Brandi POV
It was third period almost lunch time. I was beyond tired. I was running late to school this morning and want to take a nap. I was resting my head on my hand. When suddenly I felt my head slipping to the table. The nice cool flat surface felt nice.
"Ms Brandi. I don't think it's time for sleeping" ms Rivera comes to my desk. "Sorry River Phoenix's angel came last night" I said. I then realized what I said and felt embarrassed. Everyone in the class laughed. "Listen to my lesson, Brandi" Ms Rivera said and started talking again.
I slid in to my seat embarrassed. Why did I say that? The bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and quickly left the classroom. I go to my locker I put in the combination "freak!" I heard someone say to me passing by me. I hid my face in my locker.
I hate this hell hole
I put in my text books in my locker. "Hey Brandi" I heard Sam Flores. He was a stupid jock he came up to my locker with his friends. "What do you want Sam?" I say. "So you've been seeing Angels" he laughs. I roll my eyes. "You're so stupid, man. You're weird and a freak. You have more in common with my mom than my 16 year old sister" he says. "Great come back" I say sarcastically. "Shut up, idiot. You're so obsessed over dead people" he chuckles. "I'm not obsessed" I yell in his face. He takes my binder from my hands.
"You have all these pictures of dead people on your folder freak" he spits. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Leave her alone, Sam". It was Les. "Who's gonna make me. Leslie" Sam said. Him and all his jock friends chuckled. Les took him by the collar. Les was taller than Sam. "Me. Samantha" Les said. Sam got out of Les' grip. "Fine" he says. He drops my binder on the floor. "Freak" he says to my face. Him and his friends left. I noticed some of my paper flew out of my binder.
"Tell me when those idiots bother you" Les says helping me pick up my papers. "It doesn't matter" I mutter. "Of course it does, Brandi" he says. "Well it happens all the time. What do I have to loose" I say.
I put my binder in my locker and go to lunch with Les. "Les, what would you think if you saw a. Oh I don't know. An angel?" I say. "I have seen an Angel" Les says. "Really?!" I ask. "Yeah. Over there is Angel Gomez. Right there is Angel Russo. But I think Angel Rodriguez is absent today" Les says with a chuckle.
"No. I meant. Ugh never mind" I say "ok what?" He says. "Hey guys" Claire says joining us getting our lunch. "Oh hi Claire. Where's Alice?" I ask her. "She left home early. She had uh. Doctors appointment. I think?" Claire says. I nod my head. "Oh I think a dentist appointment" Les says. "Yeah that's it" Claire says
We sat outside by a tree playing music. It was a sunny day. "It's hot" I whine putting on my shades. "Well why are you wearing a sweater" Les asks. "Because it's part of my outfit" I giggle. "Nice" he says sarcastically
Claire and Les were talking about something. I wasn't paying attention. All I was thinking about was last. It felt so real. I guess it was true. He said he'd come back today. Hopefully he will.
"What are you thinking about, Brandi?" Claire asks. "Life" I just say. Maybe it's better if I don't say anything about the River thing. Maybe River doesn't want anyone to know. And maybe people won't think I'm more weird than they already think I am. And since I already embarrassed myself in third period. I'm just going to stop.
"Why are you thinking of life?" Claire asks. "I want to know what I mean to it" I say. "Don't be ridiculous, Brandi. You mean a lot to life" Les says. "What ever" I sigh.
The day went better than I thought it would. I mean people did give me weird looks but I thought it was going to be worse. I walked home with Claire.
"You've been pretty quiet today" Claire says. "Huh. Oh. Sorry. I was just. Thinking" I sigh. "You know if you ever need a shoulder to cry on..." Claire says. "I'll always be here for you" Claire says. "Thanks Claire. That means a lot to me" I say with a smile. "But be happy. We have a little bit of homework today" Claire says. "Yeah but we have that history test tomorrow." I respond. "Ugh. True" Claire says. We got to her house. "Well I'll see you tomorrow" Claire says. "Bye" I sigh.
I get to my house. "Mom?!" I call out. My mom comes from the hallway. "Hi sweetie how was school" my mom said. now I wasn't going to say I embarrassed myself at school and a jock was telling me crap and Les had to stand up for me and I almost fell asleep in class. "Good" I lied. "Great. Dinners ready." My mom says. "Actually mom I have homework and I have to study" I say. "Nope. I'm going to work earlier today. So let's eat" my mom says. "Okay mom" I sigh.
I sat in silence eating with my mom as she talked about work.
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