yaris moves to join them, rolling the teen to his side while deep in thought, ignoring Zack's whining in the background. After all the last thing she wanted was Daniel to asphyxiate. It was a low possibility because he was fine in the comic, but her mere presence may alter things, so, it was best to cut down any chances.

That guy's hand . . . . Since when was my grip so strong? No . . . . maybe he just had a weak wrist . . . Right?

Shaking off the thought, she returns to reality as the group goes silent, all of them turned to the door, glares gracing their features. 
Doo stands up, tilting his head while narrowing his eyes.
"Huh? who is that kid? I swear I've seen him before . . . ."
The other guy widens his eyes, smacking doo across the back of the head. 
"dummy that's him! The fatty from the convenience store!"
Doo gasps in recognition while Daniel flails clumsily, eyes widened in terror as he nervously glances at his body. 
The goons all move forward, taunting the poor kid while he glances to Zoe, who has a disgusted look, also looking to the store owner, who was now acting the complete opposite to before.

Ahh It's okay Danny, I've got you.

Yaris grins, jumping to her feet and waving at the sort tubby teen.
"HEY! Remember me?" She internally sighs, knowing she was getting to involved in the plot

Daniel moves his eyes onto her, finally remembering Yaris was nice to him, and letting out an awkward relieved wave. "H-hey!"
Yaris rushes forward, giving him a little hug while looking to passed out Daniel with a concerned look. "You're here for him I assume?"

Blinking a few times he stares at her in awe.

Y-you're nice to my real body?

Finally returning to reality, Daniel nervously nods, gulping and looking to the group, who were whispering amongst themselves. One of the goons shrug.
"Losers know losers, it only makes sense." This causes the other three to nod along.

Yaris rolls her eyes at this.

You guys are one to talk.

 . . . . . .

This is probably the most stupid fucking decision I've made.
Why did I even bother doing this to myself? I should've just said no to Daniel, I could be home, asleep, happier than ever.

Sighing she glances down to Daniel, snorting slightly as she sees his small frame carrying big Daniel's body. Yaris speaks down to him with a chuckle.

"Do you want me to hold him Danny? He seems a bit heavy . . . ."
Daniel just flushes and shakes his head, the two unconsciously coming to a stop in front of an arcade as the goons and Zack slow down.
"No it's fine Yaris, I'm pretty strong." He boasts slightly, sweating as he turns his head to Zack who speaks in a slurred tone, raising his fist proudly.
"Watch this. haven't done it in ages." Zack winks at Yaris as the goons grin.

"HIT IT! HIT IT!" The machine sounds out in an annoying fashion

Yaris and Daniel glance at each other before studying the game, an excited smile pulling onto the girl's face.

ahhh what a childhood moment, I haven't hit one of these in ages, I wasn't that strong though.

The goons converse among each other on the the old times, just as Zack calls out to a dazed Daniel.

Daniel flinches answering with a 'what' while Zack readies himself, 
"Pay attention, look closely."

Yaris watches with interest, Eyes following as Zack widens his stance, bringing both his arms to guard his face, a serious and concentrated expression.

"guard your cheek with your arm like this. Your stance is wider than your shoulders. Bring in your arms parallel. Centred over your butt."

What a beautiful stance . . . . I wasn't a boxer, but the gym I went to really did teach me a lot about boxing. This is by far the most gorgeous stance I've ever seen . . . . . Makes me want to fight him.

"This is the basic posture." Zack focuses on the machine ahead, Daniel also now deeply interested in his explanation.
"From here, take one step forward. Put your weight in the order of Pelvis-shoulder-fist."

As he says this, his body moves in accordance, Jelled hair not moving an inch from it's position.
"Then push your shoulder first. And stretch out your arm."



"Is a straight." Zack says, looking back at the two, who watch him in awe.
Yaris was deeply impressed, not that she would ever admit to it. The dings rang out from the machine, finally making a loud celebratory noise as a new record of 892 pops up.
The goons yell out in surprise and pride.


 . . . . . . .

As the rest of them left, Yaris was left behind with Daniel, who zones out at the machine, Big Daniel was leant up against the wall. Yaris pushes him forward with a cheeky grin, Dimples making him subconsciously smile as well.

"Go on then! Have a try at it!"

He gulps, nodding his head. "Y-yeah!"
Before the boy walks over and clumsily attempts to position himself in front on the machine. Yaris cheer, hollering encouragingly. "YOU GOT THIS BUD!"

Blushing slightly, Little Daniel straightens his face, finally throwing the straight, which he ends up missing and grazing the machine instead. A loud ripping noise sounding, but not being heard by Daniel who flushes in embarrassment, before grabbing big Daniel up.

"I, um . . I'm going to go now! Bye Yaris!"
Yaris smiles sweetly, seeing the boy off, as she watches him haul away his other body effortlessly.

The girl's face drops, a tired sigh leaving her lips as she brushes her hand through her hair.
Slowly turning to the machine, she smiles at the rip proudly.

ohohooo Danny's already showing signs of being OP one day.

Her face drops a second time as she looks to her hand, thinking back to the moment in the restaurant with a grim expression. She screws her eyes shut, trying to sound out the noises of middles schoolers, before looking to the machine once more.

"It wouldn't hurt to try." She shrugs to herself, readying in a boxing stance just as Zack did.

Focusing on the red target in front of her, she takes in a slow breath through her nose, finally releasing it sharply as she rolls her body forward, throwing the punch dead centre of  the game. Deciding on a smaller warm up punch before the real one.
The target swings back violently, slamming against the table surface with a loud thump.
Yaris breathes in, straightens up and watching the numbers fly up in erratic beeps.

A loud 'DING' sounds as the results show.

Her heart stops, a sense of dread, washes over her face in an instance as she takes a shaky step back.

New High Score! 999

No . . . .

Fuck no . . . .


Shaking her head she spins around quickly, speed walking out of the arcade as though nothing happened. Panic playing at her chest as she attempts to calm her breathing. The air rushing past her face makes her hair fly erratically, the girl whispering out 'excuse me's' as she dodges and shoves past people in an attempt to get home.



They'll find me, I'll get involved, I CAN'T get involved! Not in LOOKISM! 

 She curses herself for not thinking about vasco, who was most likely there.

"No, no it's okay . . . he won't know that I set that record . . . ."

On the contrary, He discovers that she set the record . . . .


OMG Guys this was a rlly long chap, I was trying to get this whole segment out of the way, I hope this didn't bore you ppl too much :>

Plz enjoy and ignore my pretty bad grammar! Hope our Oc isn't too annoying or anything, I just wanted an Oc who is impulsive but observant at the same time.

Plz have a fun read and stay safe everyone!

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