Beta: Cloudy
Shout out to JuneToons for a cute fanart of Rosie!
Originally, I planned to explore the Chamber of Secrets in my seventh year after N.E.W.T.s.
The fact that Tom hadn't even found the spare chambers Salazar Slytherin hid during his tenure at Hogwarts meant they were incredibly well hidden, and given Salazar's penchant for the Dark Arts and... you know, the fact that he put a basilisk in a school meant the hidden rooms were likely dangerous.
I wanted to be as well prepared as I could before tackling the Chamber of Secrets.
But now that Tom and I were planning on jumping back in time, that meant I had to readjust.
"My, my," said Dumbledore as he looked around the Chambers of Secrets.
Right behind him was Hagrid, who was nervously wringing his hands.
That's right.
I taught them how to open the Chamber.
"Pretty impressive, right?" I asked.
"Very much," he said, observing some architecture.
"Think you'll be able to find a curse-breaker team to raid it?" I asked, idly twirling one of my curls.
"I believe curse-breakers across the world would jump at the opportunity to explore the Chambers over the summer," said Dumbledore.
"Excellent. All I ask is a detailed report of all of their findings. I don't care about keeping any of it, I just want to know what they found and how they found it," I said with a smile.
After all, why should I take that risk when I could let a bunch of complete strangers do it, then when Tom and I jumped back in time we could reap the benefits?
Showing off the Chambers wasn't the only reason I had brought Dumbledore and Hagrid along.
I actually wanted to introduce them to the basilisk, and try to have the basilisk become part of the seventh years' curriculum. It was something I had recently brought up with the basilisk when I visited the snake last week. It was quite the conversation.
The old basilisk kept blending Old English, Latin, and modern English. I was decent at Latin, but not fluent enough to easily keep up with him.
It was a long conversation on top of it all, nearly all night.
Salazar imprinted upon him one purpose—to protect Hogwarts. He was previously under the impression that it needed protecting from Muggle-borns and Muggles, and it took a lot of explaining to dissuade that impression.
From that point, it was time to decide what to do with him now. He wanted to remain in Hogwarts since that was his home, and I agreed with him.
But, I didn't want him to be alone down here.
I asked him if he'd be okay becoming part of Hogwarts' curriculum—a creature to be introduced for seventh year students in Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts. It seemed like a win-win scenario. I wouldn't be able to take him with me after I graduated anymore, and basilisks were talked about in sixth and seventh year classes. Also, you know, he deserved a proper home.
That was why I brought Hagrid along.
"Come out on, dear one," I hissed out to the statue.
The basilisk slithered out, his eyes shut tight. He inhaled deeply, sniffing at Dumbledore, then at Hagrid.
"This," I said, moving closer to Dumbledore, "is the Headmaster."
"Headmaster," repeated the basilisk. "Magister?"
With a smile, I confirmed, "Yes. And this—" I stepped next to Hagrid." —is the Groundskeeper and professor of Care for Magical Creatures."
"Professor," echoed the snake. "Half-giant?"
"Yes," I said, then nudged Hagrid.
Hagrid stepped forward, a big grin on his face as he eagerly stretched out a hand for the basilisk to smell. "'Ello. Rosie said yeh can understand?"
The basilisk let out a long hiss then moved his head up and down.
"Bloody brilliant," breathed Hagrid, petting the basilisk's nose. "Beautiful."
"He doesn't have a name yet," I said. "But I was thinking about maybe Basileus?"
Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "The Greek word for king?"
"Sounds like a wonderful name," said Dumbledore.
"Basileus," said Hagrid firmly. "Good name. I 'ope teh get 'long with yeh, Basileus."
Basileus let out a long hiss,"Thank you."
"He said thanks. Um... he'll know to close his eyes when he smells you or Dumbledore now," I said, gently patting his snout. "Thanks, Hagrid."
Hagrid patted the basilisk's snout, a soft smile on his face. "'Appy to 'elp. Basilisks are seriously misun'erstood creatures, yeah?"
"Yeah," I agreed, looking over at Dumbledore. "I'll pass along some extra funds to build a tunnel from the Chambers to Hagrid's menagerie over the summer."
