Suddenly, Maleficent used her scepter to sweep Z's legs from below. Tumbling to the ground, with her wings and the sand to soften the impact, Z rolled away and with a sudden burst of strength she lifted a heavy scrap of metal and rammed its broad side into Maleficent, rendering Maleficent unconscious. However, Z paid her price. Z was bleeding heavily from her side, from a piece of debris that was lodged deeply and near her ribcage. Looking up, Z saw Mal smiling at her, but behind Mal was H, standing not far away, with a throwing knife in aim.
In her mind's eye she saw what would happen, Mal dying in front of her own eyes. Mal, with her thick purple locks that whipped around wildly, with the glinting green eyes they both shared, with her wicked sense of humour and everything that made her Mal. Z could not bear to lose Mal, and though she knew Mal might not be able to bear what she was about to do either, Z had made up her choice and there would be no turning back. Not at all.
"No." The word slipped off Z's tongue in a whisper, no longer keeping it captive as she linked her mind to Mal's. All of a sudden, Mal felt a small stabbing pain as she looked down to see a pink-glowing blade protruding from her heart. Opening her mouth to say something, Mal didn't manage to say anything, for almost instantly everything warped in white mist, and Mal found herself standing where Z had been at first and Z......Z was standing at where she had been at first.
Blinking in confusion, it was a second before something clicked in Mal's brain. Z had shown her the future and Z had also altered it, meaning......that since Z saw Mal getting stabbed in that place, whoever were to swap with Mal would get stabbed instead. Finally understanding what Z had done, Mal sprinted towards Z while phasing here and there. But it was too late. As soon as Z had spread out her wings, the knife had hit her in the chest, where her heart stood, beating.
Scarlet liquid bloomed on Z's shirt, staining it red with blood. Wavering on her feet unsteadily, the moment Mal reached her side, Z collapsed into Mal's arms, lying on the beach. Blood began to trickle down the side of her mouth, and from the soft gurgling sound from Z's chest it was obvious Z was trying her best to prevent her blood from splattering. Grimacing, Z shifted Mal's hand away from her wound and with a twitch of her fingers, she cast the strongest stasis spell she could muster with her draining magic.
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