Years (part 1)

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A long imagine just for you guys!!
~britishxbabes xox

I wake up in the morning and yawn. I climb out of my bed with pretty pink covers, and I put on my slippers before going to my closet.

My outfit for the day is already hanging on the door, with my shoes on the floor. I put on my favorite shirt, the cute jean shorts, and my favorite shoes. My mum really put together a good outfit for my birthday.

I hop down the stairs after brushing my hair and my teeth. When I get to the bottom, I see my mum and smile.

"Happy birthday, Y/N," she says, showing me a small, wrapped box. "We have more presents for later, but I want you to open this one now."

"More presents?" I ask. I can't believe it. I can't wait to get home from school later.

I grab the present out of her hand and rip its wrapping paper. Inside, there's a small box. I unhook the lock on the box and open it up.

It's the necklace I'd been wanting for the longest time. I squeal and run to Mum.

"Thank you, Mum! I love it!" I hug her as tightly as I can.

She helps me put it on and tells me to have breakfast.

I quickly eat my Fruit Loops so I'm not late for the bus. I get done and grab my backpack. I step outside, and I make my way to the bus stop.

It's a long walk down the road, and I think of what my day at school might be. When I can finally see the stop, I adjust my backpack strap and sigh.

There's already someone there. It's him.

He's two years older than me, and he's very cute. He has bright green eyes and curly, light-brown hair.

I step up behind him and act like I'm not there.

But he always notices. And he always turns around and smiles.

"Happy birthday, Y/N," Harry tells me. "So you're ten now?"

I nod silently while my cheeks heat up.

Before I know it, he's standing directly in front of me. "Is this a new necklace?" He questions, picking the charm up and holding it in his hand.

"Mhm," I hum, looking up at him. He makes eye contact with me and smiles, his dimples popping out. This makes me smile.

"Well," Harry says, putting down my necklace after inspecting it. "I got you something."

I look at him weirdly. "What? Why?"

He kisses my cheek and pulls out a box. When he opens the box, I laugh.

"A ring?" I giggle.

"Of course," he chuckles. "I'll buy you a nicer one when we're older, but this will have to do for now."

I stare at him with my mouth wide open. "What—"

"It's for when you're my wife in what, eight years?" Unexpectedly, he surrounds me with a hug and holds me there.

His hand pushes up my chin and I look at him. Harry places a quick peck on my lips and I blink.

I never expected this.

He holds my hand as we get on the bus.

Four Years Later

I feel a hand on my shoulder and my body shaking. I groan loudly before pulling my sheets over my head.

"Y/N," my mum says. "Come on, you've got school. You're going to be late."

"I don't wanna go," I yawn and close my eyes to sleep again.

Mum sighs. "You can't miss school on your birthday."

I come up above the covers and look at her skeptically. "My birthday is the perfect day to miss school."

She gives me a scolding look. "Not when there's a cute boy downstairs who's waiting to drive you to school," she whispers.

I quickly push off my covers and stand up. "Oh my god."

I run to my closet and pull it open as fast as I can. I rummage through my clothes, but I can't find anything to wear.

"Mum, what do I wear?" She walks over and looks for a few seconds. Then she pulls out a gray dress with ruffles.

"This one's cute on you," she tells me with a smile. I thank her and quickly put it on.

I brush my hair and my teeth, but my hair won't cooperate.

"Mum?" I call, and she's almost instantly in my bathroom.


"Could you maybe do something with my hair?" I ask, and she nods, immediately getting to work.

Mum puts my hair into a quick but cute messy bun. I then apply some quick makeup and rush back to my closet.

I pick up my gray shoes and put them on before heading downstairs. I walk into the kitchen without seeing anyone. I pour myself a bowl of birthday Fruit Loops and down it in a few minutes.

I can hear my dad talking in the living room, so I walk out there. Harry stands immediately when he notices me. My dad also stands, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Happy birthday, baby girl," Dad says and comes to give me a hug. I hug him and he gives me a kiss on the head. "Have a good day at school."

He walks away to leave for work, and I turn to Harry.

"Hey," he greets, a smile taking over his face. "Happy birthday."

Harry gives me a hug and doesn't let go for a while. I put my head onto his chest and smile.

When he finally pulls away, he grabs my hand. "We'd better get going."

He walks me towards the door, and he shouts a goodbye to my mother. Then, Harry walks me to his car and opens the door for me. I thank him and he closes it after I get in.

Harry walks around the front of the car to get in. I smile at him, still wondering how I was lucky enough to get him as my best friend.

The car door opens and Harry sits down in his seat. He looks at me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

He laughs. "I love your birthday."

With a confused look on my face, I laugh. "What do you mean?"

"You're always so happy on your birthday. So beautiful," Harry smirks. "It drives me crazy."

"Oh, well I—"

"Don't worry," he winks. "We only have four more years."

And with that, Harry pulls out a small box. I look at his face.

"Harry," I scold, but he shakes his head.

"This one is nicer," Harry tells me. "I know it isn't the best, but I'll get you a really good one soon. I'm just so excited."

Sometimes it's hard to imagine he's telling the truth when he talks about marrying me. But when he looks at me, it shakes me, and tells me he's not lying.

