Perfect (a SoarinDash love story)

Perfect (a SoarinDash love story)

61,626 1,663 41

"Me? I'm just an ordinary girl. What do you see in me, Soarin?""You? You're not at all ordinary. You are extraordinary. Just perfect for me.""Really?""Yes."No one had ever said that to me before. He was the first.(Highest ranking so far: 1st in mlpshipping)…

Step Siblings

Step Siblings

188 29 11

?? - U are just like others ?? - Belive me That is not me ?? - Stop this drama?? - YES, It's only for bet ?? - I HAATE YOU ALL *Shouts*?? - We are sorry, pls forgive us In a world where destiny often seems to play tricks on us, meet two seemingly eternal foes, whose lives are intertwined in an intricate dance of friendship and rivalry.Now, they're grown, with their lives taking very different paths.Their lives are worlds apart, but fate has other plans. A twist of events reunites them, and sparks fly once again. The same old arguments, the same old stubbornness, yet an unspoken understanding lingers beneath their heated exchanges…

Special Brownie


3 0 1

still cnfuse…

Bloody Knuckles | Robin Arellano x Female reader
Kualitas Terbaik Molase Tetes Tebu|6282130040233

Kualitas Terbaik Molase Tetes Tebu|6282130040233

1 0 1

Kualitas Terbaik Molase Tetes Tebu - Pengalaman Kuliner Prima dengan Kelezatan Asli Produk kami memastikan standar kualitas tertinggi dengan rasa manis alami dan nutrisi tinggi seperti zat besi dan kalsium. Dalam setiap tetesnya, Molase Tetes Tebu memberikan kelezatan istimewa untuk menyempurnakan hidangan Anda. Diproses dengan cermat, produk ini memenuhi kaidah-kaidah kualitas tertinggi. Segera rasakan cita rasa premium dan manfaat kesehatan dalam setiap sajian Anda. Pesan sekarang untuk menghadirkan sentuhan kualitas terbaik dalam pengalaman memasak Anda. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk menjadikan hidangan Anda lebih istimewa dengan Molase Tetes Tebu Kualitas Terbaik.MolaseTetesteTebu,RasaManisAlami,KulinerSehat,DiskonMolase,PromoKuliner,GrosirMolase,MolasePremium,KelezatanBerkualitas,ManisKesehatan,ResepMolase#MolaseTetesteTebu#RasaManisAlami#KulinerSehat#DiskonMolase#PromoKuliner#GrosirMolase#MolasePremium#KelezatanBerkualitas#ManisKesehatan#ResepMolase…