Among the flow of gushing water, aroma of pine trees, the vibrancy of saffron, and the sound of mantras of Mahadev, pervaded the lush green valleys of Kashmirpur.
The mellow sceneries of the Sharda-desh is a proof to the fact that poetry is not always in pages or words, sometimes it is there in nature. It seems that this land is that beautiful poetry of Paramatma which he wrote while experiencing together the highest form of happiness and deepest sorrow.
Every other beauty simply vanishes or feels less when you once see how beautiful this land of Mata Saraswati is. But one beauty thrived in the mystic land.
Sitting on the shore of a crystal clear Lake, while gently being caressed by the cool breeze, Vidyashree free from all the miseries was writting a text. Since past many years, she combined knowledge of Vedas along with that of Shaashtraaths and lectures of several great sages, in texts called Upanishad.
First among these was Ish Upanishad, dealing with Aatma or self existent essence which is distinct from Ahankar, Chitta and Prakriti.
Then came Ken Upanishad which has a discussion about Parambrahma without attributes that is being Nirgun as well as with attributes meaning being Sagun.
Third among them was the Kath Upanishad, where she wrote a conversation that happened between Nachiketa and Yamraj, to discuss the nature of man, Aatma and Moksh.
Later came Prashnopnishad, which included 6 questions that she gathered from the Shaashtraaths and also their answers in each chapter.
The fifth among these were Mundak Upanishad, which discussed the syllable of Om as Parambrahma and presented 4 states of consciousness.
The came Taitriya Upanishad, which included prayers, instructions on phonetics and praxis, advice on ethics and morals for students, a treatise on allegory, and also philosophical instruction.
Next she wrote the Aitareya Upanishad with the held of Rishi Aitareya Mahidasa which had discussions of three themes, first that the world and man is the creation of the Atma. Second, that the Atma undergoes threefold birth and third, that Consciousness is the essence of Atma.
Then she wrote the Chandogya Upanishad, which told about the oneness of Aatma and emphasised the importance of speech, language, song and chants to one's quest for knowledge and salvation, to metaphysical premises and questions, as well as to rituals.
And finally she is writting the last one of them, the Brihadaranyak Upanishad which will deal with Aatma and Parambrahma. It includes a treatise on Aatma and influential passages on metaphysics.
"Kumari Vidyashree ?" A male voice called causing her to look up from her text with her big lotus eyes.
"Rishi Yagyavalkya ? Pranaam." She bowed to the revered sage and husband of great scholar Maitreyi and Katyayani with whose help she was writing the Brihadaranyak Upanishad.
He came and sat down in front of her, and together they both got engaged in completing the last of the Upanishad, with Yagyavalkya proposing his knowledge metaphysical world and Vidyashree attentively listening and writing it down in an easy manner so common people can understand.
On the other side in Mahendragiri parvat, Parshuram was watching Bhargav who swinging his sword and practicing.
In these 10 years he has become an excellent warrior, and couldn't he ? After all he was Yuddheshwar himself, just unaware of his reality.
And although he was named Bhargav, meaning the one who is well-versed in 4 types of fighting, with the grace of Parshuram, he had become a Saptyuddh, the one well versed in all 7 types of fighting.
The glow up of Vidya and Bhargav in 10 years like one wrote the 10 pricipal upanishads while the other became a Saptyuddh ๐ค
#SriSriSupremacy !
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