"Many thanks," said Dumbledore, blue eyes twinkling.
So much to do in what felt like too little time.
In between classes, studying, and socializing, I had to prepare for my inevitable departure.
I had made a lot of reforms in the government, but I had to admit I was nervous about what it would become without my guidance. I wanted to make sure I had as many laws in place to protect my fluffies, the future of Muggle-borns, and House Elves. Using my connection to Rita, I found several talented writers, and I paid them generously to begin writing positive propaganda regarding the worgens. Over the summer they would be sent to the village where Odette and her wife would provide them with all the information they needed.
Their works would be released over several years, each coinciding with an article written by Rita and published to the Daily Prophet. We'd pump the media with so much positivity regarding my worgens the masses would be swayed to their direction for years to come.
Coupling that with Berit's inevitable entry into the Wizengamot, I felt more comfortable about my village's chance for the future.
I had to work on my will as well—since I would have to be declared dead. The profits I had originally been reaping from the village's botany and potions business would be entirely redirected back into the village. Profits obtained from my side business in potions for vampires with Anyo would be directed to Hogwarts. The stocks I had purchased in the Muggle world would be given over to Hermione so she could continue to fund research regarding freeing the House Elves. I hoped we'd find a cure for them before I left, but I had to acknowledge there was the possibility that may not happen, and so I wanted to make sure Hermione could.
Harry already had stocks in his name that I purchased for him years ago, so I left details explaining how he could find them. Sil also knew about all the stocks, so she could explain anything I didn't forget to Harry.
Sil... I was going to have to bind her to someone else. Kreacher was still bound to Sirius, so my departure wouldn't kill him. I'm sure he would miss me—as I would miss him—but I couldn't take him with me.
It was already going to be one hell of a complex ritual. It would be best to avoid adding complications.
Iris would likely have to be summoned after the fact. As she was my familiar, our bond should theoretically be upheld through time travel. I'd have an easier time summoning her to me, than I would getting her to survive the initial ritual with me and Tom.
Whatever money I actually had left when Tom and I departed, I willed to be split between Fenrir and Harry.
Although Harry wouldn't need any of it since he'd solely inherit the Potter fortune now. On top of likely inheriting the Black fortune when Sirius passed away.
But he was my twin, and I just wanted to make triple sure he'd be taken care of.
Fenrir was making a decent living in the village. I paid him pretty well to manage it, after all, but he was getting closer to retirement. I suspected the worgens would have an extended life in comparison to wizards—there were a lot of vitality ingredients used—but Fenrir's body had already taken a significant beating before his transition. He had a rough life and his body was paying the price for it.
He'd need to start slowing down within the next decade. I wanted to make sure he'd be comfortable doing so, and have enough to cover any unpredictable medical expenses that came with old age.
I let out a long sigh.
"That was a heavy sigh," commented Harry.
The two of us were heading into Hogsmeade together. My babeh snakes left earlier that morning, but I had some letters I had to send out before I could leave. Harry, as captain of the Quidditch team, had to set up reservations for the pitch and so he also wasn't able to leave with his friends in the morning.
The two of us coincidentally ran into each other on our way down.
"So much to do," I said. "So little time."
Harry grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Anything I can do to help?" he asked.
"Being an amazingly supportive brother is already plenty," I assured him with a smile, which he returned.
Harry asked, "Do you want to get some butterbeer with me?"
"Sure, but it'll have to wait until lunch," I said. "I need to hit up the apothecary."
"You can't mail order?"
"I need whispersoce," I explained. "Too volatile to mail. Professor Snape's out, too, so I'm getting some for both of us."
Harry's face reflexively scrunched up at the mention of his least favorite professor. "What's he need it for? He doesn't teach potions."
"Just because he doesn't teach it doesn't mean he's stopped doing it."
Harry sighed. "I suppose even a cranky bully like him has hobbies."
I leaned into Harry briefly as we walked. "Aww. I'm sorry he's been so mean to you."
"It's been better," admitted Harry. "I don't know why someone like him is teaching though."
