Brandi POV
"Well I have to get to work and you have to get to homework" my mom said getting up from the table. She grabbed her purse and keys. "Call me if anything" she says. "Okay bye mom" I said. I pick up the table when she leaves. I decide to just wash the dishes after I finish my homework.
So I blast my music and started on my homework rapping along with drake and solving math problems. Drake and Beyoncé are the only good thing about this generation in my opinion. My homework was pretty easy today so I finished early. I left everything out since I was going to study later.
I went downstairs and washed the dishes. I cleaned up the living room a bit so the house would look decent. My mom works all night and sleeps all after noon. She tries to do as much as she can and I respect her for that.
It was already 6:30pm so I just played on my phone for a bit. Seeing what was happening in the life of social media. I ended up staying two hours on my phone since I hadn't been on my phone for a while. I grabbed my pajamas and towels and hit the showers.
After my shower I got to studying. It was almost 9:00pm. I was getting tired but I just kept drinking coffee to stay up. But not to much or then I'd stay up the WHOLE night. But everything was distracting me. Especially the music. So I decided to play music I didn't know. I had a cd Alice gave a while back.
See my uncle had given me a speaker for Christmas. And it had an aux cord and a CD player. And since I don't own cd. Alice mixed one for me. But we have different taste of music so I've never really played it. I played the cd and started studying.
After studying which felt forever I checked the Time. It was 11:23pm. I was exhausted. I don't really go to sleep late. The latest is usually 12:30 on school nights. I was wondering if River was going to come today. I decided to just run by my work one more time to wait on River.
I ended up going threw my notes 2 1/2 times. It was 12:28 o clock. "No. I'm going to sleep" I said to myself. I packed all my stuff and set it on my dresser. When I saw a white light reflect from behind. I turn around to see River Phoenix. I smiled I was happy he came back.
"River!" I say happily. "Hi Brandi" he says. "I'm glad your back" I say hopping on my bed. "Me too" he says with a smile and sits in front of me. "How was your day?" He asked me. "Horrible" I sigh. "I totally embarrassed myself" I say hiding my face in a pillow.
I explain to him what happened at school while hiding half of my face in a pillow feeling embarrassed. After I finished talking River then gently took the pillow away from me to see me.
"Don't worry. I know it was an accident. Thank you for keeping this between us" he says. "No problem. Anything to see you" I say with a smile. He smiled back at me. "River, is there like anyway you can comeback?" I ask "I'm afraid not" he sighs. "So I have to wait to go with you" I say. "Yes. But that's not until a LONG LONG time" he responds
"Unfortunately" I say. "Brandi you have a lot coming your way. You're so young and have to live life. You have a bright future. You're going to be a senior next year. Then college. Then a career. Then a family" he says. "Don't throw it away. Don't do anything stupid" he finishes. I look down at my hands. "You're right. But. It's just so hard to be happy. Especially pretending to be happy" I say.
"I know it is. But you have to find a reason to be happy. Because there's always a reason" he says. I smile at him "yeah I guess so..." I say. River was about to say something when I stopped him. "Wait you hear that?" I say. I heard a familiar song. "Your CD?" He asked. "It's Iris. Iris by googoo dolls" I say hearing the song go on.
"My friend, Alice made me that CD. We don't have the same music taste. But. This is our song. In the 6th grade dance our friends ditched us and we were left alone. We were just dancing together. Really not knowing each other and this song came on and everyone was slow dancing. Well. Boys and girls. But turns out we both liked the song so we both just slow danced together. Everyone looked at us weird but we didn't care" I explain.
River just smiled at me. "She remembered" I say softly. River stands up and gives me his hand. "What?" I ask "let's dance" he says. "I don't know... I'm not good at dancing" he says. "It's ok" he says. I look up at him and smile. I take his hand. "Ok" I say. He puts his hands on my hip and I wrap my arms around his shoulders and we swayed
And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
When sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I felt free. I felt safe in his arms. He really is an angel. And I get to talk to him. He's the only person that makes me happy.
AUTHORS NOTE: sorry I hadn't updated. I hope you liked this chapter. I'll be starting school next week so I don't know how often I'll be updating.
Qotd: if you got to meet ONE dead celebrity who would you want to meet?
Aoftd: idk there's so many Marilyn Monroe, River Phoenix, Corey Haim etc etc. I really don't know
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Insta: 80s.marathon
-Itzel :x
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