Kiyoteru part two

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Chapter twenty one:

I sat there laughing with Rin, Luka, and Gumi. We were cracking jokes on rack other.

"Hahahaha Miku, Im using that joke on Len." Rin laughed as she wiped a fake tear from her eye.

"Haha today was a good day." smiled Gumi.

"We should do this more often!" added Luka.

"We sure will." I said. Luka took out her phone and looked at the time.

"Its that really the time? Shoot, Im late. Bye!" Luka left us.

"She was in a hurry." Gumi raised an eyebrow.

"She could be going on a date with Gakupo." teased Rin.

"Rin, you are horrible sometimes." I gave her a devil look.

"I know!" She grinned evilly.

"Well it was fun hanging out with you guys, I got to go." Gumi waved bye.

"Bye!" Rin and I hollered at her.

"Wonder what she had to do?"

"Yeah. Gumi really doesn't plan stuff." Rin shrugged. Her phone went off. "Hello?" "Really Len?" You little shit, Im going to kill you!" She hung up. "That was Len, he set my food on fire. I got to go kill him now. Bye Miku!"

"Bye Rin!"

I watched her sprint across the 'park'. She was cursing Len's name. I laughed. Today I felt good, to hang out with the others today. We laughed so hard, I ft like I had no worries. It was the best.

"Looks like you didnt listen to me."

I turned around to face Kiyoteru. Shit, were alone. "Ah Kiyoteru-"

"Shut up. I dont want to hear your stupid excuses. I gave you a warning, and you didnt listen. Now I will make you pay." Kiyoteru hissed at me.


"You'll see.... " He walked away from me and slipped into a dark hallway. He had scared the shit out of me. Im trembling at his words. 'Now I will make you pay.' What does he mean. Im scared.

~time skipped~

"Miku your suck a fat ass!" Rin joked at me.

"How am I?"

"You finished your ice cream so fast!" Rin was still licking her ice cream, she kind of ate slow.

"Its because it was so good!" My eyes widen as I thought of the amazing ice cream. Rin giggled. Soon we were dying of laughter.

"Ah excuse me, but can I steal Miku for a few moments."

Rin and I faced Kiyoteru. I looked at Rin hoping she would say no.

"Sure, see you later Miku."

SHIT. I looked at Rin. 'You were my last hope!' I thought. I got up from where I was sitting and waved at Rin.

"So Kiyoteru, what are we doing." I said, Im shaking like a leave. He looked at me.

"I have to check your system."

"Really ok." I hope he was telling the truth. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Miss. Akita asked me to do it this time."

"Oh ok." I followed him and he lead me to a big room and pulled a sheet off a chair.

"Sit." Kiyoteru ordered me. I did what I was told. He placed a headset on me and connected wires. Then he turned on the machine and typed very fast on it. When he was done he pulled away from the machine and grinned. "Finally it's done."

"What's done?"

"Your going to disappear forever!" He laughed evilly.


"I programmed you to stop working. I lied about the whole Akita thing. Now all I do is leave you to disappear." He walked to the door.

"No please! Dont leave me here!" I pleaded. I tried to move my legs but they were frozen. "No no no no no!"

"Good bye Hatsune Miku." He shut the door.

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