Family time

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Kim Jong kook POV

Kim Jong kook is now feeling supper happy. He is going to Ji hyo's apartment. Yesterday , he got a phone call from Ji hyo and she said to pick to her and ji Yoon  to go to park . He doesn't know if it the sign or not but for now he is happy . He pressed the bell ring of Ji hyo's apartment .

"Hi , Ji hyo yah" he greeted Ji hyo and he doesn't know what to say .

"Hi, come in " Ji Yoon is waiting for you . She said and I come in.

"Ji Yoon yah , how have you been , my baby? " He asked his daughter. Well, Ji Yoon hasn't known him as her father yet. Maybe one day, he will call tell his daughter the truth. He hope Ji hyo allow him to do that.

"I am good , samchom." Ji Yoon smile at him and how beautiful that smile is .

"Samchom, will you come to the park with us now?" His princess is really cute just like her mom.

"Of course, your mom invites me ,princess. " He replied it while looking at Ji hyo's direction. He need approvement . Ji hyo glances at him but she ignores it . Jong kook a little bit hurt by her ignore but dismiss it immediately.

"Let's go , Ji Yoon yah, Jong kook ssi" Ji hyo called them and they got out from Ji hyo's apartment. He doesn't know what is Ji hyo mind now but he surely enjoys this moment.

"I also have something to tell you Jong  kook ssi " ok , he is a little bit worried about it. What will she say? What if she said she already had a boyfriend (ok that is a little bit over ) but hell what she wants to say to him? Ok , Jong kook yah think positive and relax . He need motivation .

They arrived at the park and ji Yoon seem really happy. Of course , she is.

"Ji Yoon yah, don't run so fast . " His queen said to his princess . Wow , life is good. He also got out of the car and chased them. They have such a great time together. He wish this moment last forever. The three of them play together . Then , they say and ate the kimbad Ji hyo brought. Her cooking skill is still really amazing just like old time. She is really  a good wife and mom . When they are done , Ji Yoon got her playmates and went to play. He and ji hyo sat together and watched their daughter play.

"She is look like you ." He said to Ji hyo.

"Yah,  she act like you sometime." She said while looking at his eyes. He smiled at her .

"What you want to tell Ji hyo yah. "He asked him with uncertain tone.

"What about Suu? Can you find her?"

"No , Ji hyo yah  , I haven't got any information about her. " He sigh . He is trying his best but that Suu's information can't reach to him.

" Read this." Ji hyo gave him an envelope. He doesn't know what it is written but he opened it and read it.

"Ji.....hyo....yah , the letter is ...." S
He can't continue

"OMMA" they heard Ji yoon's shout and he and ji hyo run to her and unknown to them someone is watching them.

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