Chapter 9

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"Z?" Mal asked but the girl shook her head. "She must have seen something in the future..." Mal pondered and she was lucky to snap out of her daze just to see a boomerang flying towards her. Ducking, Mal immediately had her stele out and she flung her stele-whip into the air, the electrum cable of her fully transformed whip coiling around the boomerang. Jerking her whip back with a simple inward flick of her wrist, Mal broke the boomerang, severing it neatly into symmetrical halves before flinging the pieces away into the sea.

But, foxes were sly, and so was F. Hence, she took Mal by surprise when something whizzed past Mal's ear, nicking it at the end slightly. Touching her wounded ear, Mal healed it as her whip now morphed into a fiery claymore. She grabbed the burning shield that came with, and she deflected away blows as she fought with the great flame blade. One burn, two scorches, F screamed as the flame came into contact with her blood, creating searing hot wounds on her. Seeing as how her host was failing, Audrey's aura fled, leaving F every man for himself, or rather every fox for itself.

As Audrey escaped, Mal delivered a cleansing blow to F, one that separated the corrupted magical F from the mean head prefect F in the human realm then killed the magical F. As F's body crashed down into ash, a corporeal F floated and disappeared. Whipping around, the claymore changed back into a whip, or more specifically, a flame whip.

'Crack!' Mal carved a line into H's back, forcing H down to her knees. Spinning around, H grabbed the whip, despite the instantly forming blisters, and jerked Mal towards her. Driving the heel of her combat boot into H, Mal turned with her back facing H and saw Z struggling with Maleficent, avoiding getting hurt while trying not to harm the under-possession-and-so-called-innocent Maleficent.

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