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"Alright everyone so rooms." I hear Tony state, wonder why they let him pick rooms. "So I have Vision and Wanda, Bruce by himself, Me and Steve, Peter by himself, Natasha by herself and Pietro and Clint." When he says my name I perk my head up. "Clint and I aren't together, we should be by ourselves." I point out and Clint nods. "Nope not enough rooms," he says and I just sigh. "There better be two beds." I mutter and Tony quickly responds with, "nope!"

We arrive at the house we were staying at, it was beautiful, there was a beach behind it and the house had palm trees out front. I sigh and help pull everyone's luggage out of the trunk of the car before grabbing my own and walking inside. "NO ONE TOUCH ANYTHING THAT LOOKS EXPENSIVE BECAUSE IT IS!" I hear Tony yell and I see my roommate. "Clint." I walk up and greet him. "Pietro." He greets me back and I smile. "Let's go find out room and see if Tony was lying about one bed." Clint says and drags me for what seems like forced till we reach our room. I open the door and there was only one bed. "This sucks." I mumble and throw my suitcase into the room. "It won't be that bad," Clint says but I could tell he hates this too.

I close the door and flop onto the bed. "Who let Tony pick?" I ask and I soon get a response of, "himself." I sit up a little and see Clint shirtless. "NOPE!" I practically yell and flop back down. I cover my eyes but my hands are soon removed and I start whispering to myself, "I'm an adult, I can handle this." Because I am a responsible adult I take the blankets that I packed (in case of emergency) and lay them out on the floor. "Good night." I announce and just fall asleep... on the floor.

A/N: This one isn't too much Hawksilver, but I wanted to publish it anyways.

Words: 330

Quote: "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." -Iao Tzu

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