Idea From: BloomingBlossom553 ✨
Y/n: *Just chilling on a tree branch*
Human Male: *Walking home but saw a tail* Huh? A tail? *Grabs it*
Y/n: ! Hey who pulled my damn tail?! 💢
Human Male: What the what?! *Backs away*
Y/n: *Jumps down* Oh so you're the one who pulled my tail..
Human Male: Oh wow
Y/n: Huh-
Human Male: I never seen such a pretty demon before
Y/n: What ಠ_ಠ💧
Human Male: single~
Y/n: Bitch- No
Human Male: Come on don't lie~ I know you're single cause no one wants to date a demon other than me~
Y/n: ಠ_ಠ💧
Human Male: Come on~ lets have a little fun shall we~
Y/n: Yea no I don't wanna get my claws dirty because of your fatass so shoo shoo 💧¬_¬ノ
Human Male: Don't be a bad kitten and lets have fun-
Karaku: My my..who do we have here..
Urogi: A pathetic human who's trying to steal whats ours..
Aizetsu: Cruel...and sad..
Human Male: *Turns around* and who the fuck are you guys-...
Sekido: So the pathetic human can talk back huh...guess we could knock some senses out of him 💢💢
Human Male: W-wait s-she's yours..??
Karaku: Ours heheh..
Human Male: U-uhh..g-guys it was just a joke heheh..come on-
Zohakuten: Shut it..*Orders his dragons to eat him* 💢💢
Human Male: ACK!!
Urogi: My Little Dove! Are you alright?!
Karaku: Did he touch you?!!
Y/n: No-
Urogi: Oh my poor Little Dove! Don't worry we'll protect you no matter what!
Karaku: Yea!
Y/n: These idiots 💢
Sekido: You jackasses get off of her 💢
Urogi and Karaku: Ok-
Sekido: Tsk..💢
Aizetsu: Are you alright Sweetheart..? Sorry that we didn't make it in time..
Y/n: No no its fine, I could handle him ya know?
Aizetsu: Yea..but we're just worried about you..
Y/n: *Sighs* I'm fine ok? Nothing happened to me
Aizetsu: If you say so..
Zohakuten: Come on lets go
Y/n: Where?
Zohakuten: Bedroom of course I'm fucking sleepy as fuck
Y/n: Could've just sleep without me-
Zohakuten: I have no one to cuddle so lets go
Urogi and Karaku: Same!
Aizetsu: Mhm..
Sekido: ...
Y/n: Ok fine -_-
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