Back To Seoul

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Kim Jong kook POV
He is now his way back to Seoul because of his mom. His brother called him that his mom didn't feel very well and she wants him there. He is worried about Ji hyo and ji Yoon and his mom too. After reading that letter, the plot become complicated more. He can't find Suu although she knows all about him and ji hyo even Ji Yoon. Something isn't right. He said Ji hyo that he would come back as soon as he can. He command his men to look after Ji hyo and ji Yoon . 'ji hyo yah, wait for me , I will protect you.'

Song Ji hyo POV
Ji hyo is now washing the dishes . Jong kook went back to Seoul and she knows that he is worried sick of about her and ji Yoon but she said him that she will be fine. She convinces him . But something bothers her and she didn't know what is that something. Suddenly , her phone ring and she answered it. Ji Yoon is now watching  a cartoon.

"Hello" Ji hyo answer but there is no answer on the other line.

" Hello, who is this?" Ji hyo answer again but still no answer.
She is about to hand up the call then

"Long time no see, Ji hyo yah. " Someone answer the call and that sound is a little familiar to Ji hyo.

"I am sorry but who are you?" Ji hyo asked that person .

"You didn't remember me ,Ji hyo yah! Oh , it hurts me Ji hyo yah, my little sis. " Ji hyo thought a bit , my little sis these words are very familiar to her. That woman , Suu yes that's right, Suu always addressed her as my little sis.

"Suu" Ji hyo said uncertainly. Should she afraid or should she brave herself.

"Yes, How have you been?, My sweetie. You grew up really pretty and your daughter is just like you . " She said and ji hyo want to throw up after hearing her voice.

"What do you want?" Ji hyo asked strightly .

"Hold your horse, miss . You will know what I want when the time comes but for now goodbye." Then she hand up the phone . Ji hyo didn't get a chance to reply. What' s wrong with that woman ? What  does she want?

In Seoul, Kim Jong kook POV
Jong kook is now his way to home . He went straight to his mom's room as soon as he got home.

"Mom, are you okay?" He asked but to his suprised his mom  is talking to a beautiful lady but he didn't know who.

"Jong kook yah, come and greet Min Ra . "His mom called him and he went to them.

"Nice to meet you , Min Ra ssi . I am Kim Jong kook " Jong kook introduces himself

"Neh, nice to meet you too. I am Min Ra and I am Eun hye 's cousin , Eun hye is my little sis. "She said and smiled. For Jong kook that smile is really something. She is something.

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