Parshuram was lying on his grass bed while Bhargav was massaging the lotus feet of Bhagwaan Vishnu's sixth incarnation. Since past 10 years, Bhargav has been serving his Guru like so, without fail.
Most of his day was spent on training and practicing the lessons taught by Parshuram while the rest of the time he ensured the comfort of his Guru by doing his seva, with pure heart and dedicated mind.
Parshuram was happy with his student, his dedication to Guru, determination to learn and disciplined nature had only became better since he came. He was a very applaudable student.
"Putra, mere sandhya vandan ka samaye hone wala hai." Parshuram said sitting up.
"Awashya Gurudev. Mai aapke sandhyapujan hetu pushp le ata hu." Bhargav said standing up joining his hands.
Parshuram nodded with a smile as his student left his sight and went on to the forest with a basket to pluck flowers. The weather was pleasant with tender breeze blowing every now and then. It was the time of spring after all, calming to everyone, except Bhargav.
He always becomes extra restless during spring times, maybe because it was the season of love, and he seemed to miss someone dear to him, but who ? He didn't know that and it sometimes ate him up from inside.
While plucking the newly bloomed lush pink flowers, he got reminded of someone's soft ever smiling lips. But whose ? Someone definitely close to him, but who was he close to ? He didn't know. Most of his life was spent in loneliness.
Walking back to the cave of Parshuram, Bhargav stopped midway when his eyes were caught by the setting sun.
The golden sky reminded him of someone's divine skin, the dark mountains seemed like kajal of someone's big eyes while the clouds reminded him of someone's soft flowing hair.
"Hey Bhagwati !" He frustratedly walked away, not wanting to feel even more confused.
Everything around him was reminding him about a certain someone but he couldn't figure out who. And it made him feel as if he hadn't reached the purpose of his life which didn't want. He doesn't want to feel purposeless again.
On the other side, in the cold valleys of Shardapeeth sun had already set, but that didn't bother Rishi Yagyavalkya or Vidyashree who were completing the Brihadaranyak Upanishad.
The husband of the great scholar Maitreyi and Katyayani, kept reciting his knowledge whereas the princess of Sharda-desh kept noting it down in simple manner.
From the balcony of the palace, Gyaansagar and Brahmavani could see their determined daughter, so immersed in writing the text.
"Kabhi kabhi mujhe lagta hai ki, iss uttardayitwa ke karan maine apni putri ka bachpan kho diya...." Brahmavani said.
Ever since the day Vidyashree, undertook the task of creating Upanishads, no one ever saw her ideally sitting. She always had a paper, ink pot and quill in hand.
Instead of playing around with other kids, she spent time with great sages penning down their knowledge. It was as if she sacrificed her childhood, the most beautiful days of one's life, for this task.
"Samaj ke kalyan hetu, aise balidaan dene padte hai Maharani." Gyaansagar said keeping a hand over his wife's shoulder.
But that wasn't enough to convince a mother, Brahmavani desperately wanted to give Vidyashree the childhood she lost in the process of greater good.
*Coughs* Dwapar ka bhi base set kardiya *coughs*
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