"I suspect he'll celebrate an immediate retirement as soon as a certain Dark Lord has been properly vanquished," I said brightly.
"For the sake of my future children I hope so."
"Ooo. Already thinking about your future kiddos?" I teased, nudging him.
Harry sent me a withering look. "You know what I meant."
"So will Daphne have kids from you and Draco or—?"
"What?" I innocently asked with a smug smile. "Do you want me to devise a ritual so she can carry twins from two different fathers?"
"Oh my gosh you're so red—"
I laughed, sprinting away when Harry tried to put me in a choke hold.
The apothecary in Hogsmeade was near the outskirts. It took me several minutes of briskly maneuvering through the heavy crowds to finally even see the building.
I loved Hogsmeade, but I much preferred to visit it with fewer crowds.
Certainly a lot of people out this weekend, I thought, ducking through the alleyways to enter a less traversed street.
Thankfully, the crowds thinned out the further away I moved from the main shopping area. The apothecary was a lone shop amongst houses of elderly witches and wizards which meant I got to enjoy an empty road for a bit.
I gave myself a small half-smile when I finally reached the apothecary. I should treat myself after this. Butterbeer with snickerdoodles? Ooo it's been so long since I've had cookies...
As I was reaching for the door knob—
Explosions rocked my world, the resounding boom shaking the ground so violently I nearly fell down. I caught myself on the door, whipping my head around to stare with wide eyes at the massive pillar of flames that stretched into the sky.
Tornadoes of flame and debris erupted further into Hogsmeade, screams pierced the air as Dark Marks shot up all around.
"Oh," I breathed out loud, turning on my heel and ducking into an alleyway. "Kreacher! Sil!"
Both of my House Elves immediately appeared. I dove behind some crates, hiding as I hurriedly whispered, "Kreacher, get to Hogwarts and tell all the professors that the Death Eaters are raiding Hogsmeade. Sil, go to the village and tell Tom and Fenrir. Follow their instructions."
At once, they disappeared again, and I let out a long breath as screams filled the air.
Shivers ran down my arms, the telltale sign of—
I glanced up at the gray skies, astonished to find it was dotted with dementors.
Hundreds of dementors.
It was then that I knew that the death toll would be unavoidable.
There were Aurors stationed at Hogsmeade—and surely many more would show up in the next half hour—but in comparison to the population of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts students attending Hogsmeade?
If the dementors did not devour the soul, the Death Eaters would murder them. It wasn't a matter of how skillful the Aurors were—it was a matter of simple math.
Not enough would show up to save everyone.
Frankly, in the time it took me to dive into the alleyway and call for my House Elves, I would not be surprised if others had already perished. More explosions made me quiver as screams crescendoed shrilly into the air before being abruptly cut off. The smell of smoke filled my lungs, along with the familiar metallic tang of blood.
Priority one: find Harry, I thought to myself.
Perhaps if there weren't so many dementors I would have felt nervous, or anxious. But their overwhelming presence made it impossible to feel anything other than cool, detached, tranquility.
I did not dare cast the Patronus. Not only would it prevent me from quickly casting other spells, it'd be a dead giveaway to my position. As someone fortunate enough to not be debilitated by dementors, I was in a unique position to move without the Patronus.
I was tempted to call out to Kreacher and ask him about Harry, but I refrained.
House Elves could only Apparate so many times a day, and the greater the distance they had to travel, the more taxing it would be. Kreacher and Sil would likely be exhausted after my initial orders. Dobby was not bound to me, and so I could not call him.
I had to trust in Harry's ability to fend for himself until I could get to him.
I cast as many silencing spells as I could on myself, followed by disillusionment charms, and notice-me-not. I was ashamed I had not thought to bring my Deathly Hollow-grade invisibility cloak, but my expertise as a thief had instilled in me the capability of casting powerful stealth charms. I would not be noticed unless I did something to directly call attention to me—such as loudly speaking, or touching them.
Dementors were obviously immune to such tricks, but it did not matter. They could not feed on me, and by consequence, they would ignore me unless I called out to them.
Better prepared, I clamored up to the rooftops and surveyed my surroundings.
