44 - A friend

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Evelyn's POV

"Don't tell me that's..." Aiden started, his mood changing instantly. "Yup..." I replied, covering my face with my hands. "Oh hell no" he said and got up, going towards the door. I immediately went after him, grabbing his arm to stop him. "Please, don't make a scene. I'll go down there, talk to him and he'll be out of here" I pleaded. "I'll stay at the bottom of the stairs, but if he says anything stupid, I'm busting his face" he stated and I sighed, nodding nonetheless.

The knocking continued, so I got down as quickly as I could. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, facing Bryan. "Hi" I weakly said, looking at his worried features. "Are you okay? I got so worried, you weren't responding to my texts" he embraced me tightly, catching me off guard. I nervously reciprocated, almost being able to feel Aiden's eyes on us. 

"I'm sorry, it was on mute" I replied, pulling away from the hug. He noticed my discomfort and frowned, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't let you know earlier, but I think it's better if you left. "I told him, my head ow as I felt too bad to face him directly. 

"What did he do?" he asked and I frowned, hoping Aiden couldn't hear what we were saying. "What?" I asked, playing dumb. "He told you something, didn't he? To change your mind about tonight" he said, getting annoyed. "No, Bryan, it's not like that, please just go home and we'll talk tomorrow" I tried to convince him, but with no luck.

"No, you know what, I'm sick and tired of him getting in the middle of this! What did he say, did he tell you he cares about you and I don't? He's lying straight to your face, Evelyn, he doesn't give a shit about you. He just wants to be with you so that he can rub it in my face" he said, and I couldn't tell whether I was feeling angry or confused. 

"Why would he want to do that? That's not the kind of person he is" I defended him. He might be a dumbass, a prick and an asshole, but I didn't doubt how he felt about me.

"Trust me, you don't know what type of person he is, Evelyn. Stop listening to what he tells you, this is all part of his tricks-"

"-Who the fuck are you to be telling her shit about tricks? Wanna talk about your tricks, or is it not in your favor to mention those?" Aiden cut him off, stepping in front of me, being dangerously close to Bryan. 

"Do you guys want to tell me what the hell is going on here?" I cut in, looking at both of them, more confused than ever. "Stay out of this, Evelyn." Bryan told me, making Aiden angrier. "Why Bryan? Is it because you've got too much shit to hide? Go on, you love talking about me, why don't we tell her about you for a change?" he spat out. 

"Hey, you have no right talking about my shit. How do you think she'd feel if she found out about the things you've done" Bryan fought back, and my head felt like it was going to burst into flames after this short circuit. After everything already on my plate, I had to face the fact that these two obviously knew each other and I'm guessing they had a great past from what I could hear. 

"Go on, I'm not ashamed of anything I've done, unlike you" Aiden said. My attempts to get between the two and calm then went to hell, as neither of them paid the slightest attention to me. 

"Of course you're not, you're nothing more than a twisted psychopath! You killed the person who gave you everything just to get yourself out of the shit you were stuck in. But he hadn't told you that, had he Evelyn?" Bryan turned to me, but I couldn't form a coherent response. My brain was resembling a mashed potato, and the new information I was gathering made me want to throw up on the spot. 

"How many times do I need to say this? I never killed anyone you fucking idiot. How the fuck could you believe such a thing about me after everything we went through together, Axel?" Aiden spoke and I put a hand on the wall next to me to stop myself from falling. 

"Who's Axel, what the hell is going on you guys? Can someone please explain?" I begged, but with no luck as the two absorbed idiots in front of me continued to ignore anything I said. 

"You killed my fucking brother and you really expect me to be understanding about this?" Bryan- or Axel- or whoever he was, said. "I am not a murderer. It's not my damn fault your brother came to me for help and not you, hell, I can call him right now if you want me to" Aiden said, making my mind go back to the fight he and Cole had in our living room. 

*flashback* It made more sense now. 

"Hey, you don't know shit about the relationship I had with my brother so for your own sake you'd better shut up" Bryan threatened, making a smirk appear on Aiden's face. 

"Are you seriously threatening me, Axel? I thought you knew better than this" Aiden spoke, taking a step closer to... Axel? "Guys, can you stop acting like three-year-olds and explain to me what the fuck is going on?" I said, surprising myself with my use of words. 

"I'm not scared of your ass, Black, I think I've proved that already" Bryan responded. "I think the only thing you've proved is that you're suicidal" Aiden answered through gritted teeth. 

Bryan simply laughed "Suicidal, but still able to steal your girl" he barely managed to say, earning a punch straight to the nose. Before he got the chance to respond, another hit came, this time a kick right on his chest, making him fly back, gasping for air. 

I faintly heard myself call for Aiden, but was ignored completely. Bryan caught his breath, grabbing Aiden by the collar of his shirt and throwing him against the wall, making me flinch at the sound of the impact.

His fist flew put punching Aiden once, twice, three times, making me run to grab his arm, begging him to stop as Aiden's blood-covered face pained me. My pleas were a momentary distraction for Bryan, giving Aiden the chance to free himself from his grip, landing a jab on his jaw. 

Before he could react, Aiden grabbed him by the throat, choking him. He was definitely out of his control, his anger scaring me. 

"Aidie?" my blood froze when I heard my brother's voice coming from the living room. The nickname he used made Aiden stop what he was doing, dropping Bryan who immediately fell to the ground, coughing. 

"What are you doing up, Jay?" I went over to him. "I heard fighting and got worried. Who's that man with Aidie?" he asked. "He's a friend." I responded, not sure how to handle the situation. "But they were fighting" he said. "Oh, it was nothing, fights happen between friends sometimes" I explained, hoping he wasn't talking about a physical fight. He nodded, thinking about what I said. 

Aiden kept his back to us, something I was glad for, as Jay would be crashed if he saw his favorite person covered in blood. "Let's get you back to sleep, it's late" I took his hands, to guide him to his room. "I want Aidie to tuck me in" he looked at me, giving me his best puppy eyes. I sighed. "How about you go up first and Aiden will come after he says goodnight to our friend?" I suggested, hoping he'd accept the offer. 

He nodded and I took him to his room, placing a kiss on his forehead. He hugged his stuffie and I hoped with all I had that by the time I kicked the idiots out he would've fallen asleep. 

I closed the door, storming down the stairs and outside, where the two had sat apart from each other, whispering curses to one another. I rubbed my temples, my brain was ready to explode.

"Are you guys happy now? You woke him up" I firmly scolded them, receiving a string of apologies from both of them. "I don't want to hear it. Both of you, out now" I said, walking back inside and closing the door behind me. 


Hope everyone's enjoying the frequent updates, I got a lot coming your way ;)

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