(Ty goes to the white horse)
Hey Amy
(Horse snorts)
It's ok i know who you are and you know who i am also
(Horse turns and walks to Ty)
Hey what do ya say we go riding
(Ty saddles up the horse and mounts)
Ok i know you aren't used to this but let's give it a try
(Ty kicks the horse into a full gallop then stops at a hill and faces the horse)
Amy i need you please just come back to me you can't leave me
(Horse hangs her head)
I understand
(Ty takes off the horses tack)
Go on your free can't keep you anymore
(Horse stays)
(Ty smacks the horses butt and she takes off)
Go home baby stay free and safe
Jess- I know it's short but i have a awesome chapter up next you'll see lily ty's mom !!
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