The screams came from all over as scores of bodies swarmed the streets. Buildings exploded, smoke billowing out into the sky as dementors circled above with some randomly dive bombing onto unprotected civilians. Aurors worked in tangent teams, a few casting Patronuses while others worked on combating the enemy force.
It was not only Death Eaters and dementors attacking Hogsmeade. Acromantulas, quintapeds, and giants could be seen scattered about. I shivered as I saw an acromantula tackle a witch to the ground and tear into her face. That was gruesome, but seeing the one of the quintapeds devour another—
Horrible. I had seen death first hand—murdered in cold blood myself—but the sheer volume of grisly and brutal attacks was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. Blood soaked into the air, filling my nostrils as the screams of pure terror chilled me in a way the dementors never could.
I hopped from rooftop to rooftop—the buildings were grouped closely together so there wasn't much distance between them—and broke the necks of any Death Eater looking the other way.
Harry probably met up with his friends at the Three Broomsticks.
As I leapt from another rooftop, suddenly a powerful force pulled me down onto the ground. It happened so quickly, I did not have any time to react.
I stared down with wide eyes at the web that clung onto my abdomen, looking sharply up at the acromantula that had yanked me down. It skittered as it drew closer to me, and I immediately Accio'd its legs off its body. Its shrill shriek of pain had the other acromantulas surrounding me within seconds.
Right—they could probably still smell me. No spell to block that.
I shot off as many spells as I could, not pausing to think or consider my actions. I needed to get rid of them as quickly as possible before—
Another web rocketed too fast for me to defend and it slammed into my right hand. The force was enough to knock away my wand, and the sticky substance made it impossible for me to pull it off me.
A cold, nauseating stone dropped into my stomach as the spiders hurried to devour me then—
Searing cold pain gripped my sticky hand as I was yanked up into the air quickly.
I looked up at my savior, eyes wide. "Booboo!"
Booboo lifted me into his painfully cold arms, slowly disintegrating my cloak and clothes wherever he directly touched.
"Oh, Booboo thank you," I said.
Booboo cocked his head, a soft, rattling whisper carrying over the wind, "Friend."
I smiled adoringly. "Yes. We are friends."
"Birdie," said Booboo, carefully setting me down on another rooftop.
"GET AWAY!" snarled a deep voice as a giant fluffy worgen barreled in between Booboo and me. Fenrir's tail wrapped around me, yanking me to stand behind him as he snarled dangerously at Booboo.
"Fenrir, it's okay!" I soothed quickly. "This is Booboo, my friend."
Fenrir abruptly stopped growling to peer at me. "What?"
"Booboo say hi," I said, doing the spirit fingers.
Booboo showcased his spirit fingers for Fenrir.
"See? Friend," I said. "Fenrir, buddy! I'm so glad to see you."
"Glad yer okay," said Fenrir, straightening up and handing me a duffle bag. "Yer mate told meh teh give yeh this. I'll stay with yeh, Rosie. No one will hurt yeh."
"Aww," I said, stepping onto my tippy toes to kiss Fenrir's fluffy cheek. "Thanks buddy. Ah! Great, I've got clothes in here. Stand guard for me while I change."
"Yes ma'am."
"Booboo, block the other side," I said, quickly changing into clothes that weren't half-rotted due to being directly touched by a dementor. Loved Booboo and all, but dementors always froze and or rotted anything they touched which made hugging them rather tricky.
Worth it, though.
As soon as I was done changing, a giant magical red barrier shot up around Hogsmeade. It surprised me until I recognized what it was.
"Oh. Tom's barrier," I said.
Fenrir let out a long growl at seeing it, "What kind of barrier is that?"
I flippantly answered him, "Anti-apparition, anti-floo, anti-port key, anti flying runes—you know so brooms won't work."
Fenrir stared at me in abject disbelief that morphed into fury. He snarled, "So 'e trapped us in 'ere with the enemy?"
"No. He trapped them in with us."
Tom was enjoying a nice cuppa tea as he worked on the time travel ritual in his office. There had already been many proposed rituals in the past, some even devised by Merlin himself. Tom had procured as many notes on them as he could, quickly
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