Why were you with her?

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"Pietro!" I called to my boyfriend, he didn't respond which was weird. Right, something about going to the mall with Wanda. I reminded myself and closed our apartment door behind me, locking it. I threw my keys on the table, took off my coat and walked to over to open up the curtains.

I smiled as the sun filled the room and looked down at the beautiful park view. I stared out the window for a while before I noticed Pietro and Nat on a park bench, they must be taking my advice and becoming friends! I thought happily as I watched them talk.


I look down at my phone to see one text from another friend of mine, Laura. I swipe open my phone to see a picture of her kids at a football game, I smile and shut off my phone. I turn my attention back to Pietro and Nat, he had gotten off of the bench now and was kneeling.

God please no! My mind started racing and I felt my heart quicken, Pietro had taken Nat's hand.

"No!" I cried when Pietro had pulled out a ring box. "Cheater!" I yelled, tears were streaming down my face and I yanked the curtains back in place so I couldn't see her reaction.

I turn my back to the wall and I feel myself slide down till I am sitting on the floor. I take my phone back out of my pocket and chuck it across the room, I hear it shatter.

I sit there and cry ugly tears for like 30 minutes till my crying turns to sniffles. The door opens and I see Pietro walk in, he sees me as a wreck and slams the door. A blue light comes over and he's now crouched in front of me, holding my hand. I get up and push him away, "don't touch me! I saw you purposing to Nat at the park!" I exclaim and throw a pillow at him.

"Clint I wasn't-"

"We're done!"


"Get out! I never want to see your cheating face again!"

"Clint-" he starts, I try to cut him off but he hugs me. I want to pull away but something urges me not to.

"Listen to me." He says and pulls away, I really didn't want to but I look up at him anyway. "Natasha was just helping me practice." He explains, "I wanted to purpose to you tomorrow at the park." I feel my face go red with embarrassment.

"So you never were cheating?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I practically yell and hug him.

"Now that you know." He pauses and gets down on one knee. "Clint Barton, we have been dating for a few years now. Ever since we met I knew someday I would have to marry you and I wouldn't let any destiny change that. So, Clint, will you seal the deal with me?" He asked, I could tell it was all made up on the spot.

I smiled and just kissed him.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask and he smiles as well. "Yes it does." He hands me the ring and I put it on my finger. "Love you too." I say, it's like I could read his mind.

A/N: Another short one, I know.

Words: 557

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