Kiyoteru part one

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Chapter Twenty:

I have been really depressed lately. Dell has been in the infirmary, and Len has been avoiding me. I really dont know what to do.

I had pulled out my sketch book, and started to draw shapes and lines. Before O knew it, I had drawled a leek. Wow, how predicable for me to draw a leek. I started to flip to a new page when I felt a shadow loom over me. I looked behind me. A tall man, with short brown hair, and brown eyes, stood there looking at me. Standing up, I bowed.

"Hello. Im Hatsune Miku, its very nice to meet you."

He stared at me. "Im kiyoteru."

Kiyoteru had a different vibe from the other Vocaoloids. "Its nice to meet you Kiyoteru."

"I wish I could say the same." He frowned.

"Wha?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Listen Miku, I really hate your guts."

"Wait... why? I didnt do anything to you."

"You came to the Vocal tower, and everyone loves you and is always talking about you. Your the star to them. My Meiko was the star before you. She should still be the star. Not you." he hissed at me.

"Im sorry, I didnt mean -" I was cut off.

"Listen Hatsune. Just stay out of everyone's way and dont speak another word, and I won't hurt you." He whispered to me.

"What are you going to do if I dont?" I asked. I felt chills going down my spine.

"Ill make you disappear...." He said slowly to me. At that time. Everything froze. What does he mean he'll make me disappear? Does he mean kill me? Shut down my system as a Vocaloid? My questions ran wild in my head as I watched him leave me and walk up to a woman with short brown hair. She must be Meiko. Kiyoteru hugged and kissed her, and turned to smile at me, his smile gave me chills. I quickly grabbed my sketch book and ran back up to my dorm. I placed my book down on my night stand and grabbed my pillow and blanket, and I hide in the closet.

~time skipped~

The slamming of the door woke me up. Why am I in the closet? Oh yeah, that's right, I came in here to hide from the world. I heard Haku curse and Dell swear. Wait Dell is back? I crawled out of the closet.

"Miku why the hell were you in there?" Haku asked.

"Ah I was taking a nap in there."

"Why?" Dell asked.

"Because its one of my favorite places to nap." I lied. Well I didnt completely lie, I just didnt want to tell them what Kiyoteru said. "So Dell, your all better?"


"No, hes not. He is only allowed to stay here, if he moves he'll hurt himself." Haku gave Dell the evil eye. I giggled.

"Haku is it ok if I stay here tomorrow?" I asked.

Haku glared at me. "Hell no! You have to go out and socialize."


"Your a teen, you can't waste your time in the dorm. Dell used to do that and now he only has one friend because of that."

"Bullshit! I have more now." Dell pouted.

Me and Haku laughed.

~time skipped~
For the next week Haku made me go out and have fun with the other Vocaloids. She wasnt exactly helping my issue right at the moment. Each moment I spend with the other Vocaloids, Kiyoteru was watching me. I fear that the worst is coming......

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