(Time has passed to where lyndy is now in fifth grade and Ty's dating another woman)
Hey lyndy grace is staying for dinner
Ok dad hey can you help me with my homework
(Grace turns)
Hey lyndy I can help you
No it's ok I want my dad to
Hey lyndy !!
No it's fine dad I'll do it by myself
(Lyndy runs to her room and ty looks at grace)
Ty should I leave ??
No stay it's just gonna take some time
Ty ??
Yes grace ??
Do you miss Amy ??
Of course I loved her but now I love you
Ty I love you too
(Ty and grace kiss)
Hey grace I'm gonna go check on lyndy
Ok ty I'll finish dinner
Ok thanks
(Ty walks into lyndy's room)
Hey pumpkin
Hi dad
Hey listen I know your new to this and so am I
Dad don't say any excuses
I'm not I understand I miss Amy too trust me I do I think about her everyday
Lyndy I'm not getting rid of her she would want both of us to move on
Well I don't dad I never want her out of my mind
Lyndy she's not out of my mind she's stuck there
Really dad ?!
Yes every time I close my eyes I see her every time I kiss grace I see her when I open my eyes
Dad does grace love me ??
Yes honey she absolutely does you just need to trust her
Fine dad
(Lyndy goes out and falls into graces arms)
I'm sorry grace I didn't mean to hurt your feelings
It's ok sweetie I understand
You do grace ??
Yes I los try mother when I was your age and when my dad started dating another woman I acted just like you
Really ??
Yes lyndy really but I learned to trust her and we became inseparable
Grace can we become like that ??
Absolutely if you trust me
I do grace I love you
I love you too lyndy