Four Years Later

I'm eighteen now. Finally an adult. I can finally make my own decisions, live on my own, and do the things I want. With only a few months left of school, I've been deciding what I will do with my life.

I've been looking at colleges, trying to decide which one will suit me. I've been preparing to live all by myself and start a new portion of my life.

This is no special birthday. Eighteen means nothing except lonely to me. I wake up at 10:47 in the morning, my mother not bothering to wake me. I throw on some sweatpants and a plain shirt. When I walk down the stairs, I find that my house is empty.

My best friend texts me to invite me out for coffee, and I agree to go. I have a little bowl Fruit Loops and go back upstairs to brush my hair and teeth.

I hear a honk outside my house, and I make my way to the door. When I step outside, I run to the car to avoid the rain.

My hand opens the car's door and I hop inside. I let out a sigh and look at the driver.

"Happy birthday, Y/N," Cara says. "You ready?"

I nod and she smiles, turning the radio loud to some cheesy pop music and driving us to the coffee shop.

When we pull into the driveway, I see a certain someone's car and I look at Cara.

"You didn't," I say, shooting her a glare.

She smiles sheepishly. "C'mon, it's your birthday!"

I hop out of the car, slowly walking inside. Cara rushes me along, basically pushing me through the door.

Before I know it, I'm engulfed in a warm hug.

"Happy birthday, babe," my boyfriend tells me. I look up at him to see his pretty blue eyes.

"Thanks, Tyler," I say, plastering a smile onto my face.

Cara orders my coffee while Tyler stays with me. He holds my hands and places kisses on my face. I roll my eyes when he's looking away. This is exactly what I didn't want for my birthday.

Before Cara comes back, Tyler pulls out a box. It makes me feel nauseous seeing it.

"I got you something," he says, opening it up to reveal a... a necklace. I sigh in relief.

"It's beautiful," I say as he begins to put it on. "Thank you."

"Anything for you," he smiles. I look away, wanting this to end.

Cara brings us our coffee, and she sets them down in front of us. She looks at me with a smile right before her phone gets a notification.

I watch as she rapidly types on her phone, her brows furrowed. And then Tyler wants my attention again, so I look at him.

"So I was wondering—" he begins.

"Hey, uh, Y/N?" Cara looks at me, my attention immediately shifting to her.

"What is it?"

She brings her phone into my sight. "Uh..." she looks at me again. "Harry wants to FaceTime you."

I look at her phone and, surely enough, he's calling.

Tyler huffs and grabs her phone.

He answers the call, and I hear Harry greet who he thought was me. Tyler shuts him up with a growl.

"Don't call this number ever again," he threatens. "Don't even think about trying to contact Y/N again, or else I promise I will find you."

I look at Tyler in confusion as he hangs up.

"Wasn't that a little harsh?" I laugh nervously.

"Well I blocked him for a reason," he mutters. My eyes immediately widen and I stand up.

"You blocked him?" I ask incredulously.

Tyler nods as if it's an obvious thing. "I didn't want you talking to him anymore. He wants to steal you from me."

I shoot a glare at him. "He's my best friend!"

"It doesn't mat—"

"All this time I thought he was ignoring me! I even cried about it! And you knew all along?" I yell at him and everyone in the shop looks at me. Tears stain my cheeks. "I don't care how jealous your sorry ass feels! You can't just choose my friends! I can't believe you right n—"

"Chill out," Tyler says. "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't know it was such a big deal."

"No, Tyler. You're not sorry."

I start towards the door.

"Babe, come on—"

"Don't call me babe," I say, glaring at him. "In fact, don't call me at all. Don't come to my house, don't text me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me! I'm done with you!"

I run out of the shop and call an Uber to take me home.

While I'm at it, I unblock Harry's number. Immediately, I call him, but I get no response. I sigh just as the Uber pulls up. I pretend to smile as I get in.

Before I know it, I'm home again.

I call Harry again, desperate for him to answer. It surprises me that he does answer.

"Who is this?" I sigh in relief. It is truly amazing to hear his voice. "Y/N?"

"Harry," I breathe out, and I plop down on the couch.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asks frantically. "Do I need to come and g—"

"No, I'm fine," I say. "You have college tomorrow."

"And you have school tomorrow," he sighs. "I have college every day, nobody will miss me."

"Really, Harry," I tell him. "I'm okay."

"Why haven't you been answering me?" Harry asks, though his tone is not controlling. I can tell he's worried.

"Well Tyler blocked you on my phone and I thought you had been ignoring me, I don't know. It's just all been crazy and I broke up with Tyler today and—"

"Whoa," he interrupts my rant. "So you were dating Tyler?"

I can hear some disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah," I admit. "And I regret every moment of it."

Silence fills the line, and I only hear Harry's breathing.

"Harry?" I ask, not wanting to stop talking to him. I hadn't realized how much I miss him.

"Y/N, I've got to go," Harry tells me quietly. "I've got a paper due tomorrow that I haven't even started and—"

"Harry, can we just talk for a little longer? Please?"

"Goodbye, Y/N," he says, and the line goes dead.

This could possibly be the worst birthday of my life.

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